Poseidon wrote:
I'm not saying I believe one thing or another. I just see people jumping to the "MARTIN OVERPOWERED HIM BECAUSE HE WAS 6'3"" argument and think it's bullshit because there's no way to prove it. If anything I think it's far more likely Zimmerman had the power in a struggle but you simply do not know. It goes back to my original point of people literally having no proof of anything besides basic facts right now and jumping on the same side you'd expect them to politically. The left on the side of the poor innocent black kid with the (supposedly) @NO_LIMIT_NIGGA Twitter handle and right on the side of the trigger happy Hispanic dude.
Yea.. There's definate agendas at work here. If he's vindicated, again, I wonder what the reaction will be. If that reaction is violent, I hold the mainstream media responsible, for they have clearly engaged in one of the most blatant cases of journalistic activism I can remember. It's absolutely pathetic too as they are turning their own countrymen against each other for profit and for a political agenda. And the common man is to ignorant to see it. I guess well see.. .
Last edited by 13rin (2012-03-30 04:47:45)
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something. - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.