¯\(°_o)/¯Pochsy wrote:
Hey Macbeth, serious question I need some help with (TA doesn't answer emails on weekends) that I suspect you may know the answer to. It's actually on Hegel's 'Outlines of the Philosophy of Right'. In the sub-section titled 'Civil Society' under Ethical Life there are 3 moments of civil society, which is all well and good. My question is: what is the mystical principal (for the Family it is Love, or the State it is Patriotism) binds all individual actors together? I feel the answer may simply be that individualism allows for cohesion through the invisible hand.
Very specific question, I know, but Jay won't answer me.
If I understand the book I have on hegel's philosophy of the right the answer is : universal egotism
You might have a much better time consulting Stanford encyclopedia on philosophy. I'm far far from an expert on hegel.