No disrespect intended for those who live and breath BF2 but I cut my teeth on 'Operation: Flashpoint' and intend to go back there as soon as 'Armed Assault' comes out. I was just wondering if there were any other OFP refugees around these parts?
I miss the 'go anywhere you want', 'one shot and you're dead for the entire game' aspects of it. Hyper-realism. Good to see I'm not the only one. Thx. for the reply.

Got OFP here too, resistance too.

I'd say OFP is harder than real life (this is a joke) apart from the dying bit, the computer is notoriously accurate after you've fired a few shots.

Cue joke about being shot from two miles away with an AK-47 through a forrest, bushes and a small town.

So yeah, looking forward to armed assault.

EDIT: Heh, I loved the go anywhere you want aspect too.

I remember taking the LONG way around on some missions, great fun.

http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?newlang=eng has some AA2 videos.

Last edited by EvilMonkeySlayer (2006-05-20 14:59:29)

there was so much you could do in that game, lots of goodtimes just driving around finding towns and other things....and then doing crazy stunts and stuff


the only thing I didn't like about OFP was the constant patching....

Last edited by vqsnapp (2006-05-20 15:12:45)

+7|6822|Akron, OH
OFP is/was a great game   Is a new installment really coming?  I remember them talking about bringing out a new version about a year ago, but it never materialized....a bummer really.

Plus 1 to all the OFP'ers
i am a big fan of OFP, i mostly played co-op though.  I did read about mods that people created to improve models and whatnot

So is OFP like BF2 multiplayer?  For example..32vs32?
Ofp Ftw!
i think the most was 16 players in a server, i dont quite remember but it is a really fun game, very realistic too.
OFP was 64 player online. Armed Assault will be 200 player online. There are demo vids of it out now at OFP.CZ. It's 75% complete. Supposed to be out by Christmas. www.armedassault.com

EDIT: OFP/Armed Assault is not as graphically stunning as BF2 but it is that way because of it's gameplay. The new ArmA island is 120 sq. kM. in size. You can go anywhere you want and do anything you want. Plus, you get one life per game and one bullet can kill so people play more stratigically. It's 10mins. of absolute boredom punctuated by 2-3mins. of intense action.

Last edited by DUX0726 (2006-05-20 15:26:38)

+186|6713|The real world
One thing I remember, that you could drive over trees with ur tank, that was cool
+255|6790|Westminster, California

DUX0726 wrote:

No disrespect intended for those who live and breath BF2 but I cut my teeth on 'Operation: Flashpoint' and intend to go back there as soon as 'Armed Assault' comes out. I was just wondering if there were any other OFP refugees around these parts?
i liked the editor feature, but I would label the game as over ambitious for most rigs.

I loved creating a huge cematary in the middle and having masses of infantry fight through it

DUX0726 wrote:

OFP was 64 player online. Armed Assault will be 200 player online. There are demo vids of it out now at OFP.CZ. It's 75% complete. Supposed to be out by Christmas. www.armedassault.com

EDIT: OFP/Armed Assault is not as graphically stunning as BF2 but it is that way because of it's gameplay. The new ArmA island is 120 sq. kM. in size. You can go anywhere you want and do anything you want.
Jesus H Christ, I think I got a hard on.
+788|6809|Brisbane, Australia


Try that if you want some hyper-realism

GeneralDodo wrote:

i think the most was 16 players in a server, i dont quite remember but it is a really fun game, very realistic too.
Technically you could have thousands playing. There was a limit of something like 4096 or something. HOWEVER, the server code didn't scale all that well and the best relatively lag free gameplay you could get over the internet was with around 16 players.

I think some guys a bit ago tested the server on a ridiculously high end xeon server on a lan etc, turns out the server code sucks donkey balls which isn't surprising to a lot of us ofp players. As it started having lag etc on a lan with roughly 64 players iirc.
damn, 64? i guess i only remember it as 16 players if because of gaymspy.
Also, the United States Marine Corps. uses a variant of OFP called VBS1 (which Armed Assault is an upgrade of) to train with.
is there any other way of searching for OFP servers without gamespy?

btw, how many people could the OFP MH-60 Blackhawk hold?

Last edited by GeneralDodo (2006-05-20 15:45:52)

I agree, the addons for OFP were the most numerious, FREE, and well done addons of any game I ever played. Also, Bohemia Interactive activly supported that game for years. You just don't see that kind of Customer Service from the big game houses. It won't be long. I think ArmA will rock, plus the fact that the game is all about gameplay instead of graphics will keep the 12 year olds away. ( sorry 12 year olds, it's just a good natured rub.)

rdx-fx wrote:

BF2 is just not the same.  When you can see your home base, and the enemy targets at the same time - the maps are too small.
So true, it would definitely be better if there was alot more room. It's like an arty strike in the middle of a map can STILL kill you and half the damn team even if you are in the beginning.

Btw, having music while in the vehicles was great. Nothing like flying a full MH-60 over enemy territory while listening to jimi hendrix, then having them parachute into a nearby town to begin an assault.

Last edited by GeneralDodo (2006-05-20 15:59:09)

i never got to play ofp only a demo and i loved it. ive seen that Armed assault and it looks amazing.its everything i wanted bf2 to be

Sarrk wrote:


Try that if you want some hyper-realism
Have you played OFP?

Like another poster said, Bohemia Interactive Studio who make OFP make a slightly modified engine for the USMC and Australian army (possibly others too) called VBS1.

I've played both and I can tell you here and now OFP absolutely is the much more realistic game.
Not only that but OFP is actually fun.

Tank tossing...

For all of you here, watch this it'll bring a tear to your eye.

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