Sexy in Garden
BF2 is losing players because the only thing they are rewarded with when they get past unlocks is a rank, which is not really much to be dedicated to unless you see the game as your religion, there should more changes, such as adding new maps, new unlocks, new vehicle types, new jet bomb types like napalm, cluster e.t.c.
There needs to be other ways of gaining points other than a conquest mode, snipers need improving, there needs to be more focus on the rifle not just the fkin claymores, they need new camo that doesnt dissapear, along with grass that doesnt dissapear, GL needs to have more velocity, more range along with grenade only going off at a certain distance would be better than the GL is now, there needs to be something new with choppers as well.
There should be weapon upgrades along with unlocks too.
2142 Soldier: Behenaut
They have things called expansion backs for that. I only expect a patch to fix bugs and maybe a couple of extras.
EA calls it BF 2142, see you in a few months.
Ye im getting bored of the game... need new weapons if u ask me.
oh hai :D
+156|6804|The Netherlands
nice idea! but what can we do about it
Fantasma Parastasie
It's not the lack of changes that's causing people to lose interest, rather the changes themselves
Sexy in Garden
Anyone who thinks there is nothing that needs changing then you obviously don't play the game for it's gameplay
I mean new things added not things being nerfed.

Last edited by Sexy in Garden (2006-05-22 13:07:45)

Jack Bauer
WWJD - What Would Jack Do
Yes, but from EA/DICE's POV, it would not be particularly lucrative/profitable to do this.  It wouldn't help their bottom line (at least not in ways they are interested in).  It's disappointing, but that's reality.
Sexy in Garden
Who gives a flying fuck what EA wants we pay for this game
+68|6832|Reefersyde, CA
create a mod?
Got milk?
PoE, where are you?
Sexy in Garden
I'm talking about keeping all bf2 players interested
Got milk?

Sexy in Garden wrote:

I'm talking about keeping all bf2 players interested
I see one way. Bring back GL and bunny hopping...
Sexy in Garden
there should be new ways of terror tactics like tripwire IEDs

Last edited by Sexy in Garden (2006-05-22 13:15:38)

Jack Bauer
WWJD - What Would Jack Do

Sexy in Garden wrote:

Who gives a flying fuck what EA wants we pay for this game
Correction, you PAID for the game already, they have your money.  Where is their incentive?

..Remember, they won't act in a way that indicates they care if you ever buy another EA branded game again or not.


Jack Bauer
Member since 1984
+113|6832|Denver, CO
Thats what cool about games like GuildWars -, constantly added free content / holiday specific events / RPG elements / expansions that are actually worth getting.

In my opinion more games should follow that example, including FPS style games.

INCSOC wrote:

Thats what cool about games like GuildWars -, constantly added free content / holiday specific events / RPG elements / expansions that are actually worth getting.

In my opinion more games should follow that example, including FPS style games.
I was just going to say that
Headshot Specialist
+104|6990|Woodland Hills, Ca

Sexy in Garden wrote:

I'm talking about keeping all bf2 players interested
If the gameplay remains then I will still play this game, its realistic setting warfare. If bf2142 fails they will work on improving bf2 or make bf3 with a new engine instead of a hashed engine that has mad issues.
what they need are more official maps for vanilla bf2

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