That clears it up then.
She's now a lampshade
She's now a lampshade
did he have a snobby english accent?m3thod wrote:
good news everyone! i met my first mexican in the UK yesterday.
(he thought i was mexican)
ese is an american "chicano" word. very few people know the meaning. the word actually refers to a southern hispanic gangmember, a sureno. ese is the way you spell the first letter of that word. its the equivalent of how black gangmembers call each other cuz or blood. a northern hispanic gangmember would say enem3thod wrote:
mexicans in training day, mexicans in friday, mexicans in the shield all say ese.
u rong.
i'm just happy you derailed this abortion of a thread. +1m3thod wrote:
i am just going to remain ignorant and think all mexicans call each other ese, it just easier.
i think its a retarded word but a lot of retards out here really like to label themselves with itMacbeth wrote:
Chicano lol