the problem I see with air maps on public servers is that you cannot make up for bad pilots. If your pilots suck and the enemy has all the Richthofens flying, you are going to get pounded, no matter what.
If you have bad tankers, you can always get more AT, or more Spec Ops, or have your Engis lay out more mines.
But with bad pilots you are doomed. No compensating that.
The only reason why there is a difference between the various air maps is the map terrain. Wake, Oman, Zatar, Daquing and Dalian Plant are maps with open areas, easy to operate for even low-skilled pilots.
Kubra, Dragon Valley and Fushee Pass are a bit more challenging for pilots, because of the mountains.
to me, as a classic grunt, Fushee Pass is by far the best "air map" since I am less likely to be bothered by enemy jets. Oman and Daquing are terrible, you cannot move an inch without catching bombs with your teeth...
I'll try to "double up" the city maps in the rotation. I will also take out clean sweep, and move Zatar up in the cycle. I guess. any more suggestions ?