Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6097|Catherine Black
don't speak on behalf of me you mooslim
Artifice of Eternity
Exalt the righteous and drown the sinners!
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
+2,382|6987|The North, beyond the wall.

jsnipy wrote:

Nasty_ButIer wrote:

I'm no longer interested in associating with members of BF2S. The culture against any sort of teamwork and communication, slavery to stats, and advocating hacks repels me.
culture against any sort of teamwork or communication? lol no i play semi regularly with about 6 different guys from here, most have mics and the ones that don't type a lot (teds).

slavery to stats? well it's a stats forum that you once came to, hypocrite.

advocating hacks? nobody cared 12/f/taiwan hacked on bf2 5 years ago, get over it.
+3,936|6809|so randum
u wot m8
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
+2,382|6987|The North, beyond the wall.
get a mic you mexican
+3,936|6809|so randum


Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
I am all that is MOD!

My eyes go o.O when I read these threads.
+3|6826|An flat in Smurf Village
The hypocritical nature of this community astounds me.    Your "mods" come down on members here with self-righteous statements about fairplay and non-conflict but you bow down to those in it's inner circle.

I would have posted those very comments on this site but I assumed they would be deleted.

This site was started around a program that accumulated stats, yes.  But my original attraction, five or more years ago, was to the BF2 community and not this site in particular.  What this site ultimately attracts are stat whores, one of which I was never.   With Battlelog the use of this program is now obsolete as is this community.

Your hackers come out of the woodwork many more times than that character that you refer to.  I reached out to this community after a five year absence and witnessed another rash of hackers.

Your members state this for themselves.  They don't care if they play with hackers.  I told Cotton_swabs this myself.  Why hang out with someone you know cheats?   It's like playing poker with a cheater.

The few smurfs who responded to my post placed here a few months ago did not impress.  Never have I been invited into a voice chat nor were my invites to my own TS accepted.  They showed no interest in learning the game or propping up their statements of "pwnage" with action during play.

The good news is that there are other sites dedicated to tactics and tutorials for those interested in the mechanics of this game.  While this group continues to wallow in its own filth and desicate as it's drained of any good players those new sites focused on learning more about the game and the people who play will grow.

What's left now is a bunch of nubs sending pics of owls and kittens to eachothers' posts in response to real questions along with begging for karma points....and attention, of course.

Have fun in your little bubble.

In the words of the idiots who post and monitor this forum..."IN B4 POST BLOCKED,,,,,LOLZ!!  (Insert random pic of lolcatz here.)
+1,716|7041|St. Andrews / Oslo

All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5568|foggy bottom

Jenspm wrote:

Tu Stultus Es

NA$TY_BUTLER in a PM wrote:

You want to take my words and place them in front of your own kangaroo court?

Well then I can pick up your statements agreeing with me and following up that a number of your members hack.

As you and I remember, you weren't too keen on defending your organization when I confronted you directly you were quite complicit. 

Spineless to say the least.
To keep this conversation public ...

If you had said what you said to me I would not have shared the comment.

They are your words and they were addressed to bf2s.

I assumed you would have copied and pasted that message to any bf2s member on your list before removing them.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'confronted'. You merely pointed out that cotton_swabs was a hacker you knew in past.

This is not a clan or some group that represents my personal philosophies in anything, so I have no need to defend anyone here for whatever they do now or have done in the past. I add anyone here (including you) simply to have the opportunity to play with familiars.

Addressing the TS issue: Personally I cannot always hop on TS when playing; loud things around me, having to keep quiet, etc. So it was never personal when I left your squad when hopping on a server since I know you like to you have your squad all on TS (so i made the room before you asked ).

To me the game is about fun and just mentally shutting down. No one is going to make 6 figures playing battlefield. You would be lucky to make it being a developer on the game.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6982|Cardiff, Capital of Wales


The hypocritical nature of this community astounds me.    Your "mods" come down on members here with self-righteous statements about fairplay and non-conflict but you bow down to those in it's inner circle.

I would have posted those very comments on this site but I assumed they would be deleted.

This site was started around a program that accumulated stats, yes.  But my original attraction, five or more years ago, was to the BF2 community and not this site in particular.  What this site ultimately attracts are stat whores, one of which I was never.   With Battlelog the use of this program is now obsolete as is this community.

Your hackers come out of the woodwork many more times than that character that you refer to.  I reached out to this community after a five year absence and witnessed another rash of hackers.

Your members state this for themselves.  They don't care if they play with hackers.  I told Cotton_swabs this myself.  Why hang out with someone you know cheats?   It's like playing poker with a cheater.

The few smurfs who responded to my post placed here a few months ago did not impress.  Never have I been invited into a voice chat nor were my invites to my own TS accepted.  They showed no interest in learning the game or propping up their statements of "pwnage" with action during play.

The good news is that there are other sites dedicated to tactics and tutorials for those interested in the mechanics of this game.  While this group continues to wallow in its own filth and desicate as it's drained of any good players those new sites focused on learning more about the game and the people who play will grow.

What's left now is a bunch of nubs sending pics of owls and kittens to eachothers' posts in response to real questions along with begging for karma points....and attention, of course.

