Headshot Specialist
+104|7150|Woodland Hills, Ca
and im sure the turbines on the a10 doesnt have afterburners LOL.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

RicardoBlanco wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

And Armored Fury is still slated to be released sometime in June, correct?
I guess so but I didn't ask. It'd make sense though; release the patch on 23rd ( a tuesday, which is when EA do their backend server updates), have it tested by the public and then release Armoured Fury when it all looks A-OK.

I'll try and get the actual release date for Armoured Fury too, if there is one, but it'll have to be monday. I usually wait for these boosters to be played first, I never bothered with Euro Force because it sounded crap so I'll wait and see what people say about this one.
+1,153|6944|Washington, DC

Sweet, just in time for my exams so I can get distracted and fail them!
J-10 whore
Is squad hopping gonna stay? or not?
bad touch

i want a RELIABLE source (link)
+304|6909|New York City baby.
I wonder how many things they will fuck up this time.
+86|6991|Central California

Ayumiz wrote:

Is squad hopping gonna stay? or not?
I think its going to be gone. Here is EA's reason from their community update page.

http://www.ea.com/official/battlefield/ … ate_050906

How sad is that? I'm going to miss that feature.
Official Heckler & Koch ambassador
+8|7030|Veenendaal, The Netherlands

Shadow_Omega wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

And Armored Fury is still slated to be released sometime in June, correct?
screw armored fury,you can get the USI mod for free,and its teh same premise,except better.
What kind of mod it that and were could i download it?
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS

Me likes - I'm going to have a few new awards in my drawer pretty soon. But squad hopping will be over - oh well. Adapt and overcome.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Squad hopping is 0% teamwork i never do it and thoes who do, i dont feel bad for ya.
I love [fiSh]
Squad Cycling = 110% Teamwork
Squad Hopping = Pointwhoring and/or Teamwork
+16|6872|CT, US
Whatever makes em fall over.
Roger Lesboules
Ah ben tabarnak!
+316|6890|Abitibi-Temiscamingue. Québec!
Nice nice nice...hope they lower a bit the god dam explo ordnance badge...with the c4 bug it dosent seem to be possible!...Tryed alot today...at least ive got my vet....+1 for the nice info mate!

masterHouse wrote:

Shadow_Omega wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

And Armored Fury is still slated to be released sometime in June, correct?
screw armored fury,you can get the USI mod for free,and its teh same premise,except better.
What kind of mod it that and were could i download it?
the mod is currently a beta,but is relativly low on bugs.enjoy,and to the persons comment earlier,the a-10 DOES have afterburners.the usi mod is USMC vs MEC(or iraqis as they are called in the mod) and is basiclly the armored fury booster pack,except with more maps and vehicles.the kits have been changed up some and the anti-tank is far more...well,anti-tank,and the engineer gets a stinger missile for those pesky gunships.read the site for the full features and enjoy,i sure do.oh ya,almost forgot,the beta's stats on the weapons and vehicles from vanilla bf2 are based on the original bf2 BEFORE the patching started.

[n00b]Tyler wrote:

Squad hopping is 0% teamwork i never do it and thoes who do, i dont feel bad for ya.
This answer declears the name in front off youre name. M8 you dont no What you talking about.

Squad hopping is the best way to spread the teams on the map for example> Wake island is without squad hopping 100% rape island!!!!

Greetz To all teamplayers!!!!!!
At the moment it will take 184 years to get all the time requirements to get every badge, ribbom and medal! Thats not including the time to get the fighting stsats like repair points its just time. So they defiantly must lower time requierments for stuff.

I highly doubt anyone will live to be 184 and still be playing BF2 and still have a life. Its 2010 hours for badges, 2400 hours for medals and 9 hours for ribboms approximately.

Anyone know if the car drop is defiantly happening? If it is then commander spot will be taken for weeks while people get used to dropping cars. I think that that and not being able to squad jump are stupid.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

Shadow_Omega wrote:

(or iraqis as they are called in the mod)
See, that's what I think is dumb.  Iraqis?  Are you kidding?  We flattened them within three weeks, and the majority of their infantry surrendered as soon as they heard we were within 100 miles of their position.  At least BF2 is somewhat believable, even though its fiction.  If the USI mod is anywhere near being realistic, the USMC should outnumber them 4 to 1, and American armor should have 200 percent more health and damage done than the Iraqis.

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-05-20 17:54:58)

And it's called a game, which requires BALANCING.

If you want reality; I'm sure there's a recruiter in your town.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

jnick wrote:

And it's called a game, which requires BALANCING.

