
Unleashed2k wrote:

Choumichel wrote:

Mantlsman wrote:

Sorry about the \"\\\" every other word, iam at school with this crappy egernomics keyboard. Its keyboarding class too. lol ironic.
No problem there

Another one: ![NBK]NaturalBornKillers RANK&RULES!
Kicked and Banned for putting C4 on a flag, detonating and killing an Admin of the server
You enjoy my ban? Read the rules
Never had any problems playing in their server and always seemed to be fair with a quick response to TKers..

Guys there's lots of GREAT servers out there and some do have some funny rules but of you don't like the rules don't play there..pretty soon that server will disappear..maybe someone can compile a list of servers
to avoid..
+3,611|6770|London, England
TBE (The british empire) are quite lame. They kick for baseraping even if their team is doing it to us. Actually quite alot of clans do that. They don't seem to like a taste of their own medicine.
+149|6697|USA bitches!
Not sure if they've been mentioned, but The Wizards Guild ( is by far one of the gayest guilds I've encountered.

The story goes like this:

I'm playing on their server alone on the USMC team. Karkand loads up and we go at it for about 10 minutes, then their admin comes along and says one of my teammates is cheating because he has 20:1 k/d ratio. He's like, "No I'm not, you guys keep rushing me." Then, he's kicked for cheating, which bothered the hell outta me. I decided to carry on until the faggotry got too much. After more kicks/banning because they were losing, I had had enough and politely asked this question. "Why did you kick (name here) for a having lots of kills, but you let (name here, who wasn't in their clan, just on their team) stay with more kills than him?" Of course, I'm kicked for "Idling" soon after. Ghey...

I get back on and we keep playing. I decide to keep my mouth shut, because we're owning them and it was fun. Next map roles around and I'm defending a flag from a helo. I ran around the corner with my rocket launcher and shoot just as my stupid teammate runs in front of me in the car and he's killed, tked in his opinion. So, now I get punished for his idiocy and I know I'm on their shit list again. Probably about 5 minutes later, I spawn with the same guy I accidentally tked him, and after we lost the CP of course, and we both jump in a car, me being the gunner. We speed off to the same CP for a capture and we arrive within seconds. We jump out of the car and the flag starts dropping. That's when I noticed the message, "Player Jenkinsbball is being kicked for stealing team vehicles!" There I go again, into the land of the kicked...

They've now pissed me off, not only because it takes 2 minutes to log back into their server, but because they're abusing their powers and kicking me, and others, for absolutely NO reason other than they suck dick at BF2 and cannot accept it.

And, there was the time I had 2 health bars and was following a medic with the =TWG= tag, and he turns and looks at me, I go (Q --> Need Medic), and he just runs by me. Then, one of his clanmates on the other side of the fence jumps out and kills me. Fucking faggot cunt. I ask him why he didn't heal me, and they kick me for some stupid reason.

4th times the charm:

I log back in and Wake loads up. Nobody is there, so I take the chance to actually "talk" with one of their members/admins. So, I'm like, "Why do you constantly kick people to improve your odds during each match? Don't kick me over this, I just want to talk to you." He comes back stating how people are cheating on his server and they have to use their own judgment when it comes to who is and who isn't cheating. I always thought that you couldn't cheat in BF2 if you were on a server that had Punkbuster enabled, or whatever it is. So, I'm like, "You can't cheat. You're just kicking players that are better than you." He kept on with the cheaters and its their server and they pay for it monthly so they can do whatever they want. I responded with, "I don't consider being good cheating." And his final remark was, "Good reason to ban you, BYE!!" And, I'm permanently banned from their server, faggots.

I get on their web page and create a fake account to access their forums, which are, of course, blocked to anyone not a "member" (or signed up from their web page.. idiots). I get on their, and using a their code of conduct that is on their front page, I made a post stating how they don't even abide by their own rules. Of course, that post has conveniently disappeared. Good thing I made a back up on the forums I usually post on, which I'll put on here when I get home from work.

