sophisticated slacker
+334|6485|Graz, Austria
IMO, you can't go back further than WW1.
That war was the first one that had proper usage of all branches of modern weapons: aircraft, tanks, submarines, machine guns
The only thing missing would be helicopters, but those weren't properly used as a weapons system for several more decades after WW1.

You could maybe go back to the American Civil War, as there were already (hand-cranked) Gatling guns and early submarines in use.
But everything else would be quite boring musket-volleying & bayonet-rushing.

And speaking about unlocks/accessories; DICE would surely find ways to stuff those in, no matter what setting used:
"Hey Gnork, look at my awesome new obsidian spike unlock for my club."
"Nice try, Fnork, my trained saber-tooth tiger will rip you to shreds in close combat."
"Ha! I laugh at both of you. With my spear-thrower unlock I'll pick you off from even further away, making everything else useless."

plundering yee booty
+510|5635|Ventura, California
I hate unlocks
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6793|New Hampshire, USA
Unlocks, ranks, and medals were done right in BF2 imho, after that they started getting annoying and ridiculous
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Gulf war.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6485|Graz, Austria

Jaekus wrote:

Gulf war.
Which one? 1st, 2nd or 3rd?
Also, to keep such a game balanced, the US side should not be allowed to bomb the shit out of the enemy.
+2,382|6840|The North, beyond the wall.
african civil wars
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
korean war

6 day war looool
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6851|Tampa Bay Florida
Korea!  Tens of thousands of insane chinamen sneaking over hills, WW2-ish weapons, more conventional then Vietnam.  Never been done before in a video game.
+22|6848|Philadelphia, PA
I think American Civil War would be cool, but there is a limited world audience for a subject like that. 

You could have a nice mix of classes though.  Infantry, sniper, picket/scout, calvalry (!!!). Upgrades from flintlocks to early repeaters, cap and ball revolvers to Colts. Gatling guns, dynamite, bowie knives, sabres.  Sadly, no aircraft or tanks, but horses, hot-air baloons, and 12-lb Napoleon cannons.  Vehicle conflict could focus on Naval battles.

Ft Sumter, Gettysburg, Shiloh, Manassas, Antietam, Bull Run, Hampton Roads, Mobile Bay.

Won't happen, but in the dreams of a few dusty Civil War 'buffs'...
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6851|Tampa Bay Florida

GeoEnvi wrote:

I think American Civil War would be cool, but there is a limited world audience for a subject like that. 

You could have a nice mix of classes though.  Infantry, sniper, picket/scout, calvalry (!!!). Upgrades from flintlocks to early repeaters, cap and ball revolvers to Colts. Gatling guns, dynamite, bowie knives, sabres.  Sadly, no aircraft or tanks, but horses, hot-air baloons, and 12-lb Napoleon cannons.  Vehicle conflict could focus on Naval battles.

Ft Sumter, Gettysburg, Shiloh, Manassas, Antietam, Bull Run, Hampton Roads, Mobile Bay.

Won't happen, but in the dreams of a few dusty Civil War 'buffs'...
Call of Juarez had a decent multiplayer mode, it was Union vs. Confederates.  I don't see why dice couldn't do it.  The only difference in gameplay would be maybe more of a reliance on melee, which is fun in itself.  I love knife-only servers.   

Maybe not for an entire game, but for an expansion pack it could be pretty fun.

Last edited by Spearhead (2012-02-29 20:26:30)

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