-Sh1fty- wrote:
Having a way to one shot kill the enemy without a sniper rifle. How about if it's an AIMED shot (looking through iron sights) to get a hit kill headshot with any assault rifle and LMG but not with SMGs, except maybe the AK74U. It would be cool to have that little bonus and get a challenge, achievement, or some other reward for it.
AK74u in CoD4
800 RPM
40 damage close range (3 bullets = kill on any 1.0 modifier, 2 bullets = kill on 1.4 (head))
so if you sneak up behind 3 people, it'll take you just over 0.25 of a second from pressing the fire button to killing the first person. The average human reaction rate is 0.3 seconds. So you've killed one before the other guys even realise there's a dot on the radar. They've then got to think "oh shit, that dot on the radar means there's an enemy behind me" then they've got to move their mouse, allow for lag time for that action to get to the server, relay back, display on their screen that you're standing in front of them, then they have to pull the trigger on you. You have an immense advantage in this situation, and basically, if you can't kill 3 people you've snuck up on without one hit headshots (which would probably be slower than spraying all three of them down), then I don't know what to say. You're bad, probably.