
Jenspm wrote:

He's killed 75 people. He will either be deemed psychologically unstable and forced to a shrink, or get the max sentence....
we will see.

Good call Sheep in adding the stipulation that all bets are off if he is found to be crazy.

So yeah, everyone who had already began to make up ways to blame Muslims for this were in the right?

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

So yeah, everyone who had already began to make up ways to blame Muslims for this were in the right?
The pre-judgement came when all of you condemned ring wing Christians for this. but wait, not only were you wrong, that is also different?
eleven bravo
+1,399|5405|foggy bottom
ring wings are the worst
Tu Stultus Es
+1,716|6878|St. Andrews / Oslo

My pictures from today.. (Click for the full gallery)

Didn't really have time to fix settings at all, most of them could've been a lot better. Oh well.

https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/flickricon.png https://twitter.com/phoenix/favicon.ico
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6107|Places 'n such

lowing wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

So yeah, everyone who had already began to make up ways to blame Muslims for this were in the right?
The pre-judgement came when all of you condemned ring wing Christians for this. but wait, not only were you wrong, that is also different?
So this guy's not a right wing christian now?
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.

presidentsheep wrote:

lowing wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

So yeah, everyone who had already began to make up ways to blame Muslims for this were in the right?
The pre-judgement came when all of you condemned ring wing Christians for this. but wait, not only were you wrong, that is also different?
So this guy's not a right wing christian now?
http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?pi … 9#p3595399

http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?pi … 4#p3595404

yup he is, but that had nothing to do with what he did. There was no hesitation to condemn ring wing Christians however even though right wing Christian groups had nothing to do with this attack.

YOu know what I find the most entertaining about this board, the consistent inconsistency of those that post here.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

lowing wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

lowing wrote:

the question still stands, what pre-judgement?
"What Earth? I see no Earth."
If there was any pre-judgement it was those that decided this guys motives and condemned right wing Christians for it.
So if you were WRONG about Muslims it was logic but if you were CORRECT about it being a right-wing Christian fundamentalist you were pre-judging?

Man, the hypocrisy is OVERWHELMING.

Last edited by Jaekus (2011-07-25 14:11:23)

Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6107|Places 'n such

e: there is no way that his Christianity had nothing to do with what he did. He described it as a crusade, claimed he was part of a christian order, prayed, targetted muslims, all manner of things point to this being a religious as well as politically motivated attack.

oh, wait, he wasn't brown. Doesn't count.

Last edited by presidentsheep (2011-07-25 14:20:26)

I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
sorry you feel that way
Breivik's father is saying he should've offed himself instead.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne … mself.html
inane little opines
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5848|College Park, MD
+262|6669|North Norway

Jenspm wrote:

My pictures from today.. (Click for the full gallery)

Didn't really have time to fix settings at all, most of them could've been a lot better. Oh well.

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6011/597 … bcf152.jpg
very nice
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Shocking wrote:

Breivik's father is saying he should've offed himself instead.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne … mself.html
Poor bastard. I can only imagine how fucked up that must be.
sorry you feel that way
I think I'm seeing part of the problem though. They broke contact when Anders was 16, and in the interview I don't see him saying anything for the victims. Just "my life will now be miserable because of him", obviously he isn't the most considerate father.
inane little opines

Jaekus wrote:

lowing wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

"What Earth? I see no Earth."
If there was any pre-judgement it was those that decided this guys motives and condemned right wing Christians for it.
So if you were WRONG about Muslims it was logic but if you were CORRECT about it being a right-wing Christian fundamentalist you were pre-judging?

Man, the hypocrisy is OVERWHELMING.
I was wrong in the assumption that it was Islamic terrorism. I however did not come here and explain rihgt wing Christians are nuts and this is the kind of thing you can expect from them.

Unfortunately it wasn't a right wing Christian attack, it was a lone nut job that he himself said it had nothing to do with Christianity.

By the way, with your loathing of generalities, where is your outrage for UZI and what he posted about right wing Christians? I mean he said that shit and they have not done anything.

Last edited by lowing (2011-07-25 14:56:17)


presidentsheep wrote:


e: there is no way that his Christianity had nothing to do with what he did. He described it as a crusade, claimed he was part of a christian order, prayed, targetted muslims, all manner of things point to this being a religious as well as politically motivated attack.

oh, wait, he wasn't brown. Doesn't count.
lol you mean there is no way it had nothing to do with it, except for the fact that he said it had nothing to do with it, while the "brown guys" state that they are guided by their religion. SO I dunno what to tell ya slick.

