[ Please Note The Following ]
Many of you remember seeing this tutorial posted on other forums. However, due to recent discussions with BF2RS admins and representatives from EA, Dice, and PunkBuster, there have been several guidelines set for me that I must follow if I want to continue writing and distributing this guide.
One of them is that you must ALL understand that this guide is mine. It does not belong to BF2RS, and it does not belong to anyone, or any site, other than myself. Additionally, it represents solely my ideas, and my opinions. The original idea belonged to elmerfudd, and he is cited in the tutorial disclaimer.
Secondly, this tutorial deals with editting BF2 files. According to the official RoE agreement between BF2RS and EA, sSection ยง1.3, "You may not change (hack) any core games files, load into memory or employ external programs or cheats for the purposes of giving yourself an unfair advantage over other players." If you use this solely for editting localization files, and in a way that gives you NO (aka ZERO) advantage against other players, you will be fine. If you use any knowledge gained from this tutorial in ANY other way, you will probably be caught and be in trouble. Understand that you are ON YOUR OWN, and can not, and will not, ask me for help, or pin this on me. You did it on your own, and under the understanding that what you were doing was wrong, and could land you in serious trouble. This tutorial is SOLELY for editting localization files, NOTHING else. This includes making your name big/colored through your prefix, which is a violation of RoE, and can get you in trouble.
Third, this tutorial must only be distributed by me. You may NOT post this tutorial on any forums, or send this tutorial to anyone else. The only place this tutorial is to be hosted is on official downloads listed below. Other than that, the only other place you should obtain this tutorial is from me, SaladFork. I have sent this to several people over IM transfers, or over FTP. Other than the downloads and me personally, I would like to ask that you yourself DO NOT host it. I understand that if you decide to host it, there is little I can do. However, out of respect for me and the effort put into making this tutorial for YOU, please do not do so.
The tutorial is no longer to be released as a post/thread on the forums, but rather as a downloadable package. This package is released under the GNU General Public License, which is included in gnu.txt inside the package. The files found inside the package are as follow:
localization_files-130.zip -
-- English.utxt, English_autorun.utxt, English_mappacks.utxt, English_Patch.utxt, XPEnglish.utxt - These are the .utxt files that I use with my installation of BF2. These are the same ones used by many players who have downloaded this package, and I provide them with this package if you want nice simple modified localization files without the hassle of going through them. They have been editted to emphasize certain messages, and add minute information to certain other messages. Vehicle/Weapon names have been left untouched. These are actually very basic, but are great for something to work off of, should you want to customize it further. See below for installation instructions.
gnu.txt - A copy of the 2nd version of the GNU GPL. The tutorial and all included files are released under this license.
localization_tutorial-130.pdf - The official localization file tutorial for patch 1.3. It is in pdf format for easy access, and to make it easily printable (for those who wish to do so). If you are unable to view PDF files, you can get a free copy of Adobe Reader from [url=http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html]the official Adobe Reader download page[/url].
README.txt - Information regarding the localization tutorial and instructions on how to install my .utxt files, which are included in this package (see above). It basically restates this post, so feel free to ignore it.
Installation Instructions for the .utxt Files:
Please note that these are for the English version of BF2, and are not compatible with localization files belonging to other languages.
1) Extract localization_files-130.zip to a temporary location. If you are unsure, your desktop will probably be fine.
2) Open up Windows Explorer (or the file manager of your choice) and head to your BF2 directory (By default: C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\)
3) Navigate to the English localization directory (By default: \mods\bf2\Localization\English\)
4) Replace (overwrite) the files in there with the files that came with this package.
5) That's it! Open up BF2, and have fun.
Please note that BF2 reads the entire \English\ directory for .utxt files. If you put ANYTHING else in there, including a backup of old .utxt files (even nested inside a folder), or something else from this tutorial, BF2 will crash and give you an error.
Download Locations:
[url=http://www.xbf2.com/files/SaladLocalization1.30.zip]Download from XBF2[/url] (Thanks to Ckilla)
[url=http://www.totalbf2.com/saladfork/SaladLocalization1.30.zip]Download from TotalBF2[/url] (Thanks to GameWizard and SmEdD)
[url=http://www.devsalad.com/files/SaladLocalization1.30.zip]Download from DevSalad[/url] (Thanks to... Me!)
Have fun!
