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kilroy0097 wrote:

BTW a few years ago this place and community was a bit different than it is now. Maybe my outlook has changed.
true, but hopefully many of them may return if BF3 proves itself, mostly because of teamwork. You can play on pubs with whoever you want but it will not give you that feeling of gathering together on forums and later play as a team and have fun.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

kilroy0097 wrote:

I put the post out there for those that might feel the same way I do about VOIP and how essential it is for classic Battlefield Teamwork. Not everyone used it and that was their choice. I probably didn't play with you very long if I did during BF2. It was the teamwork I learned through VOIP in the game that led me to better players and after BF2 lost it's spark it took team to PR.

Not everyone approves of VOIP which is fine. All I ask is that those of us who want VOIP get the chance to use it, in game, within our squads, automatically without the need to get someone to join the a TS server, every new round, every new server. I do not want 150+ friends on Battlelog just to have them in the Party VOIP system.

DICE already has a TS type app called SONAR which you might notice get started if you ever used the Party VOIP. That application, with a little bit of coding, could easily become the in game VOIP system I am talking about.

So to those that care about this issue all I'm asking is for your support on that EA Forums thread in the OP and I ask that you advertise it a little to those people you know that may feel the same way.

To those that have no love of VOIP or any use for such things then feel free to continue doing what you are doing. I'm not stopping you. And if by some miracle the VOIP I am wanting does appear in the game I fully expect that you will disable it and will never be bothered by it again.

Thank you for your time.

BTW a few years ago this place and community was a bit different than it is now. Maybe my outlook has changed.
nope we're all a bunch of assholes and have driven away thousands upon thousands of forum users.  Either dish it back (its okay mods are mostly impotent, but nice guys) or develop a thicker skin.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+572|6969|BC, Canada
To be honest it was probably coming at it with this attitude that did it for most of us.

Camm wrote:

kilroy0097 wrote:

This is horrible and one of the greatest travesties I've seen to the PC players.
first world problem
Turn down the winge and give them some solid reasons and you will have more luck. Honestly "media frenzy", really???, Really???.
+2,382|6988|The North, beyond the wall.

thepilot91 wrote:

dtacs wrote:

teamwork effort military shooter

You are clearly playing the wrong game here, or are totally unfamiliar with what a reflex-based shooter is.
Make this a media frenzy
Are you ignorant or plain fucking stupid? DICE and EA are multi-million dollar development studios. Considering they have already put time, effort and more importantly money into Battlelog, they aren't going to cut down a VoIP system that is already in place. Think about this from their perspective. Would they:

A) Ship a product that already has a system in place which fulfills its purpose, and is available to all players; requiring no more spending on development which is a tick in the box for 'we're trying to make money from this because we are a fucking for-profit business'

B) Increase budget to remove the current iteration, and develop an entirely new one which requires contracting/outsourcing to other studios if necessary in addition to unforeseen costs which could potentially cause the game to be short-shipped considering its less than a month till release.

I couldn't give a fuck less about VOIP. You don't need to work with players in public games unless you're terrible and need to rely on other people.
why don't you just go play cod then ?
Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6749|Brisbane, Australia

"why dont you just play cod" is literally the answer to every BF3 complaint apparently
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7153|Bryan/College Station, TX
Teamwork is a quality that is taught by those that lead by example and learning by those willing to learn. It is propagated by the further cooperation of others that have the same qualities. Teamwork is achieved by merely sticking with your squad and helping them out. However Teamwork is also helped by certain tools that were present in BF2 but are not present in BF3.

These tools include the Command Rose (Not yet totally confirmed), Squad Management (Supposedly confirmed though not seen as of yet.) and Squad VOIP in game (Not confirmed or even suggested by DICE).

It was my strong feeling that an automatic VOIP that did not require any sort of special interaction to get working was perhaps one of the strongest tools of Teamwork. It also was a main factor in many clans forming in the first place and also BF communities being generated and growing. VOIP of this type was often used in conjunction with TS as a tactical channel while TS was used a strategic channel or to socialize. Many communities used both in game VOIP and out of game TS to create a Teamwork structure in game that was very effective and difficult to deny.

This is why I am fighting and attempting to continue this movement in support of an automatic in game VOIP channels for Squads and between Squad Leaders. A Team channel is not my intension and I would actually prefer not to have one.

My latest solution to the VOIP issue not being in game is for DICE to do the following.

