
GUN|BF2.Craven wrote:

Armor Combat
Lowered time from 900000 (250h) to 360000 (100h)
Lowered kills from 10000 to 5000
Removed Accuracy
just finished a tank round, 44 kills with tank - already have 12k tank kills, 190hrs - got no medal, so i can't confirm this one
I got mine with  ~120 hours, 28 kills in a tank or 26.
+1|6695|Hamburg, Germany

SargeJp wrote:

GUN|BF2.Craven wrote:

Armor Combat
Lowered time from 900000 (250h) to 360000 (100h)
Lowered kills from 10000 to 5000
Removed Accuracy
just finished a tank round, 44 kills with tank - already have 12k tank kills, 190hrs - got no medal, so i can't confirm this one
I got mine with  ~120 hours, 28 kills in a tank or 26.
strange, i'll give it another try then - maybe you won't get the medal when getting the req'd kills while playing SF? (i was refering to a round i played on warlord)
Probably, i did it on bf2 vanilla
The H4xor Mod
+161|6993|North Texas

GUN|BF2.Craven wrote:

strange, i'll give it another try then - maybe you won't get the medal when getting the req'd kills while playing SF? (i was refering to a round i played on warlord)
Interesting.. after installing the full patch today, I noticed that the installer wiped out the python scripts for SF which I thought was odd. Maybe the server are also missing these scripts? That'll kill SF for sure. (f'ng moron developers)
well didnt knew EA could f*ck up another patch this bad, from now on we will have vehicle-drop rapers, or like you just want to fly with jet they drop a humvee in front of it, thanks guys from EA, quite disapointed over here
+605|6695|San Diego, CA, USA

stryyker wrote:

NM156 wrote:

stryyker wrote:

pretty much as good as hacking into the award system
Say what?
i had a feeling that didnt make sense.

every award is now very easy to obtain, its almost like legal statpadding.

i give up
/runs away
Actually this maybe good for BF2:Vanilla.  Think about it, in BF1942 when you got tired with BF1942:Vanilla you looked for mods.  Well...Desert Combat was out for BF1942 and it revitalized the game.  People were buying BF1942 JUST to play DC ver version 1.02 came out.

So, perhaps by these lowered award requirements, people will "beat the game," and thus start looking again for an awesome mod til BF2142 comes out.  Granted Armored Fury is coming out in a week, but to say the least I think this might be a boon to the BF2:Mod community.

What do you think?
I just read all the posts. What is it with the armor badges? Are they changed or not? Some people say theu are not, some say they did.

If they didn't wouldn't that be very odd? 400 hours for expert armor but only 150 hours for expert helicopter...
armor stays the same.  and i like the new patch its better but why did they chance the expert explosive to 30 ?? 37 is much better then u need some skills to get it

going to get my expert ground defense en air defense now yay!!!

Last edited by glopje_nl (2006-05-24 12:16:45)

yay same as everyone here!
+1,128|6788|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

glopje_nl wrote:

amor stays the same.  and i like the new patch its better but why did they chance the expert explosive to 30 ?? 37 is much better then u need some skills to get it

going to get my expert ground defens en air defens now yay!!!
great.. i was working hard on being the complete fucking ownage with the AA..
i've said it so many times on this whole forum.. i was pretty damn fucking good with the AA BEFORE 1.2 (or whatever one made the AA super powerful).. now its a COMPLETE joke..

there's a spell checker button on the post submit form for a reason you know
+65|6839|las vegas
the only like many have said that is upsetting is the WCR. i wasnt even close to getting it, and had alot of other stuff to work for. but now it seems like it wont be that hard to get. ive been playing lately with WCR in mind.

and not by team switching...ohwell its just a game

i wanted to really earn that sucka...

Last edited by beerface702 (2006-05-24 04:55:44)

I love [fiSh]
I can confirm the Armor Combat Medal, i received it at exactly 25 kills iar. And yes, EA/DICE forgot to change the global requirements for the Veteran & Expert Armor Badge.

joker8baller wrote:

YAY. My hard work for these badges/medals/ribbons are worth nothing!
Yea just looking at my vet heli that I got the other day Im now only 20hrs away from exp. And ya all those exp. badges I got mean jack shit... Why do people want to turn this game in CS ????
Germans did 911
+427|6827|Disaster Free Zone

i was FUCKING 15 days from getting a legitimate WCR, and have been working to get it for the past 3 months, and now they PUT THESE SHIT HOUSE FUCKING BULLSHIT EASY ASS REQUIREMENTS, which is going to take me 284 days. There is not one change i agree to and now think the entire award system is flawed and represents nothing. The awards before were something to aim for, something hard, something for the skilled (or statpadder, but they can go fuck them selves), and not for everyone.

ALL EA has done it make them meaning less, not only that, they made the people who earned them the hard why lose prestige on what they had accomplished. If you couldn't get a badge before the patch it was because they were there for elite, the best at the game, If you cant get badges now YOU FUCKING SUCK. And if anyone asks for help on getting an award from now on should be ridiculed and flamed for being so shit. I  think i might go back to CS, cause this is what this is turning into, just with TKing and LONGER FUCKING LOADING TIMES AND SO MANY FUCKING BUGS.

