I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Considering you can get a couple extra reps out when using creatine any concerns about losing mass a countered with the fact you can work harder and grow more muscle in the first place. It just makes your muscles retain extra water. I use it and it works. Look for creatine monohydrate and try to get it micronised ( just means it will mix in your shake better). I don't feel any bloat.

Also, the loading phase is unnecessary. Just take 5g a day or at least post workout.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
Passwater: So you have found that ingesting carbohydrate in solution along with the creatine increases creatine uptake by muscles and enables more people to respond to creatine loading.

Greenhaff: Definitely. The mechanism is not yet clear. Of course it could be related to insulin availability because it's known that insulin has a number of functions, one of which is stimulation of membrane transport. So it could be via that mechanism, but there are other ways. At the moment we don't really know and that's something that needs answered from research.

http://www.drpasswater.com/nutrition_li … atine.html

Last edited by m3thod (2011-07-26 16:52:28)

Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Been sooooooo slack lately. Only doing 2 workouts a week. Worked more than usual, lost a fair bit of bodyfat, still no excuse.

On the plus I had a good workout tonight
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6820|The darkside of Denver
My foot is so much more stable now and Im making real progress on my legs again. 

My upper body saw wonderful benefits from my injury.  Since i couldnt put any pressure on the foot really I couldnt cheat.  My bench has gone up drastically!  Right now Im working on flat bench at 12 x 250 10 x 265 10 x 275 8 x 290.  Fucking ridiculous.  I will probably hit a 365lb bench max this year.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Acai lol
+786|6281|Ontario | Canada
I actually just started using creatine lately, I've only bought the one tub just to try it out.
I find it helps with looking better, haven't found progressing my lifts to be any easier
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
When did you start using it?

It's not going to make you lift double the weight or pump out an extra 3 sets, but it will increase a rep or two here and there.
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6820|The darkside of Denver
After being an active weight lifter for quite some time I can honestly say creatine is useless (for the most part).  You might get a little bigger but nothing beats hard work and a solid diet.  PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN.
+786|6281|Ontario | Canada

Jaekus wrote:

When did you start using it?

It's not going to make you lift double the weight or pump out an extra 3 sets, but it will increase a rep or two here and there.
End of school so mid may-ish

SonderKommando wrote:

After being an active weight lifter for quite some time I can honestly say creatine is useless (for the most part).  You might get a little bigger but nothing beats hard work and a solid diet.  PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN.
For definites.
Think thats gonna be my first and last tub of creatine. For the offseason at least, maybe for next swimsuit season
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
And you've noticed no difference since you started?

iirc for a small percentage of people creatine doesn't work.
+786|6281|Ontario | Canada
No I have not. My lifts have been progressing at the same speed as before with the same amount of difficulty
Well, looking less like a twig was the whole reason i started lifitng and dieting. If creatine can help with that, then im down to try it.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Stimey wrote:

No I have not. My lifts have been progressing at the same speed as before with the same amount of difficulty
That sucks man. Here's a bit about it - http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=354121
I have gotten so sick and tired hearing people talk about nutrition like they know it all.
Every single time someone brings up the subject of some wonder diet or what foods to eat or not to eat i want to shoot myself in the head.

I have this one friend that wants to live more healthy. He went swimming and he wants to go rowing, which is great. He says he does it for strength but he doesnt want to end up in the gym. I tried to explain him that lifting would be the best for that but im just happy that he decided to do any sort of sport.
But when it comes to food, all he does is check for E-numbers. The biggest pile of horseshit that there is. He has this whole book about it that tells what E-numbers are good and which are bad.
We have this govt thing you know that checks food so you dont die when you eat it like once a week. So no, none of those things are dangerous or very unhealthy.
So he avoids those things, even though i try to tell him what bullshit it is. He checks the ingredients list rather than the nutrition info on food packages so he avoid that E-shit, but he does eat a ton of candy and other junk because well, it doesn't have any bad E-numbers in it so its healthy!

And then my brothers girlfriend wants to offered to help her with that, with a good diet and exercise plan, but she doesn't want to exercise or eat healthy. So she wanted to look into this 'miracle-diet' where you do nothing but drink oil or some stupid shit like that.
My mom actually lost a lot of weight using a good diet (she went to a expert for it that expert also gives appetite repressors which seems like a lot of unnecessary shit) but it worked, but my brothers girlfriend just seems to think that its too hard.
And theres tons of people that throw all this stupid shit around that i just dont bother joining the discussion because theyre all too thickheaded to accept that its a lot of work. Counting calories, exercising, checking nutrional info etc etc etc.
Seems like everybody is just waiting for that mystery pill, being developed by that one mystery company in a mystery lab that will instantly give you ripped abs or the body of mrs [insert country name]
posting that really helped me get rid of some of the anger
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Those two links are all I'm ever going to recommend any time soon to anyone who wants a no bullshit, practical way to workout and diet correctly.

Following both I've had the best workout program since I started 9 months ago, have lost 3kg in 3 the past 3 weeks and feel good for it, and have drank more alcohol and eaten a -little- more bad food at the same time, guilt free. And I feel great for it all

Just got a gym membership now that I've moved back home, so I'll be getting back into the routine after being off it for like two months.
+786|6281|Ontario | Canada
deadlifts make me feel good
+786|6281|Ontario | Canada

Jaekus wrote:

Stimey wrote:

No I have not. My lifts have been progressing at the same speed as before with the same amount of difficulty
That sucks man. Here's a bit about it - http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=354121
well, maybe Ive been taking it wrong.
take it after every workout, 2 scoops (100g) with ~1L of water
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6820|The darkside of Denver

Stimey wrote:

deadlifts make me feel good
Squats too

beam me up, squatty
+2,187|6729|Mountains of NC

13urnzz wrote:

beam me up, squatty
sit on my lap and we'll talk about the first thing that comes up

Last edited by SEREMAKER (2011-08-04 14:29:11)


13urnzz wrote:

beam me up, squatty
post of the day
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Stimey wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

Stimey wrote:

No I have not. My lifts have been progressing at the same speed as before with the same amount of difficulty
That sucks man. Here's a bit about it - http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=354121
well, maybe Ive been taking it wrong.
take it after every workout, 2 scoops (100g) with ~1L of water
Yeah that is way too much lol. Try taking a break for a few weeks then take 5g every day, even non workout days. Give it a couple weeks to detect any difference.

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