+167|6752|Manitowoc, WI
If EA does fix the "exploit" of squad hopping, how many of you agree that no one should update to the next patch.  Now i know that this isnt going to happen, but still its nice to think about no one downlaoding the newest patch just to shove it EA's face.
She looked 18 to me officer
I have read the patch notes.

Someone please give me a heads up on why this is bad.  I am sure I am not the only one.

I don't understand it really, never seemed to be a rpoblem.

So what's the down side?

Not being a smart ass, I really just do not get it.
+60|6781|Under the River
Well I think squad hoping is usful but I really don't like how people can exploit it. The thing is they are fixing it for a reason and it must be because so many people are doing it. It will ruin clan battles though and thats why I signed the patition. (spelling)
+3|6782|Escanaba, MI
My problem with them removing it is now SLs either stay back so people can continuously spawn on them and end up being punished since they can't risk their lives to gain any sort of points or if they go in guns-a-blazin' and die, they spawn a 5 minute walk away, the squad gets separated and loses a lot of incentive to work as a team.

If they get rid of squad hopping, they need to incorporate either a 2nd in command ability so there can be some sort of redundancy or made the SLs score be a compilation of the squads score much like the commander does with the team. That will make them into mini-commanders (which they should be) and then give them some incentive to make the rest of the squad effective.

Lastly - there's nothing quite as much fun as spenting 10 minutes to get somewhere, running into the local tank whore and then dying, but since you can no longer spawn on remaining members, you're stuck with another 10 minute journey.

Last edited by drepamig (2006-05-13 20:18:23)

+167|6752|Manitowoc, WI
Well, what we do is a group of us that talk on a seperate program are all in a squad and say our squadleader dies after somone else dies, we the squad leader just leaves and lets the person alive spawn on him.  this way we are right back where we were.

with the patch, if you leave and rejoin a squad, you have to spawn at a regualr spawn point and then go run etc. to the rest of your squad

Last edited by BolvisOculus (2006-05-13 20:08:33)

+788|6789|Brisbane, Australia

60/64 of the people in every pub i vist doesnt squad hop, and it pisses me off!
+167|6752|Manitowoc, WI
of course i did also hear that the squad leader can place a becon that everyone else can spawn on even after hes dead.  hmmm
Mass Media Casualty

It's a stupid thing to 'fix' I agree, but honestly Squad-Hopping is kind of cheap.

HOWEVER, When you join a squad and the Squad Leader decides to fly in a single-seater jet and no-one can spawn on them, that's when this 'no squad-hopping' thing will get fucken annoying. I always leave a squad if the Squad Leader's a selfish dumbarse.

Boycotting patches never did anyone any good. Servers, unless run by very few patch-boycotting clans, always update to the latest patch, so if you don't upgrade you won't be able to play on them.

Patches will always include something that pisses some people off, the only and best thing you can do is just get on with life.
[Blinking eyes thing]
+167|6752|Manitowoc, WI
ya, i realise that all the main servers and the ones that it is actually fun to play on are going to update right away
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|6853|Melbourne, Australia
i thought it was bad but E.A are doing it to encourage TEAMWORK (dont mine the spelling)
less busy
+586|6968|Kubra, Damn it!

Send an email to [email protected] with subject Battlefield 2 and tell them why we don't want it. Here's what I wrote:

Hey guys,

I read your statement on the changes to squad selection today. I understand what you're trying to do, but don't believe it's going to have the intended effect. Team play is definitely lacking in the game, but it's a problem with the players, not the game itself. I spend a lot of time playing as a squad leader and am lucky if I can get even one squad member to do anything but use me as a spawn point. People rarely respond to communication through VOIP or by typing. More often than not, a large number of players won't even join a squad.

What you're effectively doing is removing the only reason most players even join a squad. There is no doubt in my mind that this will do exactly the opposite of what you intend and virtually destroy squad play.

Another large consequence of this change will be when one team is down to one flag. At this point, the other team generally sits back and rapes the spawn points, while watching their points go through the roof. If you've played the game, you've seen this a hundred times. At this point, usually 10% - 30% of the losing team has already left. Some think this will avoid adding a loss to their record, but most just get tired of seeing their K/D ratio go into the toilet. This leaves their remaining teammates ridiculously outnumbered and totally screwed. Frequently, the only way out of a situation like this is for one guy to sneak away and start a squad. The spawning squad members pull the attention away from their team's only flag and give them rest of them a chance to keep playing.

I have around 400 hours of game time and have seen these things happen continuously since I started playing last July. Please listen to your customers.
+22|6706|Gainesville, FL

BolvisOculus wrote:

of course i did also hear that the squad leader can place a becon that everyone else can spawn on even after hes dead.  hmmm
is this true

Stealth42o wrote:

I have read the patch notes.

Someone please give me a heads up on why this is bad.  I am sure I am not the only one.

I don't understand it really, never seemed to be a rpoblem.

So what's the down side?

Not being a smart ass, I really just do not get it.
It can mean a few things.

Squad Hopping 1:
Squad has a few people in it, and said squad is approaching a flag. In the approach, they leave one man to sit back.
Squad members procede to flag and for whatever reason die. So, squad members leave squad cept the one guy that sits back. Therefor, he/she is now the leader and the rest of the squad spawns and continues to attack the flag.

Squad Hopping 2: Say you're a lone wolf and you recently died, and a squad is close to a flag that you want to cap. So, you join the squad and spawn on the leader then ditch the squad once you get the oppurtunity.

