plundering yee booty
+510|5635|Ventura, California
In light of all the media attention from this "racist hate-crime murder," I deemed it crucial for BF2s existence, as an assembly of highly intelligent and sophisticated individuals educated in criminal justice to judge George Zimmerman's actions on the night of February 26, 2012, in Sanford, Florida. We hereby yearn to discover the truth, and to determine Zimmerman's fate.

(I'm just f**king sick of all the media attention this crap is getting on account of race issues so lets get this court ruling freaking over with.)

- Trayvon Martin (2/5/1995 - 2/26/2012)

Trayvon Martin was an African-American teenager who attended Krop Senior High School. He was a junior and was interested in military aviation. He was suspended from school that day for his third time. Trayvon was 6 foot 3 inches and weighed 2140 pounds (64 kg).

- George Zimmerman (10/5/83 - present)

A member of his community's neighborhood watch, George was a magistrate judge's son, and Seminole County Sheriff's Office citizens' law-enforcement class graduate. He is 5 foot 9 inches and weighs 250lbs (110kg).

- The Neighborhood

The gated townhouse community in Sanford, Florida, had many instances of burglary and 402 9/11 calls were made since the beginning of 2011. The area was no stranger to crime.

- Time

It was 7PM, dark, and raining.

- George's story

Zimmerman told police that he followed Martin, but lost track of him. Zimmerman claims he was returning to his car when Martin confronted him and asked "Do you have a problem?" He says he replied "No", and reached for his cell phone. Zimmerman says Martin then punched him in the face, knocking him down, and began beating his head against the ground. Zimmerman claims he called out for help while being beaten, before shooting Martin in self-defense.

Zimmerman's account of the event was called into question when ABC News obtained a video of Zimmerman being escorted into the Sanford police station after the shooting, apparently lacking the reported injuries to his face and back of his head. His face and head are cleanly shaven, so there was no hair to impede the view of any bruises if such bruises had actually existed. The video hasn't been released to the public, so there is still speculation.

- Witnesses

One witness allegedly heard some noise and heard cries for help. Another claims she didn't hear the fighting or moments leading up to it but heard the cries. Trayvon's girlfriend said that she heard some disturbing noises then the phone went silent.


So a neighborhood watch member was patrolling the neighborhood that often has burglarly and sees a young man of large size with a hoody on in the rain at night. He follows the young man for a while and alerts 9/11 of "suspicious behavior" then goes back to his vehicle. Trayvon contronts him for the stalking and punches George. George is being pounced while on the ground, and reaches for his gun to shoot Trayvon.

I find George innocent on grounds of self-defense. Now everybody can shut the hell up and quit using the race card. The parents are incapable of believing their son wouldn't have reacted that way because he's their little "angel" and this was obviously a hate-crime based off racism from George since the man was clearly a terrible blood-thirsting vigilante.

edit: sources from ABC, Fox news, and wiki.

Here are some pictures from both biased opinions. LOL



#Commence discussion

Last edited by -Sh1fty- (2012-03-29 01:46:56)

And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
So a neighborhood watch member was patrolling the neighborhood that often has burglarly and sees a young man of large size with a hoody on in the rain at night. He follows the young man for a while and alerts 9/11 of "suspicious behavior" then goes back to his vehicle. Trayvon contronts him for the stalking and punches George. George is being pounced while on the ground, and reaches for his gun to shoot Trayvon.
So you believe Zimmerman's account despite the clear lies in his version of events?

Seems pretty clear Zimmerman is a lowing-esque nutball, cruising around looking for action.

Lets try a another look at it:

So a wannabe cop with a gun in a state notorious for racism was out looking for trouble in an average neighbourhood and sees an unarmed young man lighter than himself wearing typical teenager clothes in the rain at night. He forms a false view of the young mans actions and intentions based on his colour and clothing, in fact the man is simply walking legitimately from A to B. He follows the young man for a while and alerts 9/11 who ask him to leave it to them, nevertheless he gets involved, the circumstances of which are unclear but several aspects of his account are demonstrably false - there is no evidend he was either threatened or assaulted. The local Police investigate and characterise the death of the young man as an "unnecessary killing".

