
am i the worst player

oh ya15%15% - 28
there are worse (but not many)23%23% - 41
try frogger5%5% - 9
i own you10%10% - 18
no3%3% - 6
dont worry aout it23%23% - 42
you can only go up18%18% - 33
Total: 177

PspRpg-7 wrote:

I've seen you play! Oh i felt bad for killing you sometimes, i'd just avoid you...Sorry, but you do stick out with your odd name If you add me in xfire i could help you learn some stuff, xfire: psprpg. download at  www.xfire.com

hehhee thanks man ,you dont have to aviod me i dont mind dieing it's only a game ,if i do get a mic i just might take you up on the xfire offer thanks man

and to everyone that posted thankyou all ,i took your combined advice and last night i played the best game of my life . i scrored 77 on night flight , even got the good conduct medal . after reading your posts i lost my fear of failure and looking stupid and lo and behold by not trying to hard i played pretty good. if i could give you all +karma i would but i dont have enough posts yet to do so , so thanks again ,this is a great community


   oh and the nick is a wink to the late Hunter S. Thompson (yaleblor was the man from playboy in one of his stories)

Last edited by yaleblor (2006-05-14 10:40:46)

+127|6867|Dublin, Ireland
hey dont worry about it just take your time playin think before you shoot and keep it accurate and stay away from tanks as infantry. trust me i have more awards than you and i'm not even your rank

also  it seems ea erred in my favour i seem to have recieved 77 points for both the sas (thats what i was) and the insurgents for the same round of night flight . thus i got 77 points i dont deserve how do i go about getting that fixed ?

Last edited by yaleblor (2006-05-14 10:41:28)

+11|6866|tking your ass
keep trying man.  there are people like me that have played this game since day one and before (remember oman demo?).  Keep practicing flying, etc on empty servers.  thats how i learn to fly...
Cereal Killer
+145|6964|The View From The Afternoon
This might help on your confidence. Unofficially the worst players of BF2:

+186|6868|The real world
you suck, play pacman

CruZ4dR wrote:

This might help on your confidence. Unofficially the worst players of BF2:

heheheh , i'm really not much better ,but i do'nt care any more . i have a great time , i should make sargent today ; yippee .and for the hrs i.ve played i do have a fair amount of cp's ,cp assist and i checked all those sf ribbons on the last row the only thing i'm missing is the hours , i do have the 1st in cryteria for every map . so i'm not so bad , i'm just a team player that doesnt rack up alot of kills , i now pretty much always join a squad ,it's funner and alot easier thanks again dudes/dudettes ,and no pacman yet . i played that when it came out in the late '70's and i sucked at it then (i'm dating myself,i feel so old) i was a centipede man (no that was a great game) if there was a pc version i would play that
i got my sf ops vet badge ,i can play
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7025|Riva, MD
I still suck but it's mostly because my computer sucks.  I will probably never get above .60 K/D.
I'm English, not British!
+113|7079|Rotherham, England

yerded wrote:

Well, you may want to spend a little time on this website;
http://www.thomasandfriends.com/usa/pla … riends.htm
It'll help you get up to speed
Cool, Bertie FTW!
+1 for you my friend

I~Love~Mysti wrote:

You're not the worst, but at corporal, you should maybe have more basic infantry badges. Actually, I'm suprised you have middle east/far east service ribbions, because I am also corporal and I don't have them yet. But you're doing good. Just work up to all basic infantry badges and basic vehicle badges as well as basic knife/pistol badges, so that you don't have to worry about first seargent rank.
i just got the middle east one today, it didnt tell me.. those are just messed.. dont worrry.. im still waiting on far east.. but my requirements have been met.

FamoUs88 wrote:

I~Love~Mysti wrote:

You're not the worst, but at corporal, you should maybe have more basic infantry badges. Actually, I'm suprised you have middle east/far east service ribbions, because I am also corporal and I don't have them yet. But you're doing good. Just work up to all basic infantry badges and basic vehicle badges as well as basic knife/pistol badges, so that you don't have to worry about first seargent rank.
i just got the middle east one today, it didnt tell me.. those are just messed.. dont worrry.. im still waiting on far east.. but my requirements have been met.
good job on the ribbons ,it does feel good too get the 1s's doesnt it!
+167|6927|Manitowoc, WI

[UK]Blazing.Armour wrote:

I didn't know what to go for. I wanted to vote for "you can only go up", or "don't worry about it"...So I went for "you can only go up", because it's true, you don't get worse, you only get better. After I finally plucked up the courage to go online with BF2, my stats were terrible with my 1st account

