i sent you an invite....not accepted
same with the bludclat jord
same with the bludclat jord
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Sometimes it doesn't work unless both players are at the main screen when the invite's sent. I blame EA.m3thod wrote:
i sent you an invite....not accepted
same with the bludclat jord
....FatherTed wrote:
its under my avatar you MONG
yeah yeah doneFatherTed wrote:
well yes but in general i want to be able to say white power to you via steam so please add me anyway.
CREEPYDauntless wrote:
yeah but talking of steam, look at this dikhed
honestly have no idea who he is, maybe he just saw me in a TF2 game one time and stole my whole vibe
Haha nah, kept myself awake. But I did sleep for 12 fucking hours.Ultrafunkula wrote:
Aaaaand now he fell asleep on the potty.