[Ahazi] Kaika wrote:
TriggerHappy998 wrote:
There are lots of girls that play BF2. I know and/or have played with at least three. And yeah, they are a lot better than guys at pretty much everything, except sucking and being asshats.
Aye, gamer girls just own everyone. At everything.
lol Trigger ! but i will disagree and aggree in 3 parts here with your post .
1st part the men/prepubesent boys do take the cake on being ASSHATS in general.
2nd i have to disagree on the "sucking" part I beleave the girls are better at that part (and should always be better at it) lmao ...............lmao ...............lmao
ohh ! almost forgot , YES THEY DO FOLLOW ORDER'S BETTER' ( and of course thats the way it should be )..
NOW IM REMOVNG MY EMAIL FROM EVERY THING IN HERE ( so as not to accumalate hate mail )
and for the record LOL, my wife hates it she wants to take hammer to my PC and bf2 disc ( ive informed her this is fight'en words woaman ! ) LOL