How is it that the DST is always attacking people. So no I didn't spend 7 months in a dirt hole in Iraq. I'm not a pog. But what I was talking about addressing the entire post, was actually the entire paragraph, sorry for the misunderstanding.
If the USMC can sell MCRD and make a profit it might be beneficial to do so. It will be more efficient to have all the training under one roof. So let's go ahead and condense the entire Marine Corps to one base while we're at it. Just for the sake of it we'll put the Marines on the Pacific Coast and for efficiency sake put all of the Army on the east coast in one base. And we'll give the Navy two bases, I know it's not fair, but, they really should have one on either coast. But we'll only have one ship yard, no matter that it will cut our production down too. Never mind the economical impact this will have on the surrounding areas because now the cost is so much less for the defense budget we will offset that impact.
As for several thousand extra rounds in Ft. Hood. Yes it did happen, and I received several messages from a friend of mine while I was there training without 5.56 at the range, though we managed to supply about 3000 rounds of .308, that they burned off 600 rounds of SAW ammo just to get use to firing from different positions. Standing, kneeling and prone. For a POG unit, he's NBC. Now you tell me that it simply didn't happen.
No the life of every Marine is not extremely difficult as many make it out to be. In fact getting new gear is a lot quicker and easier than it use to be. And some of the Army's units I'm sure have had difficulty getting supplies, the grass is usually greener on the other side of the fence it seems.
As to the blue on blue fire, there are a large amount of reports of Army on Army, Marine on Army, Army on Marine, Marine on Marine, Air Force on both, etc. etc. Proper communication and training helps avoid much of it, but not all. There are examples of reservist and pogs lighting up towns because they thought it was the best way to defend themselves. And of officers having the infantrymen shoot first ask questions later because they wanted to seem fierce. It happens in all branches so take your ignorance and hatred and breed it elsewhere.