If anyone knows what is, myself and others who frequent the games section who are die hard BF2 fans, and have also experienced this faggotry first hand, because another member turned us onto them, have made it our goal to fuck with them.

I went back onto their message boards with a request for a clan match, which they turned down (even though their front page says they welcome all tournament requests). Double faggots.

They seriously need to lose their server. How the fuck do I go about getting them removed? Contact EA? I contacted their clan server admin at whatever the .com address is, and they responded with, "They can run their server any way they want to." So, the people they rent the server from only want money and don't care what happens afterwards. Cunts.

Sorry that was long.

As promised, this is my thread on their forums. And yes, they worked me up so much, I still want to kill them in real life.

Ok, I could go off on a rant about how crappy you guys run your server, but I won't. I want this to be a real conversation. I don't want you guys to see my views as a threat and delete this post or ban this account or anything. I want answers, honestly. You cannot act the way you do and not answer for it. Well, I guess you could, but then it only proves that you're all 15 year old kids that have no lives. I'll start below, with the statement that welcomes everyone to your website.

"We are now Recruiting and want to welcome every one. Log into our VENTRILO or ask any -=TWG=- member for details. If you have joined other CLAN'S and left, then this the place for "YOU"."

Anyone that leaves other clans for yours is because they suck and got kicked out.

" Every-one who has come through our doors is here because "we" the -=TWG=- are about having FUN , thats what its suppose to be about REMEMBER,FUN."

This couldn't be farther from the truth. I visted your server after members of a forum I'm on were going on and on about how you constantly kick people who are better than you and that you consider them "cheaters". These "cheaters" are people that own your asses in combat and you cannot think of another way to get around them.

My example, is how I was treated by your members tonight, including you, Bigguns. I was kicked for asking why my teammate was kicked for having good K ratio. I asked why your teammate, that wasn't even in your clan wasn't kicked for the same reason, because he obviously was cheating just like my teammate, as you clearly stated. So, what do I get for asking? I'm kicked with the reason "idling". In the middle of combat, I'm kicked for idling.

Another example, I'm kicked for "stealing teammates vehicles". So, does this mean I'm stealing vehicles when I hop into the gunners seat while my teammate and I go to cap a flag? We stop and I get out and defend and I'm kicked for stealing. Are you fucking serious?

"NO CHEATING or STAT PADDING will be Tolerated. We believe in fair play and respect our members AND guests."

Whatever. You guys are the biggest cheaters. You cannot cheat in BF2. It's not like there's a wall hack like in CS or something. You purposfully kick enemies because you're losing. While playing against you tonight, you constantly kicked my teammates to open up opportunities for you to take our bases.

"We host all kinds of games here and are a well rounded clan, we dont just host a Battlefield 2 Ranked Server, but also play Medal of Honor, Nascar Racing, Celebrity Poker Showdown, Call of Duty, C&C Generals and Zero Hour. Were looking forward to hosting tournaments on a wide range of games,ask for details. We thank you for your SUPPORT and hope to see you on the battlefield soon!!!!!
Respectfully, The -=TWG=-"

I'd love to get my forum members against you guys in a tournament, or even just a round where you didn't kick us for winning. I cannot express in words currently available in our vocabulary how pissed off you guys made me tonight. While talking to one of your grunts, I said, "being good isn't cheating." His response? "Good reason to be kicked, BYE!!!"

Do you people really have 15 year olds as admins? Can you guys really be mature adults and act the way you do?

Keep this thread up so we can start constant dialouge. Deleting it only proves me right, that you cannot take criticism. That with a challege ahead of you, you whimp out and take the side route. Must be nice to pay money to push people around on the internet. If you guys really are adults, grow the fuck up and stop being such faggots.

