First time as commander was as US on Oman. I spawned near the boats on the ship and right clicked on the screen and pressed the arty button from the menu - think i got about 10 tks
+917|6938|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Trying to fly a jet.... Which I cannot.... at all...
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal

david363 wrote:

having gotten 5 kills on warlord with no deaths i decided to go and make a coffee and some pizza, but little did i know that when i was away i got killed, and ikept spawning at the para drop site, soooooo i come back just in time so see myself get a purple heart
ROFL you would of racked up the parachute frquent jumpers badge by then ...
+1 for you!!!

RabidCanadianMoose wrote:

I drive all the way across a map to get to a flag. I hop out the jeep and it kills me. I HATE that.
You think that s bad .. try using the boat in cleansweep driving all the way then hopping out and then getting run over by your boat  .....

Seaneroo wrote:

Spark wrote:

(days of private)

I delibrately drove a Vodnik off that big cliff at Dragon Valley into the water, because I thought they were amphibious.

I'm amazed it didn't blow up from the fall. Not so amazed at the message a few seconds later (You have been killed)
You know what's even sillier?  There are no Vodniks on Dragon Valley.
hahaahahahahaa .... well spotted!!!

+1 for ya!!!
Usual stuff.. throwing frags at friendly flags, walking in front of friendliy clays in the hope they wont see me..
bad touch

try and knife fight BushViper, not knowing BabySpinach was right behind me...
+25|6956|NY, USA
One time I was in an APC on Songhua and heard "Enemy forces spotted", so I assumed someone saw an enemy but missed them when spotting.  I look up and there's a blackhawk LANDING ON TOP OF ME.  I didn't see a BH on the map so I released a missile and all of a sudden I get a shitload of TK's.  I still don't know if I tk'd the blackhawk or if something weird happened.

A few times I've jumped/parachuted onto teammates and killed them.
+255|6956|Westminster, California
me and  a four man team capped a flag on  which i was planting c4.  flag goes to us my c4 detonates as i try to plant one more then i have.
team dies
on mashtuur the other day i was sitting at gas station commanding when some guys came and took it over. i was the only one there so i threw down some artillery onto gas so i could try and take it back myself. the artillery killed two of the attackers, but i was standing too close to the strike zone and died also
Pony Slaystation
+343|7029|Charlie One Alpha
Playing as a sniper, perched on my little lookout point on the crane on sharqi, I saw a teammate shooting at something. Out of nowhere comes a sneaky little spec-ops with his knife, about to stab my teammate in the back. Said teammate didn't see him coming, and I had to act fast.  I thought "Aha! Time to save this teammate with my uber-sniping skills!" And in a quick reflex I pull the trigger. Next thing I see is the enemy spec-ops standing over my dead teammate, looking very confused and somewhat disappointed. I look at the side of the screen.
LaidBackNinja [teamkill] PoorTeamMate.

I was frozen in amazement of my own stupidity, and the enemy spec-ops got away. I got punished.

Just imagine being that enemy spec-ops. You see someone looking the other way, take out your knife and run towards him. You're so close you can just TASTE the knife kill, hoping he won't suddenly turn around.
Finally, you're there! And just when you're about to click, *WHAP* and your target falls dead before you.
At this point you're like.. okay, which asshole stole my kill? So you check the upper left, only to see LaidBackNinja [teamkill] YourTarget.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
Crashed my MiG-29 into the UAV. My team's UAV, too.
bad touch

flew the SU-30 straight up, let it stall, released the bombs, and rode those fuckers down to the carrier
U.S. > Iran

Fredrik wrote:

After replying to someone for calling me "whatever", i press E by accident and go parachuting...
ive done the same thing........and i hate it lol
Jo Barf Creepy
Everytime I tapp the "8" key in the dark, in a desprite attempt to deploy my chute. *Splat*
Property of BF2s©
+112|6902|Brisbane Australia
Hmm I got way too many dumb things under my belt I think.

A couple that stick in my mind are spawning on my squad leader (sniper) to find them perched on the cliff face above the Power Plant only to find myself sliding rapidly downhill on my ass. I then discovered (on my 8th attempt) that parachutes dont work in these situations.

Second dumb ass thing completed was playing with a nade in the back of a BH....not good when you cant catch.......BOOM
racing to enemy base with an apc vehicle playing sniper, when i arrive at the flagg i get out of the apc to place claymores, soon as i turn arround im get shot by my apc ... or atleast it was mine for short period....
Alt+F4 For God-Mode
In Great Wall I put my crosshair on this guy and then a redname appeared. I suddenly went proned while grabbing my knife out and it said i TKed.
I then type "sorry, red name bug", but he justs flames me. I try to type again, but then he comes and TKs me. I spawn and magically appear next to him. Got TKed again. I spawn somewhere else and... omfg he's in a buggy coming to where i was. He saw me so he just goes and runs me over. Then he got banned .
+519|6941|Gold coast, Aus.
trying out my new F2000 and see an enemy surrounded by about 3 friendlies. it was a close up confontation in teh alleys near hotel in karkand and he was zig-zagging a lot so no-one could really get a lethal shot in on him. I thought I might give it a try and took a shot at him. *boom* I had my F2000 GL out and killed all the friendlies around him. I ddin't evn notice I had the GL out because it looks exactly, other then the crosshair, to the normal weapon.
Nade Spammers Must Die

StabStabStab wrote:

Sparklet: Anybody who can't spell grammar probably had other reasons for low grades. I keep mine high and manage to play BF2 sometimes (though I haven't for about a week).

Dumbest thing I've done... Hmm.
Probably shooting and killing someone with the red tag bug 3 times. He was close to me as well and wasn't using Sniper kit.
Fucking Snob. Maybe he made a typing error
+519|6941|Gold coast, Aus.
Hey I remember playing against you sgt_bob
Asked for ammo:

"I need ammo!" 10x
No response from support guy in front of me so i draw my pistol and shot him in leg to draw his attention.
He turns to me and i take my medback to heal him, he waits til his fully healed and gives me some ammo,
with his RPK then he ran away without even saying sorry or something, and i accidently pres page up instead of down.
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|7050|Uhh... erm...
Playing Kubra as MEC, a tank was attempting to capture one of the upper bases and me and a teammate was defending it. I ran towards the tank with my C4 out and it fired at my teammate, giving me shellshock. Disoriented and lagging, I quickly dumped the C4 and detonated.

Tetrino [Teamkills] Teammate
Tetrino is no more.

Touches Himself At Night.
Joining the BF universe when C4 tossing was all the rage.....I almost quit O.O
C4ng own artillery.... makes me laugh now that I think about it, the commander must have been glad

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