I've done both, and they are very effective.

EA wants to take that ability away. Fuck EA.

TheRealRyanRay wrote:

BolvisOculus wrote:

of course i did also hear that the squad leader can place a becon that everyone else can spawn on even after hes dead.  hmmm
is this true
Yes, in Battlefield 2142 this is going to be an ability.

Last edited by Defiance (2006-05-13 21:45:53)


TheRealRyanRay wrote:

BolvisOculus wrote:

of course i did also hear that the squad leader can place a becon that everyone else can spawn on even after hes dead.  hmmm
is this true
i think it is a bf2142 thing not bf2
Aspiring Objectivist
I cant wait for the new patch, the squad part & the air drop vehicles have me a little worried but we will see what happens, I just want the last expansion to come out so I can plan out what awards I want first
Got milk?
many skilled clans use squad hopping in their tactics and now EA ruins it. Sad. Ea "encourages teamwork" in pubs but kills it in a clan wars. FFFFFFF
+31|6957|St. Louis, MO
Squad hopping being considered an exploit is just bullshit.They take bunny hopping out of a first person shooter and now this crap?

Making a drastic change like this after the games been out almost a year is just retarded.Just fix the damn bugs and stop changing the game.

Last edited by YoBabysDaddy (2006-05-14 00:21:35)

She looked 18 to me officer

BolvisOculus wrote:

Well, what we do is a group of us that talk on a seperate program are all in a squad and say our squadleader dies after somone else dies, we the squad leader just leaves and lets the person alive spawn on him.  this way we are right back where we were.

with the patch, if you leave and rejoin a squad, you have to spawn at a regualr spawn point and then go run etc. to the rest of your squad
THanks now I understand.  Yea, that makes no sense.

I can understand for clan matches, but make it an option on the servers.

However I guess I am retarded....

"-1 Newest Patch ur a retard "

Asking questions = getting bad Karma.

Interesting system.

+1 for the "Non retards" who answered, I apreciate it.

Last edited by Stealth42o (2006-05-14 00:35:56)

Dont tread on me
+77|6828|Mountains of West Virginia
Yea im glad our season is over in my clan, the patch is going to make things a bit tricky.
Sometimes I'm lazy and do a squad hop in the beginning of the round. I also squad-cycle (dying as SL and rejoin squad) but that's because I suddenly found myself being SL when I dont' want to.

I won't miss it though. Everyone does it nowadays and I think it affects teamwork negatively. With frequent squadcycling, the order system is thrown out the window and with no orders, the squad risk getting spread out eventually. The squadcycling squad is like a squad without SL, noone wants to lead.
+167|6752|Manitowoc, WI

jimbo21 wrote:

TheRealRyanRay wrote:

BolvisOculus wrote:

of course i did also hear that the squad leader can place a becon that everyone else can spawn on even after hes dead.  hmmm
is this true
i think it is a bf2142 thing not bf2
oh, is it. i remember reading it somewhere but i didnt know if it was for the latest patch or in BF2142. thanks to you and the guy above for clearing it up
Get your body beat.
im sick of playing wars only to have a mass enemy suicide to all spawn on one guy.
the amount of times ive fought off a group of five to have them swap squad leader and get to fight them all off is a pain in the arse.
with 1600hours in game, nothing annoys me more than going against one lone wolf to suddenly have all these others pop up, its bullshit.
The main reason they are removing the Leader change, is to stop clans using an exploit.
some clans are using a techneque were they head out into the red, one squad leader, the rest not spawed. As the SL is about to die the next spawn on him and takes command, this goes on, and they cant be touched.

I also hate to see other high ranked players, ONLY interested in more points, spawn on you only to leave again and go on alone. Finaly they have to waste ten minutes without points to get to a flag, were instead of running in like fools, they have to plan it out.

In wars, we will now see more military style tatics being used instead of the old rush like twats to swap SL. You will now be required to think about what your doing.

this is MY opinion, you if dont like it so be it. I think it will smarten bf2 up, get it alittle more realist. You wont find squads for real, rushing in, but you will see them planning the attack. Expand your mind.

Last edited by kontrolcrimson (2006-05-14 09:08:37)

+3|6782|Escanaba, MI

kontrolcrimson wrote:

this is MY opinion, you if dont like it so be it. I think it will smarten bf2 up, get it alittle more realist. You wont find squads for real, rushing in, but you will see them planning the attack. Expand your mind.
I can see where you are coming from, but I do not think that this will happen at all in the public servers. I can count on one hand how many times I've had a good experience as either a SL or member on a public server where people all followed my orders. Granted that was the most fun I've ever had AND we weren't squad cycling because I wanted to stay in charge.

Those rounds, however, I had 10 or so points because I spent most of my time coordinating the squads actions, which isn't fair since for a dozen rounds my squad was the best squad and a few rounds we were able to single handedly turn the game around.
+22|6797|England, UK

BolvisOculus wrote:

of course i did also hear that the squad leader can place a becon that everyone else can spawn on even after hes dead.  hmmm
Isn't that BF2142?
+24|6810|45° 30',North by 73° 35',West

BolvisOculus wrote:

of course i did also hear that the squad leader can place a becon that everyone else can spawn on even after hes dead.  hmmm
Where did you hear that? Sound like a good idea if it has any kind of validity to it.

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