shits goin up again isnt it? i havent filled up in a few weeksNeXuS wrote:
More gas.... Twice this week.
I gotta drive 1+ hr to work every day. I drive a '97 Chevy Silverado. Sucks
well uhh... don't then?NeXuS wrote:
I gotta drive 1+ hr to work every day. I drive a '97 Chevy Silverado. Sucks
where do u work
A company my dad signed me onto. It deals with plumbing and HVAC but its just a job for now while i work on some certificates and to get my Paramedic. It sucks but it's all i got.
If only it were that easy.Toilet Sex wrote:
well uhh... don't then?NeXuS wrote:
I gotta drive 1+ hr to work every day. I drive a '97 Chevy Silverado. Sucks
Last edited by NeXuS (13 years, 7 months ago)
What do i do about up hill? Magnet in the front of my truck?
i meant like what part of townNeXuS wrote:
A company my dad signed me onto. It deals with plumbing and HVAC but its just a job for now while i work on some certificates and to get my Paramedic. It sucks but it's all i got.If only it were that easy.Toilet Sex wrote:
well uhh... don't then?NeXuS wrote:
I gotta drive 1+ hr to work every day. I drive a '97 Chevy Silverado. Sucks
I love my 35mpgs. Fill up once a week, coming from a 94 F150 that got like 15mpg's...I was getting gas every other day.

الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام me the schematic me the schematic
Is BF3 out already? Is it any good?
Pre-order m8
الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام me the schematic me the schematic
NeXuS wrote:
What do i do about up hill? Magnet in the front of my truck?

for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
no and noghettoperson wrote:
Is BF3 out already? Is it any good?
fix'dcoolstorybro wrote:
no and maybeghettoperson wrote:
Is BF3 out already? Is it any good?
You should get a bunch of VC funding and put that shit into production.Camm wrote: … et-car.pngNeXuS wrote:
What do i do about up hill? Magnet in the front of my truck?

I had to scratch an itch I had for comic books. <3 Deadpool
I'm not going to have any money for food this year.
Probably worth it.Laika wrote:
I'm not going to have any money for food this year. … QwGNWXyUIr
"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"
gas, leccy and t'internetz

i have one of those that i haven't used in like 2 years, i woulda sold you it for like 1/2 price... im dying to get rid of all my guitar stuffLaika wrote:
I'm not going to have any money for food this year. … QwGNWXyUIr
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
A 1988 BMW 325i. It's blue and has "turbo lazer" written on the tires.
I like pie.
1st of the month, eh? We had council tax come out yesterday.PrivateVendetta wrote:
gas, leccy and t'internetz
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.