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2012-03-29 02:08:31)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Astonished at why this guy has not been charged yet.

Equally astonished at how "they" try to blame his actions on a law that allows you to stand your ground.

- 7PM -> Suspicious? That's the time you go to the store when you feel like having some pop tarts.
- 140lbs, 6'3"? I'm 6'1' and 172lbs and I'm a goddamn twig.

Man, I feel like pop tarts. Damn, it's dark and raining, can't go to the store because the neighborhood watch might blow my head off?

Shifty, you're like 100lbs, correct? Could you take down a 220lbs guy and beat his head to the ground?

I need around tree fiddy.
Mass Media Casualty

I'm just going to copy-paste my post in the D+ST Chat thread:

It's interesting to see what the focus is on. There's race for one and hoodies and.. Skittles... it seems to me that the key focus should be on laws like Florida's 'Stand Your Ground', which essentially gives people the right to use deadly force when they see fit. This Zimmerman guy, I doubt he's a racist but he's clearly a fucking idiot. It's one thing that American law gives this idiot the right to own a handgun, it's another to give this idiot the licence to become a vigilante - if he "reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or another to prevent the commission of a forcible felony".

Zimmerman perceived Martin as a threat, he can be forgiven for suspecting that. Following, confronting and ultimately killing him because of said suspicion? This should not be okay - but it is under 'Stand Your Ground'. A law that, I'm pretty sure, exists for the sake of gun-lovers who want reassurance that they'll get to use their weapons for their intended purpose.

Now Zimmerman obviously wasn't a person that can be expected to be reasonable but that's not really my point. My point is that Zimmerman should be charged with murder and the 'Stand Your Ground' law means he gets away with it. It makes no sense, you've got a guy running around who has shown that he is willing to use deadly force on anyone he believes to be a threat - and you actually have a law to keep him from being prosecuted.

'Stand your Ground' essentially okays the practice of bringing a gun to a fist fight. Zimmerman didn't have reasonable grounds to use deadly force, that much should be clear. He was a big 27 year old man against a skinny black teenager armed with junk food. The question shouldn't be whether it was a shooting based on race or hooded sweatshirts regardless of whether it was that which made Zimmerman suspect Martin in the first place. It should be whether Zimmerman should be charged for shooting dead an unarmed civilian.

Why is this even a debate?

Even if Zimmerman "reasonably" thought Martin was a threat, even if he was fearful for his safety before and/or after being confronted, even if he is forgiven for being a fucking idiot and ignoring the police officers order to not follow Martin. At the end of the day he fucked up. He was wrong, he had poor judgement and as a result he killed an innocent person. The law should not be patting him on the back and saying "there there, we all make mistakes" it should be saying "you fucked up buddy, time to pay."
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

jsnipy wrote:

Astonished at why this guy has not been charged yet.

Equally astonished at how "they" try to blame his actions on a law that allows you to stand your ground.
The stand your ground law is the reason he wasn't arrested on the scene immediately.

Also - shifty you should have made this a poll you goose.

The author of Florida's stand your ground law has been making the rounds on news talk shows. He doesn't think Zimmerman is covered by the bill due to him initiating the confrontation. Of course he is just covering his own ass and defending his bill but I just found that interesting.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5519|London, England

AussieReaper wrote:

jsnipy wrote:

Astonished at why this guy has not been charged yet.

Equally astonished at how "they" try to blame his actions on a law that allows you to stand your ground.
The stand your ground law is the reason he wasn't arrested on the scene immediately.