GUN|BF2.Craven wrote:

Armor Combat
Lowered time from 900000 (250h) to 360000 (100h)
Lowered kills from 10000 to 5000
Removed Accuracy
just finished a tank round, 44 kills with tank - already have 12k tank kills, 190hrs - got no medal, so i can't confirm this one
I have a similar situation for the Air Combat medal.
9k kills, 120hrs and no medal.

I flew around for a bit and got a few kills, but not many in one round as I can't find a good patched server that's full yet. Is there another criteria that we are missing? like time in round or something else? more likely EA/dice just fvcked up again.

Good to see the j10 is still ridiculously unbalanced.

fierce wrote:

I can confirm the Armor Combat Medal, i received it at exactly 25 kills iar. And yes, EA/DICE forgot to change the global requirements for the Veteran & Expert Armor Badge.
great, maybe there's still hope for my air combat medal then.
+3,135|6884|The Hague, Netherlands

Rothaus wrote:

GUN|BF2.Craven wrote:

Armor Combat
Lowered time from 900000 (250h) to 360000 (100h)
Lowered kills from 10000 to 5000
Removed Accuracy
just finished a tank round, 44 kills with tank - already have 12k tank kills, 190hrs - got no medal, so i can't confirm this one
I have a similar situation for the Air Combat medal.
9k kills, 120hrs and no medal.

I flew around for a bit and got a few kills, but not many in one round as I can't find a good patched server that's full yet. Is there another criteria that we are missing? like time in round or something else? more likely EA/dice just fvcked up again.

Good to see the j10 is still ridiculously unbalanced.
No likely, i got my armor combat exactly when i hit the 25 kills in a round....probably the same with the air combat
Ambitious but Rubbish

^*AlphA*^ wrote:

Rothaus wrote:

GUN|BF2.Craven wrote:

just finished a tank round, 44 kills with tank - already have 12k tank kills, 190hrs - got no medal, so i can't confirm this one
I have a similar situation for the Air Combat medal.
9k kills, 120hrs and no medal.

I flew around for a bit and got a few kills, but not many in one round as I can't find a good patched server that's full yet. Is there another criteria that we are missing? like time in round or something else? more likely EA/dice just fvcked up again.

Good to see the j10 is still ridiculously unbalanced.
No likely, i got my armor combat exactly when i hit the 25 kills in a round....probably the same with the air combat
Yep I got expert Air on 24 kills, then on 25 got air combat medal.

I got 6 awards last night a bit silly that, but oh at lest I dont have to sit in a heli for the next 350 hours anymore.

Thats the thing I never minded how hard it was to get an award, hell it took me six weeks of trying to expert repair, just didnt like the time stuff, some of it was way too much.

Last edited by paranoid101 (2006-05-24 08:50:42)

Headshot Specialist
+104|6983|Woodland Hills, Ca

Cougar wrote:

Ohh goddamnit EA, just when my faith in you starts to come back, you NERF the only medal I give a shit about (WCR).

Fuck this shit, between this, no more squad hopping, broken server browsers, red name bugs, and the fucking morons who play this shit anymore, I'm fucking done.  I'm going to Wal-Mart after work and I'm buying Counter-Strike.
Get counterstrike through steam.... you might as well! Once you install it and register it and register on steam any computer you sign onto your game will be availble for download at said computer.

4. They show they care NOTHING for their fan base by blowing off a petition with 10,000 signatures on it.
I REALLY, REAAAAALLY, REAAAAAAAALLY, REALLY, REALLY dont want to make you feel like an idiot, but not ONE petition on a petition has caused ANYTHING not to be done as originally intended. Thats almost like masturbating with sandpaper. Thats the fufillment and joy you will get out of the sucess of your petition participation.

Anyone who believes those things work make me laugh, there is a petition against online with over 100 million signatures, but the stupid website still exists.


DICE made the videogame, EA distributes it, get your facts strait because it makes you sound like polly prissy pants. I for one am glad that DICE makes this videogame and not the whinney fucktards who wasted their time trying to get awards letting all of their surrounding stats suffer while the people like ME played as a team player, got all of his expert badges and was just sitting around waiting for 1.3 to get the rest of them like taking candy from a baby. I dont think I could've played another 1400 hours of this game just to get time requirements in vehicles in a 24/7 air maps server or euro forces server for my armor reqs. So cheers to dice for trying to re-enable team play, coordination, and bringing something fresh to the table.

and a big HA HA to all of you idiots who just play this game for shinny medals to show someone how big your internet penis is.

5. I'm sick of giving them money for MORE shit.  Shit that will bring more bugs and problems and be a disappointment.
No, no you're not so get off of your soapbox. Counterstrike is a completely different game riddled with hackers too and its only a short amt of time before you start spamming up a CS source board saying im finished, im going to america's army... And when you realize you cant do half of the shit in that game you can in bf2 that makes you so godlike you will come right back to the easy game you're good at. Or you will convert and get battlefield galactica.

