UnkleRukus wrote:
Should let soldiers choose if they want one or not, and if they do they have to buy it. There's no restrictions on what you can purchase.
Hrm, okay.. fine...
I want
THIS, in 12ga
(Or, something akin to an MP5K layout, chambered in 12ga, with an (obviously) slightly longer barrel)

It is impractical to allow a regular army to arm itself with an irregular assortment of firearms.
Supply issues, ammo issues, training issues, etc etc.
Special Operations types, however, are another story.
They spend enough time and energy on training that a personal pistol would work for them.
Then again, with that much time and training, one could become extremely proficient in a unit-assigned weapon.
And, with Special Operations training tempo, they've probably figured out which pistols are accurate and reliable.
So, you're back down to one or three unit preferred pistols again.
Cream rises to the top, so to speak.
No need for expensive General Officer & contractor driven weapons trials - go ask the SOCOM groups
"Hey, you all have put a few million rounds downrange. What works, and what is trash?"
Last edited by rdx-fx (2011-08-28 14:11:06)