
Should they nerf claymores?

Yes37%37% - 192
No I'm a filthy claywhore who cant get points with guns62%62% - 314
Total: 506
Am I the only one left puzzled why the constant claymore abuse is still going on? Since 1.2 they've become the weapon of choice for many people and it ruins the gameplay in a lot of servers.

I think they seriously need nerfing somehow.

There's 2 good ways they could do this. They could leave the new no friendly fire thing alone, but make it so explosives can detonate the claymores.

They could remove the no friendly fire thing, but make it so the sniper doesn't get any TK's from claymores.

Of course, the second option is going to be open to abuse, with people using claymores on airstrips to TK for planes, so the first option of making them detonate with explosives is probably much better.
Theres only two per sniper. You can remove then with wrench. You can detonate then with vehicles. You can just not step on them. Theres an ff option on the server, but it causes more controversy when its on. If you count how many times you get killed my claymores compared to grenades tanks or guns youll see they arent a problem at all.
+572|6943|BC, Canada
lets just make it so you cant kill anyone with anything.
.....will everyone be happy then.

Personally I'd go with FF on and no TK points loss.

Actually I'd go slightly further and count them running on the magic skull power-up as a suicide so they lose 2 points themselves as punishment for wasting your claymore... they'd soon fuckin learn then >
FF on, punish off.
I'm English, not British!
+113|7055|Rotherham, England
Yay, another nerfing thread, cant we just have a bucket of moist sponges to throw at the enemy that way no-one gets hurt and everybodys happy!
I guess it's just too much for people to actually look where there walking and when they do see the box on the floor in front of them go around (yes thats AROUND not over) them to prevent death.
Nerf this, nerf that, it does my fuckin head in, buy another game ffs
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6959|Canberra, AUS
1. No more nerfing. Now, please. No more whining, either.

2. You want to un-nerf them? Isn't that beefing them up? Although I kinda have to agree with you're explosives blowing up mines - taking that out was odd.

3. Here's a news tip - SERVERS CAN CHOOSE WHETHER OR NOT TO HAVE CLAYMORE FF ON! So find a server that DOES.

Last edited by Spark (2006-05-24 04:37:53)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Spark wrote:

1. No more nerfing. Now, please. No more whining, either.

2. You want to un-nerf them? Isn't that beefing them up? Although I kinda have to agree with you're explosives blowing up mines - taking that out was odd.

3. Here's a news tip - SERVERS CAN CHOOSE WHETHER OR NOT TO HAVE CLAYMORE FF ON! So find a server that DOES.
One problem with those servers, ppl expect the mines to not blow up when they walk on them now, thus unintentional tks a plently and many many points lost lol
Prone to Own
+118|6877|Houston, TX
if they're losing tons of points there would certainly be less claymores...I hope
+25|6885|Sydney City, THE city.
I have like, 3 claymore kills...
don't nerf anything else, this game i becoming a sissy slap fest the way it is...i do with u could still blow up other explosives (mines/claymores) with nades and c4 though

BattlefieldMedic wrote:

I have like, 3 claymore kills...
1131 for me lol, 90% before claymore FF was off so no whining at me.

on another note ive only got 177 deaths by claymore in nigh on 600 hours play.... they arnt hard to avoid as is but i agree it makes life really lame for aggressive players.

If your feeling lame and wish to dissuade snipers from spammin claymores on karkand, just find an offending claymore and wait... when a bunch of the opposing team have done the obligatory routine of rampaging in, jump on it whoops mr claymore whore just got a load of tks... yes its sad, no i dont do it coz i dont really care about claymore spamming, i snipe i dosnt affect me, my claymores protect my back they dont go in the middle of coridoors, but... some of you do seem like u need to vent some frustration

let the flaming begin, coz I know u guys will despite it having no basis but hey what the fuck argue away lol
Missing, Presumed Dead

tip700 wrote:

Theres only two per sniper. You can remove then with wrench.
Can you?!?! How is this possible when claymores blow up when you are within 10m of one??
I can be on the other side of the road from the alley in karkand and get blown up by one (most common example)
Kick His Ass!
+371|6978|Howell, Mi USA
Hey snake, yes u can disarm clays if your lucky enuf to get behind one. Same thing with AT mines.

