you care about Somalia?AussieReaper wrote:
I blame this woman for the famine in Somalia, bitch.

you care about Somalia?AussieReaper wrote:
I blame this woman for the famine in Somalia, bitch.
this woman is the cure for the famine in Somalia... send her and a 55 gal drum of bbq sauce tell them pour on her and cook till doneAussieReaper wrote:
I blame this woman for the famine in Somalia, bitch.
yah, he is probably her mid-night snackDrunkFace wrote:
Poor dog.
Why shouldn't I push the limits and see how fat I can get and stay healthy?
Stimey wrote:
thats when you cut off her unemployment/disability.
she has enough fat there to feed an african family for a month.
fixtbennisboy wrote:
so i feel sorry for the kids that their mum is gonna kill herself eat them.