BF3: Noir Edition
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^ wtf is that.....
ugh the pp2000 is horrible. I'm only using it to service star the weapon lol.Naturn wrote:
Found this while searching youtube. Not a bad one at all. Short though...
That's why I miss the mouse and keyboard so much. I miss sniping like that in COD4 and COD5. I wish I could try it out on BF3 now but I'd have to spend over 150 for the XIM3 and another hundred or so for decent mouse and keyboard setups.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
I thought you were getting XIM3?
I am, but not anytime soon.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
Also the fact it is really easy to record and upload video compared to a few years ago. Livestreaming in particular seems to have increased a shitload, not to mention starcraft 2 "commentators".Uzique wrote:
i think it's 100% to do with the fact that the totally casual, pretty much clueless morons got popular. people like totalhalibut who became famous because of their novelty accent and the way that they speak, more than for gaming expertise. like who are these people when it comes to games? same as yahtzee for zero punctuation. doesn't play multiplayer or competitively at all, just presents things in a way that is 'funny'. now you have a million other neckbeards that are crap at games thinking they can go big, too, just because they have a voice and what they think is a sense of humour. christ, the internet will be the end of us all.Roc18 wrote:
It's nothing new, there have always been people recording themselves playing video games lol.Uzique wrote:
wasn't aimed at you specifically. i'm talking about the trend nowadays of everyone having youtube accounts and screenshot folders. i don't get it. everyone's an expert now, i guess.
But I agree with the youtube thing. You didn't see this many youtube channel / gaming / gimme subscribers stuff years ago.
For some things it is good, just seeing how someone else plays the game can help you notice things you might not have otherwise. I suppose that is only really relevant to watching good players play (so not what you are talking about).
Being able to record and upload glitches, funny ai behaviour etc is worth it though I think. Compare 10 years ago where that stuff was all word of mouth "this guard kept shooting a wall" to just linking a video you made in 5 minutes of it happening.
rofl.-Sh1fty- wrote:
and another hundred or so for decent mouse and keyboard setups.
wtf for?
i've got a 90s beige mech keyboard that cost me £7 and a wired HP optical mouse
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
How well would you say you're doing with those?Camm wrote:
rofl.-Sh1fty- wrote:
and another hundred or so for decent mouse and keyboard setups.
wtf for?
i've got a 90s beige mech keyboard that cost me £7 and a wired HP optical mouse
i have fun.I'm Jamesey wrote:
How well would you say you're doing with those?Camm wrote:
rofl.-Sh1fty- wrote:
and another hundred or so for decent mouse and keyboard setups.
wtf for?
i've got a 90s beige mech keyboard that cost me £7 and a wired HP optical mouse
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
fun=skillzCamm wrote:
i have fun.I'm Jamesey wrote:
How well would you say you're doing with those?Camm wrote:
wtf for?
i've got a 90s beige mech keyboard that cost me £7 and a wired HP optical mouse
My Logitech Media Keyboard is perfectly fine for gaming, so is my Mx518
$100? Hardly mate, "ricer" keyboards are overrated and fugly....
$100? Hardly mate, "ricer" keyboards are overrated and fugly....
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Where the eff are you shopping?-Sh1fty- wrote:
That's why I miss the mouse and keyboard so much. I miss sniping like that in COD4 and COD5. I wish I could try it out on BF3 now but I'd have to spend over 150 for the XIM3 and another hundred or so for decent mouse and keyboard setups. … 6823204034 … b_title_ce
Fuck man, I use a $7 standard Logitech keyboard with a dab of superglue on the 'W' key to help feel when playing in the dark.
genuine quality keyboards are the most expensive and they have absolutely ZERO in terms of "ricer" features.FloppY_ wrote:
My Logitech Media Keyboard is perfectly fine for gaming, so is my Mx518
$100? Hardly mate, "ricer" keyboards are overrated and fugly....
get a clue
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Not hundreds per se but easily up to $100.
I have standards.
I used to have this for my PC.


Those are well-priced, good quality, and in my opinion good looking gaming tools. I certainly wouldn't make a fuss about a cheaper keyboard and mouse but I can play a lot better when I have better keyboards and mice.
I have standards.
I used to have this for my PC.


Those are well-priced, good quality, and in my opinion good looking gaming tools. I certainly wouldn't make a fuss about a cheaper keyboard and mouse but I can play a lot better when I have better keyboards and mice.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
I actually just picked up the G110 for $19.99 shipped. Hope I like it.
If you plan on getting a keyboard, buy one with Cherry switches.
$20 logitech keyboard and mouse is all you need. But I need to replace the mouse, it's not very good for precise aiming.
that is an example of overpriced shit though, and is what floppy is talking about. plastic, annoying led's, loads of 'ricer' features you'll hardly ever use.-Sh1fty- wrote:
Not hundreds per se but easily up to $100.
I have standards.
I used to have this for my PC.
Those are well-priced, good quality, and in my opinion good looking gaming tools. I certainly wouldn't make a fuss about a cheaper keyboard and mouse but I can play a lot better when I have better keyboards and mice.
a quality keyboard has no leds, no screen, no macro keys, and strictly no plastic membrane. it's a very simple, functional piece of kit.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
That G9 looks uncomfy as fuck, and about 2 inches long.

and that keyboard's layout/space is literally about 60% blank, unused, cheap plastic.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
I used to have a g110, which is basically that keyboard. It broke and I had to go back to my old bog-standard media keyboard. it was better in every way
those things are basically toys
those things are basically toys

so gud
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