Also - shifty you should have made this a poll you goose.
Innocent until proven guilty is a fucking awful precedent, innit? Just because a gun is involved, does not make the shooter worthy of automatic jail time, sorry.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

-Sh1fty- wrote:

an assembly of highly intelligent and sophisticated individuals
you lost me there

Ty wrote:

I'm just going to copy-paste my post in the D+ST Chat thread:
It's interesting to see what the focus is on. There's race for one and hoodies and.. Skittles... it seems to me that the key focus should be on laws like Florida's 'Stand Your Ground', which essentially gives people the right to use deadly force when they see fit. This Zimmerman guy, I doubt he's a racist but he's clearly a fucking idiot. It's one thing that American law gives this idiot the right to own a handgun, it's another to give this idiot the licence to become a vigilante - if he "reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or another to prevent the commission of a forcible felony".
No.  The 'stand your ground law' does not give one the right to use deadly force when they see fit.  It is merely an extension of the castle doctrine.  Before a citizen when attacked had the obligation to retreat until they could no longer do so.  Criminals loved taking advantage of this as they knew that law abiding citizens wouldn't fight back, but they'd run away.  Kinda made for a 'target-rich' environment.  This law just removed the duty to retreat and extended the castle doctrine to ones car.  Actually in Florida, you can use deadly force to stop a forcible felony.  That was in statute way before this law.
The D's in FL were pretty against this, and have been waiting for any instance to go after it.  They're all but in a frenzy and the media has been all to happy to sensationalize this.  Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakan have descended to incite civil unrest, teens are using this as an excuse to 'walk out of school' and flash mob rob stores,  and TM's own mom has since trademarked his name to make a buck.  Hell, even the Bamster himself has decided to cash in by stating that, "had he a son, it would look just like..." ..  ??  Really? 

ty wrote:

Zimmerman perceived Martin as a threat, he can be forgiven for suspecting that. Following, confronting and ultimately killing him because of said suspicion? This should not be okay - but it is under 'Stand Your Ground'. A law that, I'm pretty sure, exists for the sake of gun-lovers who want reassurance that they'll get to use their weapons for their intended purpose.
Actually, the SYG law had nothing to do with this as Z is claiming self defense.  But since I'm pretty sure that you have no idea about what the law under attack is really about, I'll clarify it one more time for you..  The law tilted the scales back in favor of the victim by removing that provision that one has an obligation to run away from the criminal before defending himself. 

ty wrote:

Now Zimmerman obviously wasn't a person that can be expected to be reasonable but that's not really my point. My point is that Zimmerman should be charged with murder and the 'Stand Your Ground' law means he gets away with it. It makes no sense, you've got a guy running around who has shown that he is willing to use deadly force on anyone he believes to be a threat - and you actually have a law to keep him from being prosecuted.
He (Z) was a guy who had some problems (who doesn't).  I'd argue that TM wasn't exactly clean either.  However, Z was apparently concerned that law enforcement was not doing anything about the rash of burglaries in the neighborhood.  According to the Sanford PD, that 'kid' fit the description.  There is no law in Florida that states a person must follow the directive of a 911 operator.  According to Z he was walking back to his truck when he was attacked.  If that's true then who is more sane?  The guy leaving or the guy pursuing and then assaulting the one leaving?  Where did Z previously demonstrate that he was willing to use deadly force on anyone he believed to be a threat?  Ever been to Miami? 

ty wrote:

'Stand your Ground' essentially okays the practice of bringing a gun to a fist fight. Zimmerman didn't have reasonable grounds to use deadly force, that much should be clear. He was a big 27 year old man against a skinny black teenager armed with junk food. The question shouldn't be whether it was a shooting based on race or hooded sweatshirts regardless of whether it was that which made Zimmerman suspect Martin in the first place. It should be whether Zimmerman should be charged for shooting dead an unarmed civilian.
I agree with you that race wasn't a factor here.  Size has nothing to do with it.  You don't know the physical condition of Z.  He could have been out of shape, hasn't been to the gym in ages with some sort of physical ailment.  We do know that TM was a football player.  Football players are extremely athletic.  But I guess in your eyes Z should have laid there and let the 'kid' continually bash his head into the sidewalk.  Nah..  Actually I carry a gun pretty much everywhere I go.  It is as normal as putting my wallet in my pocket along with my keys, knife and phone.  But at the same time, I'm not a member of the neighborhood watch and I don't drive around at odd hours of the AM looking to see what people are doing.

ty wrote:

Why is this even a debate?
Because you're anti-gun and immediately bought into the media sensationalizing this before all the facts have been revealed.  There is nothing wrong with the 'stand your ground' law.

