Jaekus wrote:
The premise of this thread is really not doing your reputation around here much good. You're drawing a pretty long bow to be trying to tie illegal aliens with illegal activity - the two are mutually exclusive. All it does is show your own prejudice.
Not meaning to single you out, it's just the way it comes across.
Just saying.
How so, illegal immigration onto itself is an illegal activity. Is it really that hard to tie the 2 together? Illegal aliens and illegal activity?
and yes, I am prejudice against anyone that comes here illegally, and lowers the bar for what a job is worth in our country by having an unfair advantage by being able to NOT pay any taxes. I know you want to make this a race related issue, and me a racist. It is a common theme when you don't have any real argument in championing illegal immigration, but the fact is, I do not care what race they are, like everything else I care about the actions of people. If they were white blonde haired vikings from Scandinavia, my opinion would still be the same.