It looks like you've shown a First Sergeant how it's done though, heh.
that k/d ratio is better than mine

Last edited by BolvisOculus (2006-05-28 09:11:57)

+1,128|6950|Burmecia, Land of the Rain
yalebor.. maybe try some kit other than spec ops?

just not sniper ok? we've got enough of those already

the world needs more anti-tank troops corporal..

but not the kind that think BF2 is Quake 3 and use the "Rocket Launcher"
they piss me off.. lots..
Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6848|The Lost Highway
You're not that bad man. A little below average I suppose, but you're still new to the game.

Is this yer first FPS? If so, you'll get ALOT better with some practice. In a year, you'll probally be owning people left and right.

You defiantly have the right attitude though. Fun is more important than K/d ratio's, etc. And so is helping out your team. Add me to yer Xfire, and we can go on a server sometime, and I'll try to show you a few things. (Not that I'm that great of a player, but I'm sure I can give you some useful advice.)

yaleblor wrote:

i know i'm not the best but i do try ,
part  of me wants to delete my account and start over
i look at others stats and i feel pretty stupid
oh my pid is 62215174
I don't think it would be much different. You are pretty bad. I'm not flaming just stating fact.

Last edited by CC-Marley (2006-06-03 00:48:09)

Aspiring Objectivist
You are not the worst, BF2 has about a month learning period in which you will get slaughtered until you learn the maps & whats going on.
I dug myself out of a nasty hole & consider myself average now, if I went back & made another account everything would be loads higher because it wouldn't have a learning curve anymore.
In addition I couldn't stomach the 30k gap inbetween 1st sarge & sergeant major all over again , Im only 2,915 points away.
Besides your not here to impress anyone your here to have fun, one thing I did notice is you haven't been commander yet & haven't squaded up much, being in a squad you will learn alot quicker & even pick up shortcuts from other players. Try to become proficiant with all kits as well.
You can fix K/D with vehicle whoring if your that worried about it.

yerded wrote:

Well, you may want to spend a little time on this website;
http://www.thomasandfriends.com/usa/pla … riends.htm
It'll help you get up to speed
...,mate relax!!
Ive only just got a KD ratio of 1..(((,but let me tell u that the first few months of playing,i didnt even realize everything was recorded/ranked/tracked..etc,etc so u would find me running round just shooting shit and not giving a crap about dying and so when i finally discover my stats im like...HOLY CRAP!!!! ive got 3000 more deaths than kills,so i just worked at it and finally am even.
Keep at it bro,dont start over as stats are and allways will show u what your strengths and weaknesses are,and the longer u r at it,the more reflective they are.
+149|6857|USA bitches!

DaReJa wrote:

Dont Make A New Account, You Will Get Better As You Go Along, Your Stats Are Not Bad, They Are Okay. If I never Made New Accounts, ( I Have About 10) I Would Already Have 2nd Lt. With All The Hours And Points I Put In.
You know, I was reading this thread and this post annoyed the hell out of me. Don't people realize that you're not supposed to capatalize every word in a sentence? I mean, really, it would look better if all were lower case.
Death StatPadder
+228|7077|Human Meat Shield
Yes you are the worst player. Now close this thread.
+183|6922|Newcastle UK
u will improve definatly i learned alot by joining a clan
original stats http://bf2s.com/player/59046742/
clan stats http://bf2s.com/player/64711973/
You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.
+32|6909|Sydney, Australia

imdead wrote:

Ive only had ONE account. I started at a measly .399 ..on EVERYTHING!. Now everything is above 1, 1 is an average player, in which I am happy with. If you are all going for points and badges it will end up more of a workload than fun. My advice to you, is don't worry about what other people think, have fun and it will eventually come to you. The points and crap are for me, Im not here to impress or depress, people who are worried about thier precious will eventually end up trying so hard it gets aggravating, some people skip the aggravation by stat-padding - but that does nothing but make you look like an idiot. Besides the honesty is only between you and your pixel dude.

Just have fun.
keyword to all this is have fun everything will come in time my stats are on the up keep playing with this account
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6855|Doncaster, UK
Keep at it dude, you look like you're in a very similar position to me.

As said previously, ask yourself if you are having fun. If the answer's no then pack in. Personally I'm loving it.

+32|6909|Sydney, Australia

elmo1337 wrote:

you suck, play pacman
don't listen to this noob

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