+28|6892|Germany, Berlin

so, as the title says, i want to talk about why the changes in time requirements are justified. i understand that people who have put a lot of effort and time into this game might disagree with me, but i have my reasons for saying so.

i love this game just as much as any player, whether they are good or bad, and have paid 48 euros to enjoy everything that all the other players enjoy, such as being rewarded for good work. however, due to me being a very social person that loves to go out with friends and do other things besides playing bf2, i would have never been able to get some of the medals if it wasn't for the lowering of time requirements.

don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that all the players who play like 10 hours a day are mindless, no friends and no life kind of people, no, the opposite is the case. i have respect for people really trying to become one of the top players or to specialize with a certain kit.

however, just because i don't have as much time as other players does not justify me having to wait for 500 years to receive a certain medal or rank. also, just because a lot of people now will receive the infantry combat medal (i did so this morning) and other rewards does not mean that they are all of a sudden better players. as far as i am concerned, no medal or rank is a true image of the players ability. i mean, u can get the expert sniper badge sitting in a helicopter base rapping the shit out of the other team...

i hop i didn't offend any of the hardcore bf2s players, but instead trying to help to understand why the lowering of time requirements is justified.


+305|6750|Cheshire. UK
Well said. I work a full day and have to keep the wife and kids happy in the evening so an hour here and there is all I get.  with lowering the requirments it gives me something to aim for ....that is achieveable in fair amout of time..

good argument...totally agree
+28|6892|Germany, Berlin
thx joker3327
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6827|Canberra, AUS
So in a nutshell:

EA should cater for the average gamer who *might* get in one hour a day. Not for the 19-year olds who play 6, 7, 8 hours a day.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+28|6892|Germany, Berlin

Spark wrote:

So in a nutshell:

EA should cater for the average gamer who *might* get in one hour a day. Not for the 19-year ODs who play 6, 7, 8 hours a day.
I'm 18 and i dont play 9 hours a day (not saying that doing so is bad or anything) its just that a lot of people have other responsibilities than playing bf2. so, EA should try to find a middle way, and i believe that the time requirements right now are very good, for both parties.


Last edited by [S.P.S]1on1killa (2006-05-24 03:38:19)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6827|Canberra, AUS
Um.... I never said 19-year old ODs - you must've added that in. I'm just saying they shouldn't try to cater for the people who spend all day gaming - they aren't your 'average user'.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6732|Melbourne, Australia.
Change the time requirements is fine, but.
Why did the lower all experts needed to get general, down to all veterans? What is the point of even having expert badges, if they only count towards 1 medal and nothing else?
I say they should have atleast all expert kit badges to get general, because now every man and his dog can basically go through bf2 playing only 1 kit, and every now and then here and there playing a different one.
All expert kit badges show that you are very experienced with every kit, veteran only shows that you have some experience. I mean, 15 hours in bf2 flys by very quickly, general is nothing now.
Δ > x > ¥

-[Silver.Inc* wrote:

Change the time requirements is fine, but.
Why did the lower all experts needed to get general, down to all veterans? What is the point of even having expert badges, if they only count towards 1 medal and nothing else?
I say they should have atleast all expert kit badges to get general, because now every man and his dog can basically go through bf2 playing only 1 kit, and every now and then here and there playing a different one.
All expert kit badges show that you are very experienced with every kit, veteran only shows that you have some experience. I mean, 15 hours in bf2 flys by very quickly, general is nothing now.
ROFL!  Are you taking the piss?

Badges are badges, man.  A few months ago (when the general ranks didn't exist) having all the expert badges meant nothing but you'd qualify for another badge.  Now we're back to the same thing again.  Who cares?  I certainly don't.
Re-Incarnation. You mean re-spawn right?
+44|6797|Cardiff - Wales - UK
EA are trying to wind down BF2 so people will buy BF2142.

Once you have all the medals/awards/unlocks you'll probably lose interest and start looking elsewhere.

EA want you to buy BF2142 with all its new badges and features don't they....
mad scotsman

Stomper_40k wrote:

EA are trying to wind down BF2 so people will buy BF2142.

Once you have all the medals/awards/unlocks you'll probably lose interest and start looking elsewhere.

EA want you to buy BF2142 with all its new badges and features don't they....
youve hit the nail on the head there , thats what they are doing,,,if they wanted to cater for the people that only play an hour a day they would have added extra medals with low requirements not reduce the ones that people that play lots are close to getting anyway.
Hi you guys.