Last edited by lowing (2011-07-25 14:59:17)

+3,936|6646|so randum
i'll hold my hands up and admit i thought this was islamic at first. we look back now and say 'hit political buildings' 'shooting on island' and say it doesnt sound like something AQ does, but for the first 5-15mins when this broke, all it was was 'massive bomb det in oslo'. since eta and the ira stopped doing highprofile attacks, the only such things in europe have been AQ really.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Shocking wrote:

I think I'm seeing part of the problem though. They broke contact when Anders was 16, and in the interview I don't see him saying anything for the victims. Just "my life will now be miserable because of him", obviously he isn't the most considerate father.
That's a good point. No doubt he was paraphrased though so it's still possible he could've said those things, but you would expect any journo worth his/her salt would include such statements in the article.

Last edited by Jaekus (2011-07-25 14:50:32)

I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
I didn't act alone, Norway attacker tells court

The man who has claimed responsibility for the deadly terrorist attacks in Norway last week has told a judge he was working with two other cells of right-wing extremists.

Anders Behring Breivik, 32, admitted the facts of the case, but "he has not pleaded guilty", judge Kim Heger said after the closed-door hearing.

"It appears in the suspect's police explanations and in today's court appearance, he has made statements that require additional investigation - including a statement about 'two further cells in our organisation'," the judge added.

Breivik was remanded in custody for eight weeks, the first four of which will be in isolation.

Breivik told the judge he had carried out the bombing in Oslo and the mass shooting on a nearby island to send the Labour government a message.

He told the court he needed to carry out the attack to save Norway and western Europe from, among other things, "cultural Marxism" and a Muslim takeover.

Police revised the death toll from the attacks down on Monday, saying 68 people were now known to have been killed in the shootings at a summer camp on Utoya island, lowering an earlier toll of 86.

Eight died in the car bombing in downtown Oslo, an increase of one - but others are still missing, and police said the toll may again rise.

Up until the hearing, Breivik said he had worked alone, but he told police and the court he had two more groups of collaborators still at large.

"It appears in the suspect's police explanations and in today's court appearance, he has made statements that require additional investigation - including a statement about 'two further cells in our organisation'," the judge said.

Those claims are now being investigated.

Jaekus wrote:

lowing wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

"What Earth? I see no Earth."
If there was any pre-judgement it was those that decided this guys motives and condemned right wing Christians for it.
So if you were WRONG about Muslims it was logic but if you were CORRECT about it being a right-wing Christian fundamentalist you were pre-judging?
Once we've already stated the obvious, what more is there to argue?

The effort to downplay this does fly in the face of lowing's previous anti-Islam threads.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

lowing wrote:

If there was any pre-judgement it was those that decided this guys motives and condemned right wing Christians for it.
So if you were WRONG about Muslims it was logic but if you were CORRECT about it being a right-wing Christian fundamentalist you were pre-judging?
Once we've already stated the obvious, what more is there to argue?

The effort to downplay this does fly in the face of lowing's previous anti-Islam threads.
Maybe you would like to share what it was that I down played, and I won't even mention the fact that everything you have stated so "obviously" was wrong.
+786|6266|Ontario | Canada
it couldnt be islam they killed osama!!1
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6747|132 and Bush

Shocking wrote:

Kmar wrote:

Yes Hitler did attack a religion, but that was because he was looking for a scapegoat. Hitler had alternator motives, which primarily did not involve the Jews.
Well I thought he was convinced they were the cause anyway. Hence the whole extermination plan and all.
No, Hitler was capitalizing on an existing prejudice against the Jews. Politically it did not matter whether he bought it or not.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6747|132 and Bush

Spark wrote:

Kmar wrote:

And he has committed mass murder in the name of ridding Norway of Muslims, a religious group.

"We will be the plum tree for Christianity"

He himself has said that he wanted anti-Muslim crusade.

Yes Hitler did attack a religion, but that was because he was looking for a scapegoat. Hitler had alternator motives, which primarily did not involve the Jews.
Was he? My understanding is that it was in some respects the other way around. They certainly piled more resources into the Final Solution than was militarily sound.
The Nazis: A Warning from History : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Nazis: … om_History
That will help you understand the true intent and motivations of the Third Reich. Needless to say Hitler was no friend to the Jews, but his goals were not primarily driven by a desire to eliminate them. He had other, more ambitious goals. If the sole intent of Nazi Germany was the elimination of a religous group then yes, WWII would have been considered a simply a religious conflict. You, me, and other rational people know better though.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+1,716|6878|St. Andrews / Oslo

Oh Glenn Beck. Oh dear.
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