lowing wrote:
Look up the new immigration laws for states like Arizona and get caught up.
U.S. federal law requires aliens 14 years old or older who are in the country for longer than 30 days to register with the U.S. government[6] and have registration documents in their possession at all times.[7] The Act makes it a state misdemeanor crime for an alien to be in Arizona without carrying the required documents
In Nazi Germany they had a law where Jews had to have their documents in their possession at all times and to wear a star otherwise they were arrested.
Read into that what you will but its not a very good advert for freedom is it?
Arizona is the first state with such a law as the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act.[29] Prior law in Arizona, and the law in most other states, does not mandate that law enforcement personnel ask about the immigration status of those they encounter.[30] Many police departments discourage such inquiries to avoid deterring immigrants from reporting crimes and cooperating in other investigations
Huh what, police choosing not to punish crime so that they can prevent larger numbers of crime occurring? WHAT !
Whether illegal immigrants commit a disproportionate number of crimes is uncertain, with different authorities and academics claiming that the rate for this group was the same, greater, or less than that of the overall population.[32] Perception bias leads many on both sides of the debate to reject, not recognize, or rationalize crime rate statistics.
WHAT!? There is no agreement as to whether little green men commit the majority of crimes? But surely that cant be true? Of course there is agreement, its obvious right?
The killing of 58-year-old Robert Krentz and his dog, shot on March 27, 2010, while doing fence work on his large ranch roughly 19 miles (31 km) from the Mexican border, gave a tangible public face to fears about immigration-related crime.[32][45] Arizona police were not able to name a murder suspect but traced a set of footprints from the crime scene south towards the border, and the resulting speculation that the killer was an illegal alien increased support among the public for the measure.
The police couldnt find a killer but it must be an illegal immigrant. The resulting SPECULATION increased support for the bill. Hmm that sounds like the manipulation you keep going on about.
McCain said on The O'Reilly Factor: "It's the drivers of cars with illegals in it that are intentionally causing accidents on the freeway. Look, our border is not secured. Our citizens are not safe."
Why do illegals (who dont want to be caught) deliberately cause accidents? It may well happen but I dont understand the logic?
The Arizona Association of Chiefs of Police criticized the legislation, calling the provisions of the bill "problematic" and expressing that it will negatively affect the ability of law enforcement agencies across the state to fulfill their many responsibilities in a timely manner.[95] Additionally, some officers have repeated the past concern that illegal immigrants may come to fear the police and not contact them in situations of emergency or in instances where they have valuable knowledge of a crime
What the hell do they know? Damn police with their socialist "lets prevent / solve crime" ideology.
The other states along the Mexican border – Texas, New Mexico, and California – generally showed little interest in following Arizona's path.[31] This was due to their having established, powerful Hispanic communities, deep cultural ties to Mexico, past experience with bruising political battles over the issue (such as with California Proposition 187 in the 1990s), and the perception among their populations that illegal immigration was less severe a problem.
FUUUUU damn liberal Texans !!
Some women with questionable immigration status have been avoiding domestic abuse hotlines and shelters for fear of deportation.[177] Some critics of SB 1070 fear that it will serve as a roadblock to victims getting needed support, while supporters say such concerns are unfounded and that the Act is directed towards criminals, not victims.[178]
It doesnt matter if they are victims of domestic abuse because they dont deserve to be in USA anyway right? Its not a crime if you do it to an illegal right?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arizona_SB_1070Wiki as I know you like it
I think this post is probably long enough now especially as you will ignore all of the pertinent parts (like you do on the sources you quote).