Bye bye EA you fucking money grubbing, cocksmoking, worthless ass motherfuckers.  Hello Source!
I will keep your seat warm for you buddy after you learn what the awp is...

Last edited by 137[CSi] (2006-05-24 09:15:13)

:]-[: El_Shiznit
I love all the people that complain when patches come out and say they're leaving or that they are never buying an EA game again.  When we all know they are buying AF in just a few days.  I really wish all of them did leave so that BF2 could be a community of far less idiocy.

GUN|BF2.Craven wrote:

SargeJp wrote:

GUN|BF2.Craven wrote:

just finished a tank round, 44 kills with tank - already have 12k tank kills, 190hrs - got no medal, so i can't confirm this one
I got mine with  ~120 hours, 28 kills in a tank or 26.
strange, i'll give it another try then - maybe you won't get the medal when getting the req'd kills while playing SF? (i was refering to a round i played on warlord)
Nope.  I got my Armor medal last night in the BTR in Warlord.

<3 backside of the palace.

Last edited by :]-[: El_Shiznit (2006-05-24 11:06:02)

So, the question is, WHY lower all these requirements.

I think they lowered requirements dramatically because they have that new BF2142 game coming out soon.  A lot of people have dovted a lot of time and effort into achieving certain awards, and will want to stick to those goals, even though a new game is out.  Since they lowered the requirements, those achievements are easier to obtain, and thus, you'll be more willing to shell out the bucks to get another game since you met your goals.

Someone already sorta said this, but said people will be willing to play mods instead.   I believe the lowering of requirements here are driven by $$$ in the future.
Headshot Specialist
+104|6983|Woodland Hills, Ca

SirCyRo-int wrote:

So, the question is, WHY lower all these requirements.

I think they lowered requirements dramatically because they have that new BF2142 game coming out soon.
Thats just what everyone on this website wants you to believe or are spouting that out as an excuse to kick their feet and complain about the changes. Thinking somehow EA is forcing them to go out and buy 2142 because there will be a clean slate ranking system and the consumers may not be so jaded about it.

Its retardness reeking in a closed pot.

A lot of people have dovted a lot of time and effort into achieving certain awards, and will want to stick to those goals, even though a new game is out.
Correction, people see their stats and go, hrmn I want a shinny badge like Max_Power but I have to get all of these awards to do it, so I must acheive expert explosives and just totally dismiss this whole teamwork bullshit or winning and get that badge. Then they see the badge everyone is talking about ZOMG WAR COLLEGE only the eliete have it, like 300 people... Hrmn well since I was worried about all of those other dumb ass awards and not winning my W/L ratio blows ass.

I know I will start a new acct and only play on 16 player servers until I win 2000 times and have 300 losses, command for 50 hours and then move on to the next impossible badge.

With 1.3 now you're being handed all of this stuff so you dont have to waste your damn time worrying about the stupid awards. And maybe work together to play the stupid ass game.

Since they lowered the requirements, those achievements are easier to obtain, and thus, you'll be more willing to shell out the bucks to get another game since you met your goals.
Last I checked im still 100,000 points away from My goal! second the ranks still require the same points to move ahead, regardless of the mindless awards you have to earn to get some of those ranks.

Hell I will have all of the badges and medals in less than 2-3 weeks now minus that euro trash medal.

Someone already sorta said this, but said people will be willing to play mods instead.   I believe the lowering of requirements here are driven by $$$ in the future.
Well I downloaded the USI mod the other day and its pretty damn kick ass, and apparently Dessert Combat which was a mod for bf1942 was the best thing since sliced bread. So I dont understand why people arent as enthusiastic to play mods as they are to play regular ole ass bf2.
Viva Mexico

NM156 wrote:

Armor Combat
Lowered time from 900000 (250h) to 360000 (100h)
Lowered kills from 10000 to 5000
Removed Accuracy
What the "Removed Accuracy" means ?
The H4xor Mod
+161|6993|North Texas

gblanco wrote:

What the "Removed Accuracy" means ?
Your answer is in this thread. Read it!
Why do  I have the feeling that EVERYONE, who start a new account in the next  patch 1.4 , they will receive ALL VETERAN AND EXPERT badges, ribbons and medals RIGHT AWAY the first day they play BF2 ?

shot 1,.  ABC [killed ] XYZ : "congrats you have been recommended for a promotion to corporal"
shot 2. promotion to captain
shot 3. promotion to general

edit: pay attention now to my Veteran Ground defense and Veteran Air Defense badges, I am really proud I got  those  before patch 1.3 arrived.

If you dont see me on this BF2 (age 16+ ) anymore, its because I lost interest in this game and its endless patching, so now I am playing  Pacific Fighters ( age 12 +)  (Ubisoft), Port Royale 2 (age 7+ (Ascaron) and  Myst III Exile - age 3 + (Ubisoft) !

Last edited by MajorHoulahan_MASH (2006-05-25 15:28:26)

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