If you want reality; I'm sure there's a recruiter in your town.
Exactly, and, dude, this is falsely portraying reality.  My point is, they might as well invent another nation to go to war with.   You're right, BF2 isn't reality, but it's SOMEWHAT near being realistic, and that's why people play it.  Apart from the MEC, they use real life factions, which, in theory, are cappable of fighting eachother in real life.  And we all know the MEC is just another way of saying Iraq/Iran.  It was created to please all of the modern day war mongers who are in love with liberating Iraq, and they use the term MEC so that anti-Iraq war people would buy the game.  A game with Iraqi's being on the same scal as USMC is completely opposite, it's not even believable.  If BF2 was Aliens from Mars vs. the USMC, and the Aliens got Ak-47's, would you play it?  I wouldn't.  Or Teletubbies vs. Sesame Street, I'm sure tons of people would play that game because it's balanced.

That's why I said "anywhere near being reality".  I don't want reality, but this mod is the exact opposite.

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-05-20 11:06:11)

So people won't play 2142 because it's not going to be somewhat realistic? I guess they didn't play DooM3, F.E.A.R, Far Cry, and a ton of other EXCELLENT games as well because, hell, they weren't realistc?

They use Iraq because they want to portray the present day war or the war in the Gulf. It's something people can relate to. And no, they don't have to make the USMC 4:1, as far as power goes against Iraq because frankly, they can do whatever the hell they want to.

I understand the point you're trying to make, and yes, you have some points. However, when it comes to a mod regarding the Persian Gulf War, I personally think it's less realistic to use China as the main OPFOR . . .. That's just me though.
=|A mere Shadow|=
The Anarchist
+121|6939|Britain and Damn proud of it!
Auugh my Gcse's start on the 23rd damn i'll be revising, so no 1.3 for about 2 weeks for me....

Spearhead wrote:

Shadow_Omega wrote:

(or iraqis as they are called in the mod)
See, that's what I think is dumb.  Iraqis?  Are you kidding?  We flattened them within less than a week, and the majority of their infantry surrendered as soon as they heard we were within 100 miles of their position.  At least BF2 is somewhat believable, even though its fiction.  If the USI mod is anywhere near being realistic, the USMC should outnumber them 4 to 1, and American armor should have 200 percent more health and damage done than the Iraqis.
see buddy,thats were your mistaken,first off,the mod is based off of the FIRST gulf war.secondly,it depends which branch of the iraqi military your talking about,seeing as how even today we are still fighting remenants of  their guard.and secondly,it takes a fool to believe a t-90 cant defeat an abrahams.the abrahams most certainly has an advantage in technology,but its basiclly a tank none the less,and considering they use the same ammo it would take generally the same amount of shots to the same spots to destroy each other.the game's object is realism AND fun.that,and the "outnumbering them 4 to 1" thing is incredibly invalid,even in the second war they GREATLY outnumbered our troops,however our military concentrates on quality,not quantity,and we ended up on top.10 crappy soldiers will likely lose to 1 well trained,experienced,and disciplined soldier thats a master of his craft.

XIthRyker wrote:

Anyone know if the car drop is defiantly happening? If it is then commander spot will be taken for weeks while people get used to dropping cars..
yes it is and yes it will.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

Shadow_Omega wrote:

see buddy,thats were your mistaken,first off,the mod is based off of the FIRST gulf war.secondly,it depends which branch of the iraqi military your talking about,seeing as how even today we are still fighting remenants of  their guard.and secondly,it takes a fool to believe a t-90 cant defeat an abrahams.the abrahams most certainly has an advantage in technology,but its basiclly a tank none the less,and considering they use the same ammo it would take generally the same amount of shots to the same spots to destroy each other.the game's object is realism AND fun.that,and the "outnumbering them 4 to 1" thing is incredibly invalid,even in the second war they GREATLY outnumbered our troops,however our military concentrates on quality,not quantity,and we ended up on top.10 crappy soldiers will likely lose to 1 well trained,experienced,and disciplined soldier thats a master of his craft.
I think your mistaken in believing that the first Gulf War was much of a war.  All we did was push them out of Kuwait.  It really would not make a very fun video game, or movie, if you look at the mediocre reviews of Jarhead (I liked it, tho).  Sure, the Iraqi's may have had the T-90, but they would be very weakened or even not exist by the time our tanks got to them, due to our vastly superior air power.  And as I said before, during Op. Iraqi Freedom (and largely in Desert Storm, too), the Iraqi army was practically rendered helpless because of the intense pyschological warfare we performed on them, and the fact that none of their units seemed to be falling back from the frontline, because, of course, they were dead or had already surrendered themselves.  So, ya, I think my 4 to 1 thing is very valid.   And I believe it's "Abrams".

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-05-20 17:49:54)

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