Have fun in your little bubble.

In the words of the idiots who post and monitor this forum..."IN B4 POST BLOCKED,,,,,LOLZ!!  (Insert random pic of lolcatz here.)
One of my first posts here was moaning about you, I think thats why I registered in the first place.  I thought you were cheating by killing me on spawn points, it was just about my first online gaming experience.

I also remember a real chavvy pic posted by you or of you.  Looked like a right fucking dick whoever it was.

Im sorry you didnt get the positive response about playing with you as you might of expected.

I dont agree with this posting of pics as a reply thing, they tend to go over my head but if I was into it, Id probably post fireworks going 'pfffff' as they get pissed on.

Hope you still enjoy playing computer games and continue to succeed in doing so.
There is.
+1,380|7000|Devon, England


The hypocritical nature of this community astounds me.    Your "mods" come down on members here with self-righteous statements about fairplay and non-conflict but you bow down to those in it's inner circle.

I would have posted those very comments on this site but I assumed they would be deleted.

This site was started around a program that accumulated stats, yes.  But my original attraction, five or more years ago, was to the BF2 community and not this site in particular.  What this site ultimately attracts are stat whores, one of which I was never.   With Battlelog the use of this program is now obsolete as is this community.

Your hackers come out of the woodwork many more times than that character that you refer to.  I reached out to this community after a five year absence and witnessed another rash of hackers.

Your members state this for themselves.  They don't care if they play with hackers.  I told Cotton_swabs this myself.  Why hang out with someone you know cheats?   It's like playing poker with a cheater.

The few smurfs who responded to my post placed here a few months ago did not impress.  Never have I been invited into a voice chat nor were my invites to my own TS accepted.  They showed no interest in learning the game or propping up their statements of "pwnage" with action during play.

The good news is that there are other sites dedicated to tactics and tutorials for those interested in the mechanics of this game.  While this group continues to wallow in its own filth and desicate as it's drained of any good players those new sites focused on learning more about the game and the people who play will grow.

What's left now is a bunch of nubs sending pics of owls and kittens to eachothers' posts in response to real questions along with begging for karma points....and attention, of course.

Have fun in your little bubble.

In the words of the idiots who post and monitor this forum..."IN B4 POST BLOCKED,,,,,LOLZ!!  (Insert random pic of lolcatz here.)
Aha ha ha ha ha

+2,187|6877|Mountains of NC


The hypocritical nature of this community astounds me.    Your "mods" come down on members here with self-righteous statements about fairplay and non-conflict but you bow down to those in it's inner circle.

I would have posted those very comments on this site but I assumed they would be deleted.

This site was started around a program that accumulated stats, yes.  But my original attraction, five or more years ago, was to the BF2 community and not this site in particular.  What this site ultimately attracts are stat whores, one of which I was never.   With Battlelog the use of this program is now obsolete as is this community.

Your hackers come out of the woodwork many more times than that character that you refer to.  I reached out to this community after a five year absence and witnessed another rash of hackers.

Your members state this for themselves.  They don't care if they play with hackers.  I told Cotton_swabs this myself.  Why hang out with someone you know cheats?   It's like playing poker with a cheater.

The few smurfs who responded to my post placed here a few months ago did not impress.  Never have I been invited into a voice chat nor were my invites to my own TS accepted.  They showed no interest in learning the game or propping up their statements of "pwnage" with action during play.

The good news is that there are other sites dedicated to tactics and tutorials for those interested in the mechanics of this game.  While this group continues to wallow in its own filth and desicate as it's drained of any good players those new sites focused on learning more about the game and the people who play will grow.

What's left now is a bunch of nubs sending pics of owls and kittens to eachothers' posts in response to real questions along with begging for karma points....and attention, of course.

Have fun in your little bubble.

In the words of the idiots who post and monitor this forum..."IN B4 POST BLOCKED,,,,,LOLZ!!  (Insert random pic of lolcatz here.)
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.


The hypocritical nature of this community astounds me.    Your "mods" come down on members here with self-righteous statements about fairplay and non-conflict but you bow down to those in it's inner circle.

I would have posted those very comments on this site but I assumed they would be deleted.

This site was started around a program that accumulated stats, yes.  But my original attraction, five or more years ago, was to the BF2 community and not this site in particular.  What this site ultimately attracts are stat whores, one of which I was never.   With Battlelog the use of this program is now obsolete as is this community.

Your hackers come out of the woodwork many more times than that character that you refer to.  I reached out to this community after a five year absence and witnessed another rash of hackers.

Your members state this for themselves.  They don't care if they play with hackers.  I told Cotton_swabs this myself.  Why hang out with someone you know cheats?   It's like playing poker with a cheater.

The few smurfs who responded to my post placed here a few months ago did not impress.  Never have I been invited into a voice chat nor were my invites to my own TS accepted.  They showed no interest in learning the game or propping up their statements of "pwnage" with action during play.

The good news is that there are other sites dedicated to tactics and tutorials for those interested in the mechanics of this game.  While this group continues to wallow in its own filth and desicate as it's drained of any good players those new sites focused on learning more about the game and the people who play will grow.