Oh yeah, I reported you're dumbasses. Didn't you know that going against your own server rules, abuse of admin power and kicking will get you kicked from your server? Losers. … ll/twg.jpg … l/twg2.jpg … l/twg3.jpg

Oh, and I made my fake names for their forums under TWG-Mom and jbob.

Last edited by Jenkinsbball (2006-05-24 19:34:08)

Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6822|Canada Eh?
Its blurry as hell
I guess others feel the same way tonite their server is 4/16...players get pissed off with servers like that...
kinda makes you want to populate it with 10 or so buddies then leave just as the game is starting,,or leave after the first buddy is kicked...I've only found a few like that and there's lot of servers playing fair..
+149|6697|USA bitches!

bts.skip wrote:

I guess others feel the same way tonite their server is 4/16...players get pissed off with servers like that...
kinda makes you want to populate it with 10 or so buddies then leave just as the game is starting,,or leave after the first buddy is kicked...I've only found a few like that and there's lot of servers playing fair..
If you're referring to TWG, then yeah, nobody is ever on. And, if you catch them at the right time, all they do is sit there and stat pad with other clans. I saw them one time with 60+ points each, 4 of their members, 2 members of another clan, with no kills, assists, or deaths. Cheating fucks. EA should get on there and reset all their stats, because they don't deserve them.
mostly afk
+480|6699|CH/BR - in UK

dunno if anyone mentioned this one, or even ever played on this one, but TomClancyServers is a pain in the ass. If your too good you get kicked, and otherwise you get stuck on the crappy team. Obviously, there are benefits for those on the team thats pretty much raping everyone else...
-=NHB=- Bananahands

Jenkinsbball wrote:

Not sure if they've been mentioned, but The Wizards Guild ( is by far one of the gayest guilds I've encountered.

The story goes like this:

I'm playing on their server alone on the USMC team. Karkand loads up and we go at it for about 10 minutes, then their admin comes along and says one of my teammates is cheating because he has 20:1 k/d ratio. He's like, "No I'm not, you guys keep rushing me." Then, he's kicked for cheating, which bothered the hell outta me. I decided to carry on until the faggotry got too much. After more kicks/banning because they were losing, I had had enough and politely asked this question. "Why did you kick (name here) for a having lots of kills, but you let (name here, who wasn't in their clan, just on their team) stay with more kills than him?" Of course, I'm kicked for "Idling" soon after. Ghey...

I get back on and we keep playing. I decide to keep my mouth shut, because we're owning them and it was fun. Next map roles around and I'm defending a flag from a helo. I ran around the corner with my rocket launcher and shoot just as my stupid teammate runs in front of me in the car and he's killed, tked in his opinion. So, now I get punished for his idiocy and I know I'm on their shit list again. Probably about 5 minutes later, I spawn with the same guy I accidentally tked him, and after we lost the CP of course, and we both jump in a car, me being the gunner. We speed off to the same CP for a capture and we arrive within seconds. We jump out of the car and the flag starts dropping. That's when I noticed the message, "Player Jenkinsbball is being kicked for stealing team vehicles!" There I go again, into the land of the kicked...

They've now pissed me off, not only because it takes 2 minutes to log back into their server, but because they're abusing their powers and kicking me, and others, for absolutely NO reason other than they suck dick at BF2 and cannot accept it.

And, there was the time I had 2 health bars and was following a medic with the =TWG= tag, and he turns and looks at me, I go (Q --> Need Medic), and he just runs by me. Then, one of his clanmates on the other side of the fence jumps out and kills me. Fucking faggot cunt. I ask him why he didn't heal me, and they kick me for some stupid reason.

