it's no good to me
"Hi I'm [some girl] and welcome to Jackass!" - Brilliant

I can't have been the only one who immediately noticed the terrible combination of people, jet engines, flying debris and a giant sticky-up curb.
Check out this fun crash cam reel that shows off all the ways Shane Hurlbut has destroyed Canon 5D Mark II‘s over the past three years or so on Act of Valor and other productions.
Hurlbut seems a fitting name.
Best youtube comment:PrivateVendetta wrote:
"Hi I'm [some girl] and welcome to Jackass!" - Brilliant … r_embedded
WTF was that airport doing in the kitchen?

But I wouldn't want to spend the money on it.
But I wouldn't want to spend the money on it.
think of the parties it's a win win
Watch near the top left.
I see a line of them from top leftish to middle, halfway between the peak of the mountain and the top of the screen.
The sun reflected off them 1 by 1 as the clip went on moving from left to right.
am i doin it rite?
The sun reflected off them 1 by 1 as the clip went on moving from left to right.
am i doin it rite?
Ya dawg

NEVER say no to a panda!!
NEVER say no to a panda!!
الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام me the schematic me the schematic
Looks like she can't find the kitchen!
brokendownsoul1 7 hours ago +20
that's exactly why I come to the video thread. politics.


Here you go shifty.