How there is not a thread about this already, I do not know.
Not only is this mod something to go and fucking get right this second, it has brought ARMA2, a how many year old game now, to the TOP of the Steam sales. Yes. Most Sold!

A 225 km2 open world post-soviet state and one of the areas hit by a new and presently unknown infection which has wiped out most of the world's population. You are one of the few who have survived and now you must search this new wasteland in order to fight for your life against what is left of the indigenous population, now infected with the disease.
Go Solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever means you stumble upon to survive.
I have yet to play the game, as I'm head high in assignments as uni comes to an end, but oh shit have I been following it, and just listening into some of my clan mates in teamspeak get so immersed into the gameplay is something I just havn't witnessed before in such depth.
I was talking to a mate at uni who plays it, and he mentioned how there was a medical center setup in one of the major cities, providing aid to survivors. Then suddenly 2 repaired HUMVIES rock up with bandits hanging onto the sides, a 10v10 war erupts then and there, resulting in huge death and loot being captured by the allied bandits.
Also it appears that the whole game runs off a master database. No matter what server you join, you have the same shit and have the same layout as whatever server you just left.
Website: http://dayzmod.com/index.php
Last edited by tazz. (2012-05-22 07:54:40)
everything i write is a ramble and should not be taken seriously.... seriously. ♥