First of all, nice post. +1 when I'm done writing this.
You are absolutly right, I (sadly) don't have much time to enjoy bf2 either. I have been playing almost from release, but haven't gotten much time under my belt (you can look at my stats if you want). Making the requirements lower for awards have also made them accessable for me, so this is great I guess :-)

But some of the requirement might be too low I i figure. We want more awards (their great :-) ). They should make many awards that weren't so hard to get (for the casual player to strive for), and then gradually increase their difficulty (like they have with basic-veteran-expert), and then end up with some pretty hardcore, for the hardcore games. Thus satisfying as many people who play as possible.

I guess many people just always wants to hunt for awards. So make it so that you don't feel like "I have gotten all the easy awards, but there is no way I could ever get hold of the next awards, it's requires too much". Make a fluent transition.
RPK-74 Whore
I guess it was needed because the 60h in ground defense and all that horrible LONG hours (4500 hours for some specops medals) were ridiculous. Sucks that they changed the knife badge but not the pistol though.
+28|6892|Germany, Berlin
thx for your thoughts on this guys...hope they fix this issue of medals for casual and hardcore gamers in BF2142!

Cursed You
+1 for ya.

I agree with the time changes being justified.  If they werent, we'd just hear more banter about people "time padding" while commander in a tank or a AA.  Even though school is out, it doesnt mean my job is finished, I cant really take off from work with the reason "Im getting my veteran AA badge today".  Anyone can get a badge, but it takes a real skilled player to earn it.

joker3327 wrote:

Well said. I work a full day and have to keep the wife and kids happy in the evening so an hour here and there is all I get.  with lowering the requirments it gives me something to aim for ....that is achieveable in fair amout of time..

good argument...totally agree
wow, we're like brothers or something.....    same situation here.. I have to play this game
late at night to get an hour or two in...  because of the job and family.. so getting rank has
been slow..
im a noob that doesnt get to play much either but i dont feel the requirements should have been lowered so much, like mad scotsman said they should have maybe added more awards rather than con the people that were almost there anyway.

now there are lots of generals instead of the chosen few.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Stomper_40k wrote:

EA are trying to wind down BF2 so people will buy BF2142.

Once you have all the medals/awards/unlocks you'll probably lose interest and start looking elsewhere.

EA want you to buy BF2142 with all its new badges and features don't they....
Smack don the dot boyo.
Raving Rabbit
+26|6841|The Hague, Netherlands
my favorite things is that you need 400hours to get sharpshooter... but knowing that you need all expert (which need at least 700hours) .... this modification was useless ...
Got milk?

-[Silver.Inc* wrote:

Change the time requirements is fine, but.
Why did the lower all experts needed to get general, down to all veterans? What is the point of even having expert badges, if they only count towards 1 medal and nothing else?
I say they should have atleast all expert kit badges to get general, because now every man and his dog can basically go through bf2 playing only 1 kit, and every now and then here and there playing a different one.
All expert kit badges show that you are very experienced with every kit, veteran only shows that you have some experience. I mean, 15 hours in bf2 flys by very quickly, general is nothing now.
Don't orget that you have to have 1080+ hours played in order to rank up

Dr.Battlefield wrote:

Don't orget that you have to have 1080+ hours played in order to rank up
exactly too many nublars jumping on the band wagon saying how "easy" the new requirements are. Dont forget this isnt the first time theyve lowered rank and badge requirements. If we were playing earlier versions of bf2 i doubt anyone would be even past seargant. I think making badges more achieveable was a good thing.

Last edited by tip700 (2006-05-24 08:32:51)

Kniven Gaffeln Skeden

[S.P.S]1on1killa wrote:

i hop i didn't offend any of the hardcore bf2s players, but instead trying to help to understand why the lowering of time requirements is justified.
the real hardcore bf2(s) players doesnt care about awards... there are other ways to make your e-penis grow, imaginary girlfriends and so on
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6825|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Im not getting spaceman bf2 and neither am I getting expert explosives. I am shit. So it don't bother me that much, I'd rather not be given expert knife but hey ho, they done it. They pissed me off when I had the golden scphincter tho, I needed 50mins more to get it on my own before they changed the reg's last patch. As a previous post of mine says so.
+44|6878|West Berlin!
lol if you guys don´t have time to get that damn badges DONT PLAY THIS FUCKING GAME FOR BADGES. For all the others who spent many many hours getting those badges in a hard way: Don´t buy 2014! Demostrate EA that this shit they are doing isnt right. Boycott it. That´s it

Last edited by n00b.Worx (2006-05-24 08:54:57)


I felt 1337 when I got both of my combat infantry medals, but when I found out they lowered the reqs. I was slightly dissapointed.
buttered noodle
what it all comes down to is that EA is trying to keep interest in the game/building up a larger player base for 2142 so that they make more $$$

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