
mtb0minime wrote:

In another dream I was hanging out with a bf2s member () and I was acting a bit retarded because my body had a basic pH, which in the dream caused symptoms like limping around and talking in very broken speech. I remember trying to drink soda and other acidic products to try and get back to normal.
This amused me greatly for some reason.

Last night, dreamed I went to Vegas with a good friend of mine.  We decided not to go to the new casinos and went to a really old, straight outta the 60s casino.  We were pretty much the only ones there.  We decided to sit at the two slot machines in the lobby area.  Two guys walked by that looked like "mob types" and my friend decided just then to skip the slot machines.  She got up and walked into the gaming room behind the two men.  Just then, I notice someone sitting at a table on the opposite side of the room...He is dressed in a black rootsuit.  Just as the two men turn the corner to the other room the rootsuit guy stands up and shoots the two men and my friend.  He then turns to me and shoots.  I feel a horrible pain in the right side of my neck then it goes numb.  I slowly fall to the floor and it fades to nothing.
I dreamt I was nailing sams mum. (fyi she is well fit)

Sturgeon wrote:

I dreamt I was nailing sam. (fyi he is well fit)
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5706|Fuck this.

Sturgeon wrote:

I dreamt I was nailing sams mum. (fyi she is well fit)
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!

tuckergustav wrote:

I dreamt I was nailing sam. (fyi he is well fit)
Undsiputed BF2s FIFA champion of all time
me too

only it wasnt a dream
Feeding the Cats.
+761|5286|Dundee, Scotland.
Dreamt about John last night, was weird. My stepmum, Cath, (John's mother) was having a tough time dealing with losing John. Two priests cane to see us, because I could see and speak to John. Whilst one priest was consoling Cath, the other was talking to me. "he's just behind me over there" he said, pointing to the exact spot I could see John.

I was a bit weirder out by this, so I decided to google it:
brother, sister or other relatives that have passed on may indicate that you feel that you will be called on for charity or aid within a short time.
What's especially weird is that I had a dream about John a few weeks ago, but didn't read up on it, and last week I started collecting sponsorship money for cystic fibrosis.

Bizzare things dreams.
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5706|Fuck this.
Camm is actually dead. What a twist.
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!

Was flying in a jet with 20 other people as some sort of flight school thing. We went into a weird cartwheel kind of spin and I wasn't sure if they pilots did that on purpose or if they just sucked. An alarm started going off, indicating that we were headed towards the ground. Last thing I saw was a green field right before we hit it.

Woke up and turned off my alarm
'Light 'em up!'

Had a dream that a tarantula had somehow gotten into my shoe and started biting me. Hurt enough to wake me up.
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6949|New Hampshire, USA

tuckergustav wrote:

Last night, dreamed I went to Vegas with a good friend of mine.  We decided not to go to the new casinos and went to a really old, straight outta the 60s casino.  We were pretty much the only ones there.  We decided to sit at the two slot machines in the lobby area.  Two guys walked by that looked like "mob types" and my friend decided just then to skip the slot machines.  She got up and walked into the gaming room behind the two men.  Just then, I notice someone sitting at a table on the opposite side of the room...He is dressed in a black rootsuit.  Just as the two men turn the corner to the other room the rootsuit guy stands up and shoots the two men and my friend.  He then turns to me and shoots.  I feel a horrible pain in the right side of my neck then it goes numb.  I slowly fall to the floor and it fades to nothing.
Hardcore Tucker.

Hard. Core.

I remember reading somewhere that if you die in your dream, you die in real life.  Something to do with your heart/brain not being able to handle the stress of thinking its dead and thus shutting down.  Furthermore, anytime you're about to die in a dream, you'll wake up right before it actually happens thus preventing death, IE

mtb0minime wrote:

Last thing I saw was a green field right before we hit it
Dunno where I read it or how factual it is, but it always interested me.
Lost Hope
+20|6645|Brussels, Belgium

Eagle wrote:

I remember reading somewhere that if you die in your dream, you die in real life.  Something to do with your heart/brain not being able to handle the stress of thinking its dead and thus shutting down.  Furthermore, anytime you're about to die in a dream, you'll wake up right before it actually happens thus preventing death, IE

mtb0minime wrote:

Last thing I saw was a green field right before we hit it
Dunno where I read it or how factual it is, but it always interested me.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7035|Riva, MD
Had a dream that my brother was trying to kill himself by sitting in a running car in a closed garage, and he told me to just get out of the car

That was a creepy dream
free sam

Eagle wrote:

I remember reading somewhere that if you die in your dream, you die in real life.  Something to do with your heart/brain not being able to handle the stress of thinking its dead and thus shutting down.  Furthermore, anytime you're about to die in a dream, you'll wake up right before it actually happens thus preventing death, IE

mtb0minime wrote:

Last thing I saw was a green field right before we hit it
Dunno where I read it or how factual it is, but it always interested me.
Dude, I saw that too! There's even a documentary about it...