ty wrote:

Even if Zimmerman "reasonably" thought Martin was a threat, even if he was fearful for his safety before and/or after being confronted, even if he is forgiven for being a fucking idiot and ignoring the police officers order to not follow Martin. At the end of the day he fucked up. He was wrong, he had poor judgement and as a result he killed an innocent person. The law should not be patting him on the back and saying "there there, we all make mistakes" it should be saying "you fucked up buddy, time to pay."
He was on his way back to his truck when TM confronted him.   I'd say at the end of the day TM 'fucked up' by punching him in the face, straddling him and slamming his head into the sidewalk.  Is that your idea of an innocent person?  Furthermore, he hasn't been forgiven.  He very well may still go to jail.  The investigation isn't completed yet.  Governor Scott & the bamster have appointed their appropriate people to review this.  Hopefully the truth will come out and the media will actually report it and not some agenda driven, race baiting story.
But honestly, I dunno if we'll ever know the entire truth.  There were two people there, and one is dead.  Sad thing, but I'll take this as a further reminder to mind my own business whenever possible and to not go around punching people in the face and slamming their head into the sidewalk.  You never know nowadays who's carrying, lawfully or not.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.

You are taking everything Zimmerman has said as fact.
+2,187|6730|Mountains of NC

-Sh1fty- wrote:

In light of all the media attention from this "racist hate-crime murder," I deemed it crucial for BF2s existence, as an assembly of highly intelligent and sophisticated individuals educated in criminal justice to judge George Zimmerman's actions on the night of February 26, 2012, in Sanford, Florida. We hereby yearn to discover the truth, and to determine Zimmerman's fate.

(I'm just f**king sick of all the media attention this crap is getting on account of race issues so lets get this court ruling freaking over with.)

- Trayvon Martin (2/5/1995 - 2/26/2012)

Trayvon Martin was an African-American teenager who attended Krop Senior High School. He was a junior and was interested in military aviation. He was suspended from school that day for his third time. Trayvon was 6 foot 3 inches and weighed 2140 pounds (64 kg).
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Macbeth wrote:

You are taking everything Zimmerman has said as fact.
He wants to believe.

AussieReaper wrote:

jsnipy wrote:

Astonished at why this guy has not been charged yet.

Equally astonished at how "they" try to blame his actions on a law that allows you to stand your ground.
The stand your ground law is the reason he wasn't arrested on the scene immediately.

Also - shifty you should have made this a poll you goose.
Yeah but after that 911 recoding should have been no issue charging him. Using a law as excuse to basically commit murder is not the laws fault.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

Macbeth wrote:

You are taking everything Zimmerman has said as fact.
Why wouldn't he? Zimmerman is white.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5421|foggy bottom
fuck white people
Tu Stultus Es

I have an essay on Pizzaro's conquest of the Inca due Monday. I have to drive down to my school and barricade myself in the library today and finish it or else it'll never be done. That said, I'll take my time to make one effort post about this subject. Long post but it's worth it. Trust me I wrote it!

Okay so the only two people who truly know what happened that day after Zimmerman got out of his car are Zimmerman and Martin. Martin is dead so we can never get his side of the story. Though we could get Zimmerman's side of the story, it's tainted because Zimmerman has the human trait of self preservation. So what Zimmerman says about what happened can at best be ''taken with a grain of salt'' and at worst completely disregarded. Since what happened is a mystery, let us deal with the four objective provable 100% did happen facts:

1. Zimmerman confronted Martin.
2. Martin was unarmed.
3. Zimmerman was armed.
4. Zimmerman killed Martin.

Now here comes in the "stand your ground law" and where things get confusing. Unlike Ohio's similar law, the burden of proof is shifted to the police in Florida. Meaning, the police have to prove you did not have to use force in Florida but in Ohio you have to prove you needed to use force. From Zimmerman's account, he was in right to use force. Now since the police have no proof of anything to discount his claim he was not charged. This decision was made by the states prosecution to not file charges because they had no proof to discount Zimmerman's claim.The lead homicide detective from the area, thought he should have been charged with at least manslaughter. The police were going on the four "knows" when they made that choice. The states law made the four knows less relevant than Zimmerman's testimony. Which demonstrates a problem with Florida law compared to the superior Ohio law. Full disclosure: I'm okay with stand your ground laws. From my understanding of them, Ohio seems to have the best.