What's left now is a bunch of nubs sending pics of owls and kittens to eachothers' posts in response to real questions along with begging for karma points....and attention, of course.

Have fun in your little bubble.

In the words of the idiots who post and monitor this forum..."IN B4 POST BLOCKED,,,,,LOLZ!!  (Insert random pic of lolcatz here.)
Was this written in 2006 or something?
Not in 06' ...  I'm pretty sure that was banning those that posted cheats and exploits.  I dunno the policy now.  but...


jsnipy has been here longer than I.  He games with me and is a stellar player and chill person.  Granted you've apparently been gone for the majority of the life of this site yet upon your return for the most part were welcomed back.  But, it appears you've had a bad game, claimed hacks and appealed to jsnipy to do something about it.  Were you trying to get someone banned from the forums or something?  Cause you're coming across as really butthurt.

Yea, people cheat at this game, just like they do everywhere else.  I admin on a few servers in another clan and we do our best to ban them whenever possible.  These guys are hard to catch in many cases, as it's easy to blur that line of overt and obvious.  However, once I was dinged by the upper echelon to fill that role in our clan and was permitted a few extra resources in examining suspect players; I was forced to swallow my prided and admit that there are a shit load of good gamers out there that are better than I am. 

As for your chat issue, I many times opt out of chat for sometimes it's just annoying to deal with someone with an open mic or one who's bitching incessantly because he/she's having a bad game (including me).

But hell man, as jsnipy said, " you ain't going to make 100k playing this game".  If you're not having fun, bail.  If someone is cheating and you can't kick/ban them, bail. 

Why are you upset someone won't join voice?  Whatever, maybe he doesn't want to listen to some to obscure conversation and concentrate on the game.  Maybe someone has an annoying voice.    Who cares?
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
+572|6968|BC, Canada
butler always had an ego when I played with him, the king of his little court. He's a bit but hurt that people here don't kiss his ass like his troop would.


The hypocritical nature of this community astounds me.    Your "mods" come down on members here with self-righteous statements about fairplay and non-conflict but you bow down to those in it's inner circle.

I would have posted those very comments on this site but I assumed they would be deleted.

This site was started around a program that accumulated stats, yes.  But my original attraction, five or more years ago, was to the BF2 community and not this site in particular.  What this site ultimately attracts are stat whores, one of which I was never.   With Battlelog the use of this program is now obsolete as is this community.

Your hackers come out of the woodwork many more times than that character that you refer to.  I reached out to this community after a five year absence and witnessed another rash of hackers.

Your members state this for themselves.  They don't care if they play with hackers.  I told Cotton_swabs this myself.  Why hang out with someone you know cheats?   It's like playing poker with a cheater.

The few smurfs who responded to my post placed here a few months ago did not impress.  Never have I been invited into a voice chat nor were my invites to my own TS accepted.  They showed no interest in learning the game or propping up their statements of "pwnage" with action during play.

The good news is that there are other sites dedicated to tactics and tutorials for those interested in the mechanics of this game.  While this group continues to wallow in its own filth and desicate as it's drained of any good players those new sites focused on learning more about the game and the people who play will grow.

What's left now is a bunch of nubs sending pics of owls and kittens to eachothers' posts in response to real questions along with begging for karma points....and attention, of course.

Have fun in your little bubble.

In the words of the idiots who post and monitor this forum..."IN B4 POST BLOCKED,,,,,LOLZ!!  (Insert random pic of lolcatz here.)
This reminds me of the ragepost TOP used to make fun of people for doing.
+2,382|6987|The North, beyond the wall.

Macbeth wrote:


The hypocritical nature of this community astounds me.    Your "mods" come down on members here with self-righteous statements about fairplay and non-conflict but you bow down to those in it's inner circle.

I would have posted those very comments on this site but I assumed they would be deleted.

This site was started around a program that accumulated stats, yes.  But my original attraction, five or more years ago, was to the BF2 community and not this site in particular.  What this site ultimately attracts are stat whores, one of which I was never.   With Battlelog the use of this program is now obsolete as is this community.

Your hackers come out of the woodwork many more times than that character that you refer to.  I reached out to this community after a five year absence and witnessed another rash of hackers.

Your members state this for themselves.  They don't care if they play with hackers.  I told Cotton_swabs this myself.  Why hang out with someone you know cheats?   It's like playing poker with a cheater.

The few smurfs who responded to my post placed here a few months ago did not impress.  Never have I been invited into a voice chat nor were my invites to my own TS accepted.  They showed no interest in learning the game or propping up their statements of "pwnage" with action during play.

The good news is that there are other sites dedicated to tactics and tutorials for those interested in the mechanics of this game.  While this group continues to wallow in its own filth and desicate as it's drained of any good players those new sites focused on learning more about the game and the people who play will grow.

What's left now is a bunch of nubs sending pics of owls and kittens to eachothers' posts in response to real questions along with begging for karma points....and attention, of course.

Have fun in your little bubble.

In the words of the idiots who post and monitor this forum..."IN B4 POST BLOCKED,,,,,LOLZ!!  (Insert random pic of lolcatz here.)
This reminds me of the ragepost TOP used to make fun of people for doing.

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