4th times the charm:

I log back in and Wake loads up. Nobody is there, so I take the chance to actually "talk" with one of their members/admins. So, I'm like, "Why do you constantly kick people to improve your odds during each match? Don't kick me over this, I just want to talk to you." He comes back stating how people are cheating on his server and they have to use their own judgment when it comes to who is and who isn't cheating. I always thought that you couldn't cheat in BF2 if you were on a server that had Punkbuster enabled, or whatever it is. So, I'm like, "You can't cheat. You're just kicking players that are better than you." He kept on with the cheaters and its their server and they pay for it monthly so they can do whatever they want. I responded with, "I don't consider being good cheating." And his final remark was, "Good reason to ban you, BYE!!" And, I'm permanently banned from their server, faggots.

I get on their web page and create a fake account to access their forums, which are, of course, blocked to anyone not a "member" (or signed up from their web page.. idiots). I get on their, and using a their code of conduct that is on their front page, I made a post stating how they don't even abide by their own rules. Of course, that post has conveniently disappeared. Good thing I made a back up on the forums I usually post on, which I'll put on here when I get home from work.

If anyone knows what is, myself and others who frequent the games section who are die hard BF2 fans, and have also experienced this faggotry first hand, because another member turned us onto them, have made it our goal to fuck with them.

I went back onto their message boards with a request for a clan match, which they turned down (even though their front page says they welcome all tournament requests). Double faggots.

They seriously need to lose their server. How the fuck do I go about getting them removed? Contact EA? I contacted their clan server admin at whatever the .com address is, and they responded with, "They can run their server any way they want to." So, the people they rent the server from only want money and don't care what happens afterwards. Cunts.

Sorry that was long.

As promised, this is my thread on their forums. And yes, they worked me up so much, I still want to kill them in real life.

Ok, I could go off on a rant about how crappy you guys run your server, but I won't. I want this to be a real conversation. I don't want you guys to see my views as a threat and delete this post or ban this account or anything. I want answers, honestly. You cannot act the way you do and not answer for it. Well, I guess you could, but then it only proves that you're all 15 year old kids that have no lives. I'll start below, with the statement that welcomes everyone to your website.

"We are now Recruiting and want to welcome every one. Log into our VENTRILO or ask any -=TWG=- member for details. If you have joined other CLAN'S and left, then this the place for "YOU"."

Anyone that leaves other clans for yours is because they suck and got kicked out.

" Every-one who has come through our doors is here because "we" the -=TWG=- are about having FUN , thats what its suppose to be about REMEMBER,FUN."

This couldn't be farther from the truth. I visted your server after members of a forum I'm on were going on and on about how you constantly kick people who are better than you and that you consider them "cheaters". These "cheaters" are people that own your asses in combat and you cannot think of another way to get around them.

My example, is how I was treated by your members tonight, including you, Bigguns. I was kicked for asking why my teammate was kicked for having good K ratio. I asked why your teammate, that wasn't even in your clan wasn't kicked for the same reason, because he obviously was cheating just like my teammate, as you clearly stated. So, what do I get for asking? I'm kicked with the reason "idling". In the middle of combat, I'm kicked for idling.

Another example, I'm kicked for "stealing teammates vehicles". So, does this mean I'm stealing vehicles when I hop into the gunners seat while my teammate and I go to cap a flag? We stop and I get out and defend and I'm kicked for stealing. Are you fucking serious?

"NO CHEATING or STAT PADDING will be Tolerated. We believe in fair play and respect our members AND guests."

Whatever. You guys are the biggest cheaters. You cannot cheat in BF2. It's not like there's a wall hack like in CS or something. You purposfully kick enemies because you're losing. While playing against you tonight, you constantly kicked my teammates to open up opportunities for you to take our bases.

"We host all kinds of games here and are a well rounded clan, we dont just host a Battlefield 2 Ranked Server, but also play Medal of Honor, Nascar Racing, Celebrity Poker Showdown, Call of Duty, C&C Generals and Zero Hour. Were looking forward to hosting tournaments on a wide range of games,ask for details. We thank you for your SUPPORT and hope to see you on the battlefield soon!!!!!
Respectfully, The -=TWG=-"

I'd love to get my forum members against you guys in a tournament, or even just a round where you didn't kick us for winning. I cannot express in words currently available in our vocabulary how pissed off you guys made me tonight. While talking to one of your grunts, I said, "being good isn't cheating." His response? "Good reason to be kicked, BYE!!!"