Oh yeah, it's called The Matrix

I've died in dreams a couple of times, I don't mean woken up, I mean actually died. Pretty sure I'm still alive... or a really boring zombie
+1,411|7060|FUCK UBISOFT

I've died and experienced several forms of afterlife in dreams before.

What if we're all about to die right now but we're reliving our life as it flashes before our eyes?
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6106|Catherine Black
but what about people who have near death experiences and their life flashes before their eyes?

You know how there are sleep stages and there's the one right before being sleep. Did you ever have the feeling of going between being asleep and in that second to last sleep state. Your relaxed, comfortable, and drowsy and between dreaming and being awake. I just experienced like five of those and had a ton of dreams within 20 minutes. It's a long post but if you want to take a shot at reading it be my guest.

The first one has me placed in the my high school library where I am supposed to be writing a paper on something but am instead playing Simcity. Right next to me is a girl I went to elementary school with and haven't seen in a few years. We are both around the age of 17. She starts to explain how the new formatting of citations work to me and by showing me a large piece of paper. Before she can finish she gets a phone call from her friend and starts to laugh and talk with her friend about a guy she knows. I felt immensely jealous and just focused on playing simcity. After she got off the phone she starts to explain the citations again. She explained that for every citation we have to fill out a form and explaining how we came across the citation and in detail what else is in it. I say "So we have to have citations for our citations?" She laughs.

The second dream I am in some building with a bunch of different lecture halls. You know how you can recognize a place in a dream but can't remember the place? It was like that. The lecture halls were in terrible shape. Pretty decrepit. In all the halls students are movies that have MLK in them but aren't actually about MLK. I arrive and I'm late and i know it's the first day of classes and everyone is in there and I start to panic. I have a full blown panic attack and everyone in the lecture hall thinks it is hilarious even the instructor who makes jokes to the rest of the class about it. eventually class ends and everyone is leaving and I'm just sitting in the corner comatose.

I don't want to talk about the third dream. Besides it would require a whole post explaining the back stories and other stuff of the people in it.

I only come into the fourth dream at the end. It starts off with a picture of Bill and Hilary Clinton and a narrator explaining how two corrupt politicians were about to be exposed to the world and other stuff. Felt like a movie trailer. Briefly I was shown a message being typed up on a machine that said "file have been hacked" and then it disappeared. Afterward the POV is following a girl in her 20's walking into a secured room with a camera in her hand. Inside the room past two metal doors sits another girl about the same age. The girl in the room is sitting down look at a box in another room that is being a very secure glass wall. The girl sitting down says to the one with the camera something like "what are you doing? They are going to know it was you who stole it." The girl with the camera replies "I want them to know it was me" or something like that. Then the girl sitting down is typing something in on a console in the room and an alarm goes off. The first door closes locking them in the lab while a bunch of SWAT guys start to swarm the room behind that door before the second door locks the SWAT guy in and leaves some other locked out. The room then starts to vibrate. The SWAT tells the girls to surrender and other typical SWAT stuff. The rooms begins to vibrate even more. Then the SWAT guys that we locked out of the lab. Explode. They explode from the inside out. The SWAT guys in the lab aren't phased and continue the SWAT spiel. The room vibrate even more and then they explode. The girls inside the last room start to freak out. They start crying and one of them starts to talk about how she doesn't want to die and how she is too young and then they both explode.

That's where I show up in the dream. I'm outside on some ledge getting pushed off of it slowly by the vibrations and next to me is Karl Rove also hanging on. We are both lying on our stomachs trying to move slowly. Rove explains to me how the vibration thing works and how the only thing saving us is a pane is glass next to the ledge. We start to crawl ahead to get off the ledge and into a building. I start to crawl faster and leave Rove behind. While I am crawling I come across Harrison Ford also crawling and holding on and he complains that I'm in his way as I crawl over him to get into the building. As soon as I enter the building this monster pops up and I shot it in the head with a pistol. Then another monster tells me now to shoot and it turns out the "monster" is actually a mutated person. The vibrations had mutated everyone. There is like 10 other people each with some sort of mutation and we are all just sitting around locked in this room until some doctors and lawyers come into the room and start to give a presentation. The doctors explain to us how we can now live to be over 200 years old because of the mutations but we can't have children and will remain mutates as long as we take the medication they will give us. The presentation also has a bunch of clip art showing how nice it would be to live so long and al the stuff we could like traveling and being married for two hundred years. Then the dream ends.

The fifth and final dream is the same as the last. But this time it starts off with me watching things from the SWAT perspective. Everything is rearranged differently but it's the same place and same situation mostly. The SWAT in the second room are sitting down on some crates and telling the girls to come out of the room while the girls are crying and freaking out. The room starts to vibrate again and the SWAT outside blow up like before. The SWAT in the second room see the other blow up but remain zen like still just sitting on the crates like nothing happened until they blow up. Then the dream ends.

inb4 tl;dr. If you want to take a shot at figuring those out be my guest.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
i dont remember any of my dreams
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5577|foggy bottom

Macbeth wrote:

You know how there are sleep stages and there's the one right before being sleep. Did you ever have the feeling of going between being asleep and in that second to last sleep state. Your relaxed, comfortable, and drowsy and between dreaming and being awake. I just experienced like five of those and had a ton of dreams within 20 minutes. It's a long post but if you want to take a shot at reading it be my guest.