Now I would side with Zimmerman if he was in fact attacked outright by Martin. But I cannot due to the fact that the confrontation was started by Zimmerman. His actions of following and confronting Martin nullify his cause for self defense. The Florida state Senator who wrote the law agrees with me, and beleives Zimmerman is not protected by the law due to his initiating the confrontation.

Finally, what role does race play in this? In America there is trend of thinking of young black people as criminals. It's racist but we just can't help it. Zimmerman especially couldn't help it. In the months leading up to the death of Martin, Zimmerman made 46 911 calls reporting black people in the his neighborhood. We know this for a fact. There are records and recordings and transcripts. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out that race had something to do with this case since Zimmerman has a fear of blacks in his neighborhood.

So in summation:
1. Based off of the 100% knowable facts- Zimmerman killed an unarmed man he confronted.

2. Florida state law is protecting Zimmerman while the police and the person who wrote the law both think he should be charged. There is something wrong with the law.

3. This case was caused by race and Zimmerman has a thing against black people.

So excuse me while I go write this essay and ogle the Asian girls, little yellow flowers that they are, on my campus.

Jaekus wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

You are taking everything Zimmerman has said as fact.
He wants to believe.
Believe what?  I merely attempted to clarify what the "stand your ground law is" and what has been reported.
Nah, it's guys want to believe.  Drink the cool-aid and buy into the media lynch mob hype.  Go off half-cocked.  Gunz-r-bad m'kay?  Wear that hoodie.

But yea... I do want to believe that someone used deadly force only when necessary.  What do you want to believe?  Do you want to believe that someone unjustly murdered 17 year old?  Does that help you feel more hatred to firearms and those that have them?  Great perspective there. 

Look, there are only 2 people that know what really happened.  One of them is dead.  The story and evidence seems to back the survivors story.  If it comes out that Z was the aggressor and not defending himself?  Then I hope they fry his ass.  But as things stand now, the authorities had decided that the man was defending himself, after media sensation causing public outcry, the case is being re-reviewed.  And that's cool by me.  I'll reserve my judgement on him until when I read the investigator's conclusions.

The law here was not the problem.  Again, it isn't a good idea to meddle in other people's business and is even a worse idea to assault someone. 

But now Jaekus, you beg the questions...

Would it have been OK with you Jaekus for TM to pummel Z into a state of brain damage?  At what point during an assault would your permit him or anyone for that matter who's being beaten the "right" to defend his own life and well being?

How about you?  Would you ever defend yourself if attacked or would you run?  What if you could get away?  How about if someone attacked someone you cared about?  Would you fight back or intervene?  Or would you wait and hope for the best?  Maybe you'd grab a nearby object and use it as a weapon?
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5421|foggy bottom
i wish i was white so i could chase minorities, shoot them, claim self defence and not get charged with murder.
Tu Stultus Es

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

You are taking everything Zimmerman has said as fact.
Why wouldn't he? Zimmerman is white.
You nailed it.  You should go looking for zimmerman, I hear the Black Panther Party is handing out a reward.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5421|foggy bottom

13rin wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

You are taking everything Zimmerman has said as fact.
He wants to believe.
Believe what?  I merely attempted to clarify what the "stand your ground law is" and what has been reported.
Nah, it's guys want to believe.  Drink the cool-aid and buy into the media lynch mob hype.  Go off half-cocked.  Gunz-r-bad m'kay?  Wear that hoodie.

But yea... I do want to believe that someone used deadly force only when necessary.  What do you want to believe?  Do you want to believe that someone unjustly murdered 17 year old?  Does that help you feel more hatred to firearms and those that have them?  Great perspective there. 

