Jay wrote:
Kampframmer wrote:
its the whole age/intellect ratio that bothers me.
Skipping classes is really difficult here.
here you have pre-school, elementary school, high school and then uni,college or do whatever you like.
Pre-school is done by most in 1 year, but they give certain children 2 years because theyre either young or not smart enough yet. After that point there is almost no way to get any form of intellectual lead on the rest no matter how smart you are.
Some skip 1 year in elementary, but thats only when theyre really smart and ahead and wen theyre older so the age difference wont be so big.
So someone like me (being born in june) would never be able to skip a class no matter how smart i would be because they would feel that the age difference would become to big.
Seems stupid.
A lot of that has to do with maturity though. A person may be more intelligent but be far behind in physical and emotional maturity. I remember there were a handful of people that had skipped a grade during my public school days, and they were all socially awkward and bullied because they were smaller.
This argument comes from Malcolm Gladwell's book "Outliers", yes?
I'm not familiar with Outliers.
Its true that right now, people that skip a grade tend to be bullied, especially when theyre a lot younger than the rest, but thats because they are quite rar and often the only person in that class with an age difference.
But if they woudl switch all the classes around based on intellect (social skills should be involved in this progress, but thats quite hard to measure especially at a young age) then they wouldnt be considered a 'freak' because there would be many different age-groups in a class.
So i belive that the bullying has a lot to do with being different, rather than something specific like being younger.