SONAR is an application that is currently started by Battlelog and runs separately to the game and the browser. This application is what allows people within your Party to speak to each other via their Party VOIP. It is this Party system that DICE believes is the answer to in game squad VOIP to promote teamwork. Those that think like myself believe it's a laughable solution and a slight again PC gamers due to the fact that the Console version will have Squad VOIP and Team VOIP built in.

What needs to happen is for the DICE team or 3rd party team that coded SONAR to code the application to open a channel automatically for each Squad and between Squad Leaders by reading the game data from the game on the server it is playing on. Have a SONAR service running on each game server so the bandwidth is spread out. It shouldn't need a lot of processing as many game server companies already offer a TS service running on the same server as an option. You will only have 3 services, Game, SONAR and PunkBuster.

Allow the player  to edit key bindings through the current VOIP interface in Battlelog. Set default to 'B' Squad channel and 'V' SL channel. Allow those players that do not wish to use VOIP to be able to disable the in game portion if they want. Done. Profit.
That is your easy solution that does not take recoding the game itself. Instead recode the VOIP application outside the game.

If you agree with this possible solution I would appreciate your support in the EA Forums UK Thread.

Thank you.

Last edited by kilroy0097 (2011-10-14 05:33:34)

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
say that 2 my face fucker not online

jord wrote:

My thoughts exactly jordan.

Last edited by dtacs (2011-10-14 06:12:20)

+3,936|6810|so randum

kilroy0097 wrote:

Teamwork is a quality that is taught by those that lead by example and learning by those willing to learn. It is propagated by the further cooperation of others that have the same qualities. Teamwork is achieved by merely sticking with your squad and helping them out. However Teamwork is also helped by certain tools that were present in BF2 but are not present in BF3.

These tools include the Command Rose (Not yet totally confirmed), Squad Management (Supposedly confirmed though not seen as of yet.) and Squad VOIP in game (Not confirmed or even suggested by DICE).

It was my strong feeling that an automatic VOIP that did not require any sort of special interaction to get working was perhaps one of the strongest tools of Teamwork. It also was a main factor in many clans forming in the first place and also BF communities being generated and growing. VOIP of this type was often used in conjunction with TS as a tactical channel while TS was used a strategic channel or to socialize. Many communities used both in game VOIP and out of game TS to create a Teamwork structure in game that was very effective and difficult to deny.

This is why I am fighting and attempting to continue this movement in support of an automatic in game VOIP channels for Squads and between Squad Leaders. A Team channel is not my intension and I would actually prefer not to have one.

My latest solution to the VOIP issue not being in game is for DICE to do the following.

SONAR is an application that is currently started by Battlelog and runs separately to the game and the browser. This application is what allows people within your Party to speak to each other via their Party VOIP. It is this Party system that DICE believes is the answer to in game squad VOIP to promote teamwork. Those that think like myself believe it's a laughable solution and a slight again PC gamers due to the fact that the Console version will have Squad VOIP and Team VOIP built in.

What needs to happen is for the DICE team or 3rd party team that coded SONAR to code the application to open a channel automatically for each Squad and between Squad Leaders by reading the game data from the game on the server it is playing on. Have a SONAR service running on each game server so the bandwidth is spread out. It shouldn't need a lot of processing as many game server companies already offer a TS service running on the same server as an option. You will only have 3 services, Game, SONAR and PunkBuster.

Allow the player  to edit key bindings through the current VOIP interface in Battlelog. Set default to 'B' Squad channel and 'V' SL channel. Allow those players that do not wish to use VOIP to be able to disable the in game portion if they want. Done. Profit.
That is your easy solution that does not take recoding the game itself. Instead recode the VOIP application outside the game.

If you agree with this possible solution I would appreciate your support in the EA Forums UK Thread.

Thank you.
and thank you someone needs to stand up to EA and im glad someone is finaly doing it!
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6900|Your attic
While annoyingly I doubt it'll be implemented your solution is by far the best I've seen Kilroy, as little as I used the in-game VOIP in BF2 it was nice to be able to when the situation called for it and it's a shame that it won't be available at release for BF3.
There is.
+1,380|7001|Devon, England
I agree with the above. Back in the days before I played with friends, it was awesome finding that one squad in many games where no one knew each other, but everyone would talk along, have a laugh and kick ass.

Nowadays I just play with friends over TS, but I still think it should be standard with PC games.
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7153|Bryan/College Station, TX
I have updated the OP in the EA Forum UK thread and created a personal quotable statement that can be shared if needed to other supporters. You may recognize it as very similar to the one I created and posted here. So thank you for helping me out.

The direct link is: http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/batt … st20128392

Thanks again.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+572|6969|BC, Canada

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