prison -------------------> that way
Irony workstuckergustav wrote:
Anybody here that doesn't see the irony in insulting others here for BEING here...LOL
Would irony be the right word? What word am I looking for?
inflate my ego? lmao do you read the shit you write in d&st? your exegesis on hegel? your long political rants? dude i still read some of your posts when i was banned and your ego inflates and shines gloriously when nobody is around to keep your pseudo-waffle in check. you love it. why would you prance around each week with a different 'quote of the day' if you didn't like to advertise yourself as some intellectual powerhouse? you talk to me about inflating egos when you've made a living out of self-satisfying posts in d&st. i came back to reply in a thread about reforming college because it was degenerating into the typical 'science geeks clap each other on the back and denigrate all other subjects' bullshit. boring. i'm pretty much the only person here willing to doggedly chase that bone for 10 pages. does it inflate my ego? nope. it's entertaining for me to keep you self-congratulatory guys in check. i have nothing to prove on here - apparently unlike you, the regular fixture who cannot but help proselytizing on every issue and matter with divine decree. i'll defend my subject against a bunch of people that possess the pathetic deluded sense of pride that attends pig-ignorance, sure, but is it ego boosting? no. my everyday irl activities keep my ego at a comfortable level, tyvm.Jay wrote:
You did it first you asshat. Seriously, if your life is as awesome as you make it out to be, why do you keep coming back here? I use it to kill time at work. You do it to inflate your ego in contrast to video game addicts. How fucking sad are you?
What I read: "la la la la la la I can't heaaaarrrrr you!"Jay wrote:
I read none of that. Done dealing with you. Keep making comments, I no longer care.
I literally can't hear him. He got put in my greasemonkey ignore script. You've now been added as well.Pochsy wrote:
What I read: "la la la la la la I can't heaaaarrrrr you!"Jay wrote:
I read none of that. Done dealing with you. Keep making comments, I no longer care.
Grow up, man.
Well, when it's 5 v 1 for days on end it gets a bit wearing.RTHKI wrote:
so you cant help being angered by what people say on the internet
Ignore is more efficient.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Or you could simply skip over their posts.
No, I was turned into lowing. Everyone feels safer in a crowd and there was always a crowd of ten people yelling at him every time he posted. I completely understand why he asked for a permaban. Even when he was correct he was shouted down by people that were more worried about scoring points with whatever the cool kids attacking him thought, than the actual content of his posts. Mob rule in action.Macbeth wrote:
Every time you post you end up in an argument. The only time you post is to argue. You have pretty much become lowing.