Many of you remember seeing this tutorial posted on other forums. However, due to recent discussions with BF2RS admins and representatives from EA, Dice, and PunkBuster, there have been several guidelines set for me that I must follow if I want to continue writing and distributing this guide.
One of them is that you must ALL understand that this guide is mine. It does not belong to BF2RS, and it does not belong to anyone, or any site, other than myself. Additionally, it represents solely my ideas, and my opinions. The original idea belonged to elmerfudd, and he is cited in the tutorial disclaimer.
Secondly, this tutorial deals with editting BF2 files. According to the official RoE agreement between BF2RS and EA, sSection ยง1.3, "You may not change (hack) any core games files, load into memory or employ external programs or cheats for the purposes of giving yourself an unfair advantage over other players." If you use this solely for editting localization files, and in a way that gives you NO (aka ZERO) advantage against other players, you will be fine. If you use any knowledge gained from this tutorial in ANY other way, you will probably be caught and be in trouble. Understand that you are ON YOUR OWN, and can not, and will not, ask me for help, or pin this on me. You did it on your own, and under the understanding that what you were doing was wrong, and could land you in serious trouble. This tutorial is SOLELY for editting localization files, NOTHING else. This includes making your name big/colored through your prefix, which is a violation of RoE, and can get you in trouble.
Third, this tutorial must only be distributed by me. You may NOT post this tutorial on any forums, or send this tutorial to anyone else. The only place this tutorial is to be hosted is on official downloads listed below. Other than that, the only other place you should obtain this tutorial is from me, SaladFork. I have sent this to several people over IM transfers, or over FTP. Other than the downloads and me personally, I would like to ask that you yourself DO NOT host it. I understand that if you decide to host it, there is little I can do. However, out of respect for me and the effort put into making this tutorial for YOU, please do not do so.
The tutorial is no longer to be released as a post/thread on the forums, but rather as a downloadable package. This package is released under the GNU General Public License, which is included in gnu.txt inside the package. The files found inside the package are as follow:
localization_files-130.zip -
-- English.utxt, English_autorun.utxt, English_mappacks.utxt, English_Patch.utxt, XPEnglish.utxt - These are the .utxt files that I use with my installation of BF2. These are the same ones used by many players who have downloaded this package, and I provide them with this package if you want nice simple modified localization files without the hassle of going through them. They have been editted to emphasize certain messages, and add minute information to certain other messages. Vehicle/Weapon names have been left untouched. These are actually very basic, but are great for something to work off of, should you want to customize it further. See below for installation instructions.
gnu.txt - A copy of the 2nd version of the GNU GPL. The tutorial and all included files are released under this license.
localization_tutorial-130.pdf - The official localization file tutorial for patch 1.3. It is in pdf format for easy access, and to make it easily printable (for those who wish to do so). If you are unable to view PDF files, you can get a free copy of Adobe Reader from [url=http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html]the official Adobe Reader download page[/url].
README.txt - Information regarding the localization tutorial and instructions on how to install my .utxt files, which are included in this package (see above). It basically restates this post, so feel free to ignore it.
Installation Instructions for the .utxt Files:
Please note that these are for the English version of BF2, and are not compatible with localization files belonging to other languages.
1) Extract localization_files-130.zip to a temporary location. If you are unsure, your desktop will probably be fine.
2) Open up Windows Explorer (or the file manager of your choice) and head to your BF2 directory (By default: C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\)
3) Navigate to the English localization directory (By default: \mods\bf2\Localization\English\)
4) Replace (overwrite) the files in there with the files that came with this package.
5) That's it! Open up BF2, and have fun.
Please note that BF2 reads the entire \English\ directory for .utxt files. If you put ANYTHING else in there, including a backup of old .utxt files (even nested inside a folder), or something else from this tutorial, BF2 will crash and give you an error.
Download Locations:
[url=http://www.xbf2.com/files/SaladLocalization1.30.zip]Download from XBF2[/url] (Thanks to Ckilla)
[url=http://www.totalbf2.com/saladfork/SaladLocalization1.30.zip]Download from TotalBF2[/url] (Thanks to GameWizard and SmEdD)
[url=http://www.devsalad.com/files/SaladLocalization1.30.zip]Download from DevSalad[/url] (Thanks to... Me!)
Have fun!
Last edited by SaladFork (2006-05-23 12:11:47)