just wanna quick rant about server 23/7 Dof gaming server.
let me begin:
" what a bunch of complete 3 year old smack tards"
me and a mate took the heli on wake, they kicked us for tkin, so they could promptly take it for themselves.
so we went back on, this time going on the opposite team, and they then banned me for killin them in a plane, the reason being "hangliding".
the server graphic, for those who have seen it (talks of Dof members being ruthless admins etc. etc.), is spot on. 
Grrr admin abuse makes me so damn angry

rant over
i just recommend u dont go on that server


(to clarify it is 23/7, not 24)

Last edited by syndicat111 (2006-06-13 02:17:50)

The Anti-Sniper
+12|6685|Las Vegas
thanks for the heads up
Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6822|Canada Eh?
Dukes of Fallujah? Cause I had trouble with them in the past.
PHPR Hunter
LOL....great video in the signature.

They all need to die.
yeah same thing here, admin abuse is about as gay as a French Jogging Ninja... lol cougar will understand

As will I.
At one time it was a good clan server. It has gone downhill in recent months.

Oh well though. It's not like there aren't 150 other wake only servers.
Terror in the Skies
DoF is a "great" clan - they teamkill on their own server - they rape carrier although their server rules forbid this - if you shoot down the chopper they are in they instantly kick you
and last time i was on their server i owned wake in a j-10 (had by far the most points) and they kicked me 20 tickets before the round ended - i guess they don't like if you are better then them

and by the way: wtf is hang-gliding? i also read this in the server rules
mostly afk
+480|6699|CH/BR - in UK

^^I actually don't play vanilla  as often as SF (if you don't like it, sue me), but in those 17 hours of playtime I actually have, I had the misfortune of spending around 30sec on their server. I spawned at the beginning of the round, got in a plane - and got kicked. I, however, made no effort of returning there, seeing as I was kicked for "Hih ping". If they wanna kick for a false reason, they should at least spell it right so it seems credible. My ping was 30, for future refference.

Coot11M wrote:

At one time it was a good clan server. It has gone downhill in recent months.

Oh well though. It's not like there aren't 150 other wake only servers.
thats what i thought 

|60|Cobalt wrote:

DoF is a "great" clan - they teamkill on their own server - they rape carrier although their server rules forbid this - if you shoot down the chopper they are in they instantly kick you
and last time i was on their server i owned wake in a j-10 (had by far the most points) and they kicked me 20 tickets before the round ended - i guess they don't like if you are better then them

and by the way: wtf is hang-gliding? i also read this in the server rules
i think its when u slow the plane right down so ur almost glidin and kill a heli 
I play there alot, but its usually early in the morning 1 to 4 AM-ish. Never had a problem with any admins, but then again there have never been any online when I was playing in the server.

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