how the fuck does "i guess" mean "they have put some thought into it". I GUESS is my own theory about what the senseless violence could possibly represent. i never said they thought about it... i explicitly said they hadn't. why are you finding this so difficult? and yeah, my family has a business i can work for if i choose to... better than being an unemployed graduate (one of many) on the dole, doing nothing with my life. it's a back-up plan and a security to keep me working... what's the problem? you don't have any contacts at all to ensure you some easy work if times are hard? i'm not using 'family connections', i'm completely making my own way and pursuing a degree/career path that no one else in my family has a clue about, and i'm doing very well at it and holding my own. so what's your problem again?Vilham wrote:
Clearly you forgot a few years back where you bragged that it didn't matter what degree you did as you had a guaranteed job at your uncles business.Uzique wrote:
i work for apple. my uncle's business? uuum, yeh, uncle stevie! nice one m8!Vilham wrote:
Hahaha, you make me laugh, yeah these chavs are thinking about the philosophy of burning down a shop. Definitely....
The best part is how you are claiming to know where they are coming from, mr I have a secure job at my uncles business after I do a degree for fun.
i never said they have any organisation or 'mission' at all. "no organisation, no real manifesto or aim". did you read that part? maybe you should have done my degree for fun, seems it would have helped! and of course everyone is going to try and find an explanation ( - not a justification...) for what is happening. isn't that the whole point of in-depth journalism? educated people that have nothing to do with the fray and the mass trying to impose a narrative on the chaos of events? you're cute when you're dumb, vilham, but it ain't so pretty.
Don't believe I said they had an organisation and "destroying a shop is destroying a symbol of commerce, capitalism, i guess." smacks of you saying they have put some thought into this, but nice contradiction anyway.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.