Do you people really have 15 year olds as admins? Can you guys really be mature adults and act the way you do?

Keep this thread up so we can start constant dialouge. Deleting it only proves me right, that you cannot take criticism. That with a challege ahead of you, you whimp out and take the side route. Must be nice to pay money to push people around on the internet. If you guys really are adults, grow the fuck up and stop being such faggots.

Oh yeah, I reported you're dumbasses. Didn't you know that going against your own server rules, abuse of admin power and kicking will get you kicked from your server? Losers. … ll/twg.jpg … l/twg2.jpg … l/twg3.jpg

Oh, and I made my fake names for their forums under TWG-Mom and jbob.
Those TWG guys are the biggest bunch of noobs I have ever ran into in bf2. They banned me after five minutes for "hacking" when I bombed them in their little FAV. To get my revenge we raided their ventrilo server and spammed the crap out of it .
50klicks squad are weeners, cant do anything without seeing
FAO Admin being put up.
mostly afk
+480|6699|CH/BR - in UK

^Feel sorry for what happened to you, know how it feels to be pushed around^
  I've been on so many servers where they just push around the highest ranked, and best, just so that they can    win. All I can say that I do in that case, is LAUGH IN THEIR FUCKING FACES!!! It's so funny when they lose, despite their desperate attempts of winning throuhg kicking, moving and banning...people who abuse their authority like that should be prevented from having their own servers!!! I'm gonna make sure that I wage war on any TWG member with my clan, however small my clan is right now (we don't have our own website yet:D).
Don't have months of experience, me being the only exception among them, I bet we can still own a great part of their clan.
Oh this has to be told.. This one time i was on HBD 24/7 which i normally played on i soon noticed it was full of low ranked noobs.... There is Irisheod and SGT slaughter both noobs.... i was getting to the far apache roof top over the flag i killed them so they restared the game... i done it again nading them (no tubing) shooting with the AK-47u Then i started capping  the flag and planting c4s i killed the Admin and he kicks me for being 12 when hes like 37....

Konfusion0 wrote:

dunno if anyone mentioned this one, or even ever played on this one, but TomClancyServers is a pain in the ass. If your too good you get kicked, and otherwise you get stuck on the crappy team. Obviously, there are benefits for those on the team thats pretty much raping everyone else...
lol i'm glad i'm not the only one who's noticed this. i don't think i've ever been kicked from there (i'm not that good lol) but i rarely remember a match that wasn't completely one sides. i don't mind losing as i just like playing and having fun but it gets frustrating at times. i mean WHAT THE FUCK ARE THE OTHER 31 PEOPLE ON MY SIDE DOING? (well other than getting their asses handed to them)
mostly afk
+480|6699|CH/BR - in UK the explanation on the -1 "weener"
Lol... if you're going to give an explanation, at least give a plausible one, or the very least a real insult...couldn't you have said something like prick or idiot? Come on, is that all you have? You have a vocabulary of a five year old!

edit: - np (to the guy who just karma'd me)
          It's just one kid who really annoys me who posts meaningless stuff, etc...
          He's the only reason I wrote this post, to notify him of what I think of him.
          If you can think of any other way of getting to him, tell me, I got his karma from here...
          you should grow up and at least leave your name to let me pm you

Last edited by Konfusion0 (2006-06-11 09:22:03)

=TBU=, they are a bunch of cheaters....all they do is sit in their server and use wall hacks.
Cain's Lair, every CLR member punishes in .1 seconds. You can't even say sorry in time for these guys, they just punish.

arson wrote:

d3x74 wrote:

BC or bamboo commandos or whatever.