Look, there are only 2 people that know what really happened.  One of them is dead.  The story and evidence seems to back the survivors story.  If it comes out that Z was the aggressor and not defending himself?  Then I hope they fry his ass.  But as things stand now, the authorities had decided that the man was defending himself, after media sensation causing public outcry, the case is being re-reviewed.  And that's cool by me.  I'll reserve my judgement on him until when I read the investigator's conclusions.

The law here was not the problem.  Again, it isn't a good idea to meddle in other people's business and is even a worse idea to assault someone. 

But now Jaekus, you beg the questions...

Would it have been OK with you Jaekus for TM to pummel Z into a state of brain damage?  At what point during an assault would your permit him or anyone for that matter who's being beaten the "right" to defend his own life and well being?

How about you?  Would you ever defend yourself if attacked or would you run?  What if you could get away?  How about if someone attacked someone you cared about?  Would you fight back or intervene?  Or would you wait and hope for the best?  Maybe you'd grab a nearby object and use it as a weapon?
so youre saying its completely justifiable if some asshole got an itch up his ass, thought you looked suspicious, chased you and shoots you? as long as a person thinks you dont belong where you are its ok for that person to instigate a controntation, get his ass beat by you and pull his gun when hes losing the fight?
Tu Stultus Es
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

13rin wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

You are taking everything Zimmerman has said as fact.
He wants to believe.
Believe what?  I merely attempted to clarify what the "stand your ground law is" and what has been reported.
Nah, it's guys want to believe.  Drink the cool-aid and buy into the media lynch mob hype.  Go off half-cocked.  Gunz-r-bad m'kay?  Wear that hoodie.

But yea... I do want to believe that someone used deadly force only when necessary.  What do you want to believe?  Do you want to believe that someone unjustly murdered 17 year old?  Does that help you feel more hatred to firearms and those that have them?  Great perspective there. 

Look, there are only 2 people that know what really happened.  One of them is dead.  The story and evidence seems to back the survivors story.  If it comes out that Z was the aggressor and not defending himself?  Then I hope they fry his ass.  But as things stand now, the authorities had decided that the man was defending himself, after media sensation causing public outcry, the case is being re-reviewed.  And that's cool by me.  I'll reserve my judgement on him until when I read the investigator's conclusions.

The law here was not the problem.  Again, it isn't a good idea to meddle in other people's business and is even a worse idea to assault someone.
1. I haven't stated any stance. Assume makes an ass of u and... if you want clarification, see Macbeth's post.
2. Straw man argument
3. You'll reserve judgement? Your post above contradicts that statement.
4. The guy who wrote the law doesn't agree with you. 

But now Jaekus, you beg the questions...

Would it have been OK with you Jaekus for TM to pummel Z into a state of brain damage?  At what point during an assault would your permit him or anyone for that matter who's being beaten the "right" to defend his own life and well being?
Of course not. But can we prove Zimmerman was assaulted in the first place? You said yourself that we only have his side of the story. As it stands there is no proof from what I've seen in the thread that he was injured. But if he was injured, did he provoke the situation initially?

How about you?  Would you ever defend yourself if attacked or would you run?  What if you could get away?  How about if someone attacked someone you cared about?  Would you fight back or intervene?  Or would you wait and hope for the best?  Maybe you'd grab a nearby object and use it as a weapon?
So many questions about me. That hardly pertains to this discussion at hand, because this does not involve me, so it seems pointless answering them. Ever heard the saying "argue the point, never the person?"

Last edited by Jaekus (2012-03-29 08:34:26)


eleven bravo wrote:

i wish i was white so i could chase minorities, shoot them, claim self defence and not get charged with murder.
If it comes out that's what he's done then he needs to die.

eleven bravo wrote:

so youre saying its completely justifiable if some asshole got an itch up his ass, thought you looked suspicious, chased you and shoots you? as long as a person thinks you dont belong where you are its ok for that person to instigate a controntation, get his ass beat by you and pull his gun when hes losing the fight?
No, that's not acceptable and I understand exactly what you're saying. 

And we don't know if that's exactly what happened.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Guns don't kill people. . . joe bidens advice does

eleven bravo wrote:

i wish i was white
If you're not white, you're missing out.
You could go the Michael Jackson route. You're not famous so people might not figure it out.

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