The first one has me placed in the my high school library where I am supposed to be writing a paper on something but am instead playing Simcity. Right next to me is a girl I went to elementary school with and haven't seen in a few years. We are both around the age of 17. She starts to explain how the new formatting of citations work to me and by showing me a large piece of paper. Before she can finish she gets a phone call from her friend and starts to laugh and talk with her friend about a guy she knows. I felt immensely jealous and just focused on playing simcity. After she got off the phone she starts to explain the citations again. She explained that for every citation we have to fill out a form and explaining how we came across the citation and in detail what else is in it. I say "So we have to have citations for our citations?" She laughs.

The second dream I am in some building with a bunch of different lecture halls. You know how you can recognize a place in a dream but can't remember the place? It was like that. The lecture halls were in terrible shape. Pretty decrepit. In all the halls students are movies that have MLK in them but aren't actually about MLK. I arrive and I'm late and i know it's the first day of classes and everyone is in there and I start to panic. I have a full blown panic attack and everyone in the lecture hall thinks it is hilarious even the instructor who makes jokes to the rest of the class about it. eventually class ends and everyone is leaving and I'm just sitting in the corner comatose.

I don't want to talk about the third dream. Besides it would require a whole post explaining the back stories and other stuff of the people in it.

I only come into the fourth dream at the end. It starts off with a picture of Bill and Hilary Clinton and a narrator explaining how two corrupt politicians were about to be exposed to the world and other stuff. Felt like a movie trailer. Briefly I was shown a message being typed up on a machine that said "file have been hacked" and then it disappeared. Afterward the POV is following a girl in her 20's walking into a secured room with a camera in her hand. Inside the room past two metal doors sits another girl about the same age. The girl in the room is sitting down look at a box in another room that is being a very secure glass wall. The girl sitting down says to the one with the camera something like "what are you doing? They are going to know it was you who stole it." The girl with the camera replies "I want them to know it was me" or something like that. Then the girl sitting down is typing something in on a console in the room and an alarm goes off. The first door closes locking them in the lab while a bunch of SWAT guys start to swarm the room behind that door before the second door locks the SWAT guy in and leaves some other locked out. The room then starts to vibrate. The SWAT tells the girls to surrender and other typical SWAT stuff. The rooms begins to vibrate even more. Then the SWAT guys that we locked out of the lab. Explode. They explode from the inside out. The SWAT guys in the lab aren't phased and continue the SWAT spiel. The room vibrate even more and then they explode. The girls inside the last room start to freak out. They start crying and one of them starts to talk about how she doesn't want to die and how she is too young and then they both explode.

That's where I show up in the dream. I'm outside on some ledge getting pushed off of it slowly by the vibrations and next to me is Karl Rove also hanging on. We are both lying on our stomachs trying to move slowly. Rove explains to me how the vibration thing works and how the only thing saving us is a pane is glass next to the ledge. We start to crawl ahead to get off the ledge and into a building. I start to crawl faster and leave Rove behind. While I am crawling I come across Harrison Ford also crawling and holding on and he complains that I'm in his way as I crawl over him to get into the building. As soon as I enter the building this monster pops up and I shot it in the head with a pistol. Then another monster tells me now to shoot and it turns out the "monster" is actually a mutated person. The vibrations had mutated everyone. There is like 10 other people each with some sort of mutation and we are all just sitting around locked in this room until some doctors and lawyers come into the room and start to give a presentation. The doctors explain to us how we can now live to be over 200 years old because of the mutations but we can't have children and will remain mutates as long as we take the medication they will give us. The presentation also has a bunch of clip art showing how nice it would be to live so long and al the stuff we could like traveling and being married for two hundred years. Then the dream ends.

The fifth and final dream is the same as the last. But this time it starts off with me watching things from the SWAT perspective. Everything is rearranged differently but it's the same place and same situation mostly. The SWAT in the second room are sitting down on some crates and telling the girls to come out of the room while the girls are crying and freaking out. The room starts to vibrate again and the SWAT outside blow up like before. The SWAT in the second room see the other blow up but remain zen like still just sitting on the crates like nothing happened until they blow up. Then the dream ends.

inb4 tl;dr. If you want to take a shot at figuring those out be my guest.
mother issues
Tu Stultus Es
'Light 'em up!'

Had a dream last night that I was making out with Mila Kunis, then I went to a classroom that was invaded by Russian mobsters, for some reason I had an MP7 and Samuel L Jackson smashed through the window to help me shoot them all.

It was awesome.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
You were making out with an ugly whore
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6991|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Ive given regretting that I dont remember my dreams.  Being a nightly weed smoker it just dosent happen.  A bit like a hardon for a Coke sniffer I suppose.

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