They kick you if you get the jet (which they want) and whenever they want, they turn off friendly fire. This allows them to tk people (in the hangars with the c4) without getting an tk punishments. They also kick half the enemy team if they are about to loose. Need to report those fag hats soon.

Bunch of imature gitnicks.
I got kicked by these jackasses as well for being in the jet.
I got banned for flying over the carrier while tiring to take out the AA killed noone nor did I take out the AA anyways it used to be fun on there not so much now a days.
+18|6930|Your six is my twelve

Mekstizzle wrote:

TBE (The british empire) are quite lame. They kick for baseraping even if their team is doing it to us. Actually quite alot of clans do that. They don't seem to like a taste of their own medicine.
=MNC= does the same thing, avoid this server at all costs.

Anyone want to make a complete list of servers to aviod? It'd be very nice.
Have a nice day!
Solution 1:  Never attend a Clan server > !

Leave that for

piss ants and fucked-up douche bags that mostly play BF2,  the Lil power freaks...

haha haha

like its real life...haha

You all soft in tha balls.


If trolling is performed for any reason other than for an artful form
of expression or harmless amusement, it is a crime and the criminal
should be punished accordingly. Trolling is not about tricking senior
citizens or lonely spinsters out of their nest eggs, making dates with
teenage girls, verbally abusing or otherwise hurting anyone, or
bringing about the end of Usenet. If you are an asshole, sociopath,
disgruntled postal worker, on a power trip, or are unusually cruel,
get some therapy or a house pet. Trolling is not for you.  Q  WIKI.  P.


Last edited by TheMajorBummer (2006-06-14 02:07:11)

I am the pwnage! Bitches!
Well I can't remember name of the servers but once I got kicked because baseraping when I was flying a chopper in Dalian (I was USMC) and when I shot some enemys to Main Entrance's flag I got kicked. Looks like they have 2 bases in that server, mainbase and Main Entrance. And once I went to some server and there was next rule in server message "Wait in line, no stealing" or something like that. Well I was in Chinese team and I saw empty chopper in our base and I went there. 1 moment later I got kicked by some admin and reason was "wait in line". So looks like only an admins can fly in that server. And once in Wake I got also kicked because baseraping even I didn't. I was howering over that big island and killing enemy choppers and boats while someone in plane was raping enemys to carrier. Well I was topscorer in the server anways and looks like that admin though I was that baseraper even I wasn't and I got kicked. After while I went back to that server and asked reason for kick but they just whined that I was baseraping them and one moment later I got kicked again and this time because whining (lol?).

This is pretty typical for me and I don't even care anymore. In fact it's mostly funny

Last edited by BlueScreen (2006-06-14 02:07:34)

mostly afk
+480|6699|CH/BR - in UK

^^Once again, this proves that many admins are 13-year-olds with too much time and money on their hands^^
TcS Atrocity
=DDD= Banned me for jumping in a A10 when I spawned the first time, said I was TKing team?? I wasn't in the server more than 10 sec.!! Some Homo Activity going on there!!

=DDD= Can you say PETER PUFFERS!!
+1|6813|Las Vegas  Total stat padding server

Its a "Pistol/Knife" server that lets the clan members pad to get their expert engineer badge and such.  Problem was no one was using knife/ the admin gets on stating everyone start using them or be he kicks me cuz I'm kicking the crap out the clan members.  Guess they wanted the gold medal as well.  They should be reported for stat padding and have their server ranking revoked.

Choumichel wrote:

Mantlsman wrote:

Sorry about the \"\\\" every other word, iam at school with this crappy egernomics keyboard. Its keyboarding class too. lol ironic.
No problem there

Another one: ![NBK]NaturalBornKillers RANK&RULES!
Kicked and Banned for putting C4 on a flag, detonating and killing an Admin of the server
I and my friend were banned for taking a chopper before the admin could get it. Fucking n00b server
Troll has returned.
bamboo cmmandos, kick for every reason such as bailing out from a burning jet

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