OT- Im not a "claymore whore" but i think they should stay how they are. Everything in the game is flippin fine leave it how it is. Bf2 is already nerfed to hell because of crying knobs.

There is no abuse of claymores, if u keep getting killed by clays maybe u should adjust your tactics. I can't remember the last time i was killed by a claymore.

Last edited by Cbass (2006-05-24 05:20:06)


pedigreeuk wrote:

Yay, another nerfing thread, cant we just have a bucket of moist sponges to throw at the enemy that way no-one gets hurt and everybodys happy!
I guess it's just too much for people to actually look where there walking and when they do see the box on the floor in front of them go around (yes thats AROUND not over) them to prevent death.
Nerf this, nerf that, it does my fuckin head in, buy another game ffs
usally when i see them i turn aroud because there ethier impossible to go around,  i dont want to risk it or i see it at the last second and die
Missing, Presumed Dead

Getting behind a claymore...should be fun :S

And, tbh, any karkand 64man server is spammed with claymores around the alley and hotel by MEC. As if you dont have to contend with a constant nade spammage as it is - when thats finally over, 30 claymores finishes your teams effort off - and back to the nade spammage again. Repeat, Repeat, Repeat until some1 captures suburb or factory, then they go away.

I do think that their range needs to be reduced a bit - they blow up from a mile away. Thats about it.
RPK-74 Whore
They dont need a nerf. You only get 2 and really if your paying attention you can avoid them.

monkeyboy wrote:

Am I the only one left puzzled why the constant claymore abuse is still going on? Since 1.2 they've become the weapon of choice for many people and it ruins the gameplay in a lot of servers.

I think they seriously need nerfing somehow.

There's 2 good ways they could do this. They could leave the new no friendly fire thing alone, but make it so explosives can detonate the claymores.

They could remove the no friendly fire thing, but make it so the sniper doesn't get any TK's from claymores.

Of course, the second option is going to be open to abuse, with people using claymores on airstrips to TK for planes, so the first option of making them detonate with explosives is probably much better.
Go play Pack-Man..... maybe you find a version where the 3 ghosts were nerfed and dont kill you.
+519|6905|Gold coast, Aus.
I don't like them choices. No I would not like them to be nerfed. But I am not a filthy claymore whore.
Tech God
+86|6879|Ohio, USA
I would only liked the radius of detonation changed to something where you actually have to step on it, not be 10 feet away.
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7091|Orlando, FL - Age 43
'twice cooked beef!'
they don't need to be 'nerfed' but they do need to be tweaked.

it's stupid that you can't disarm a claymore with grenades. a claymore should be a trap that the sniper takes care to conceal. right now, it's a stop-all worryfree way to block an alley/door/etc. it's standard practice for every interior flag to be claymored these days, and there is no way to get past them short of sending a man in there to his death.

if you are a good, careful player, and discover a claymore blocking your way without setting it off, you should be able to disarm it, without being an engineer, by tossing a grenade at it. you will still get plenty of claymore kills, because most players just aren't that careful, and more often than not, a blind corner will guarantee you a claymore kill.

Tank commander
+83|7019|DUTCH snap ik!
claymore are fine for me and i aint some d*mn claymore whore ! they only suck when they explode while a enemy is near and you are also near the claymore they kill you then
+149|6832|USA bitches!
The only thing I hate about Claymores is the fact that the detonation radius is too big. I swear to god, I was running up to a wall and I noticed a claymore about 10-15 feet (in game) away, and just as I saw it, BOOOM, I'm dead. I can understand them being proximity and all, but from my view, it is way too large.

If you took the distance between myself and the claymore, you could've fit a humvee into it. WTF is that all about?
Hmm, try adding the option 'No, I own your asses with claymore and with any other gun/equipment'

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