+127|6700|Dublin, Ireland
I have wireless bb and sometimes like every 3 mins is freezes for like 5 seconds what do you guys have???
+312|6736|selby, n. yorkshire, UK
Wired all the way. If you want to go wireless you better have a shit hot router.

Last edited by dont_be_ss (2006-05-17 08:30:10)

+22|6806|England, UK
Have wire. Wireless all depends on the signal and distance, can generally be just as could considering the circuimstances.
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6766|Birmingham, UK
I have to agree with all above! Has to be wired!
DanForth Teh Pwnzer
wireless sucks. the packets seem to fuck up when they like, causing battlefield 2 go into a state of `theres a problem with your connection` when u no fine well your connection is fine.

go for a better router, even though i have a standard router i hate it so bad

I want cable back! Wireless should not be used for gaming as it is prone to fucking up at the most inconvenient times.
+127|6700|Dublin, Ireland
i don't know but it's 1mb broadband. i have to say my wireless thing is pretty shit. im buyin a new one that goes faster and i dont have the patch yet and that is supposed to stabalise games or somethin

a fly
+105|6786|The netherlands
there is a way to improve the range ect of wireless with an empty pringles ?tube?. i dont know how, maybe google knows.... google knows evrythings *looks scared*
I'm English, not British!
+113|6913|Rotherham, England
i'm on wireless, always got connection errors on a wired connection, so switched it and it's been perfect since.
Got milk?
Wire, 1.5 Mb. Will switch to 3 Mb soon

Last edited by Dr.Battlefield (2006-05-17 08:46:28)


TheDarkRaven wrote:

I have to agree with all above! Has to be wired!
In theory there should be no difference between wireless and wired, unless you have more than 54Mb internet connection!
In practice there are just more things to go wrong.

If you can get a wired connection to your PC then it would probably be best, if not then there are a few things you can do to help improve your connection.
Make sure that the WiFi access point [probably the BB router] is clear on any large electrical fields such as computers, microwaves, TV's etc. Also try to make sure that your PC's antenna has as little between it and the access point as possible.

Make sure that other people are not using up all your bandwidth. There are two parts to this. One is other members of your household. Two is your neighbours etc.
1. BF2 does not use a large amount of bandwidth, but is is constant and any interuptions are very obvious in-game. Other people browsing the web and or downloading should not hurt BF2, but P2P or torrent software running will hurt your game. This is because they suck up all your upload bandwidth. I would recommend shutting down all of these types of connections when playing BF2 [or course if it's your younger brothers PC with the downloads then you'll have to deal with him instead].
2. Other people could be using your connection [and who knows what they might be doing!]. There are quite a lot of security features built into WiFi that you can use. The only one worth while is to not broadcast the SSID. Anyone who has the skills, software to find a non broadcast SSID should be able to break any other security features your router has. If you want to know more google WiFi security.
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6885|Malaga, EspaƱa
well i,m one Wire
and my Bro Pc and my Dads Laptop are on WiFi. i got the base station connected to my Computer
there are not problems with the other pc's when they play games.
but there is if my Bro is freaking downloading stuff . but hey...I pull the Plug out of my Basestation and Problem solved
+18|6787|Varsseveld, Netherlands
I prefer wired, because theres no battery in your mouse and its lighter


Last edited by metal1215 (2007-01-08 07:42:45)

When I got a new comp, we temporarily used wlan but it just freezed all the time. BUT that could surely have been because the wlan box was downstairs
Un Moderador

wireless sucks, end of story
i have wireless
You like that, biatch!?
I have wireless and i'm 3 floors away from my router .... i have no problems, i'm also in an american clan and i play in an american server... no freezes here
Check your AA alarm...
+82|6936|Idaho, USA / Age 30
I will have to second what DrM said!!!! 

Ok,  I better say something because I work for an ISP that is in the TOP 15 Wireless ISP in the US.  As a ISP techsupport that is all I deal with all day is customers wireless and DSL and dialup problems.   So, here is my 2 cents worth on the subject of wireless

  We have a very robust network and Wireless all depends on quite a few things.  Some of you guys got it right when it comes to Distance and signal.   BUT, you are forgetting the other most important part.   NOISE!!  You, say what is noise?   Well Noise is other wireless signals from such things as 2.4Ghz Phones or 5.8Ghz phones and so those can interfere big time.  TRUST ME I KNOW!!   Other noise can consist of other peoples wireless routers HIJACKING your Radio ( Wireless Antenna )  as we call it.  Another thing that can affect it is the Channel of the wireless signal.   In 802.11b there are 11 channels.   To find one out there that is not overrunned by noise is very hard to do.  We have access points in towns that if you change the channel on one you have to think about the other Access points that might be on a channel that might be close to the channel that you are changing it to.  Because you can cause big time interference for other access points. 

I would say that wireless can be very fast.  Even faster then cable and DSL.  I had wireless but when I moved the access point I shot to was so full of noise from other apartment complexs wireless access points that I had to go with DSL.  So, I wish I could go back to wireless.   

I will stop now.  Time to answer the phones again
wired al the way.

wireless can be good but if u want to have a good wireless connection youl have to spend big bucks wich aint worth it to most people.

i had wireless on my 2nd PC and its ping was crappy compaired to my wired PC.
i have an Asus router and had a cheap Asus Wlan card in the PC wich was adviced by Asus to use in combo with that router.
Wel ping sucked, and like said by others id lose connection every few.
I then did a simple google search onit and seemed the Chips used on the adviced Asus WLAN card wasnt a good combo with that router.
i then bought an Expensive Linksys Wlan card and since then the Ping is only a lil above my wired PCs ping and i dont lose connection anymore.
And what PFCStenzel said, if u want it all to work wel u usualy have to put a bit of work into tuning ur router settings.

So to be short Wlan is nvr as good as wired.

i agree with you that in theory wireless can be very fast faster then cable and dsl.
But thats theory and in reality there r to many things that influence Wireless speed so in the near future a good cable entwork will always beat a good wireless network.

Last edited by Static-nl (2006-05-17 09:19:05)

The Insomniac
4mb wired does me :>.
I play on both... wireless is not the problem, your hardware can be.

If you have the proper match between your wireless router and your wireless card, there is very little difference. But some wireless card vendor works better with some wireless router.

Where for wired network you don't have to worry about this.

To tell wireless is not good is only saying either "Never used it, never will" or "I used it and my setup was not working as it should".

I play on my laptop with a wireless connection and I don't have problems. I have an intel wireless with a linksys router.

Last edited by Buzerk1 (2006-05-17 10:09:46)

Check your AA alarm...
+82|6936|Idaho, USA / Age 30
i agree with you that in theory wireless can be very fast faster then cable and dsl.
But thats theory and in reality there r to many things that influence Wireless speed so in the near future a good cable entwork will always beat a good wireless network.

Of course My 3mbps/768kpbs DSL works great.   I wouldn't have it any other way.
wireless has a effect, although very small but increases with range, id say wired is like 1-2 KbPs faster lol, nothing to fret about, but i personally stick with wired cus theres no encryption keys and such to put in if something turns off

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