My brother and a friend of mine often go with me on my 6km run, but they skipped out a few times and i also do HIIT and it is starting to show.
We all went for the 6km run today and i held back at the start (starting nice and easy, but also holding back so we can run as group), but i kept up with my pace and they started slacking.
I made it back almost 2 minutes faster, with energy to spare.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Kampframmer wrote:

Lets face it.
Someone with 0 knowledge on fitness would take a ripped idiots advice over mine any day. And to be honest, it might seem stupid of them to do so, but i dont blame them.
Yeah. I found it interesting though since you go on any bodybuilding or fitness site and they all say "six small meals a day instead of 3 large ones" or whatever.
Further reading: I have covered the topic of meal frequency at great length on this site before.

The most extensive review of studies on various meal frequencies and TEF was published in 1997. It looked at many different studies that compared TEF during meal frequencies ranging from 1-17 meals and concluded:

"Studies using whole-body calorimetry and doubly-labelled water to assess total 24 h energy expenditure find no difference between nibbling and gorging".

Since then, no studies have refuted this. For a summary of the above cited study, read this research review by Lyle McDonald.

Earlier this year, a new study was published on the topic. As expected, no differences were found between a lower (3 meals) and higher meal (6 meals) frequency. Read this post for my summary of the study. This study garnered some attention in the mass media and it was nice to see the meal frequency myth being debunked in The New York Times.
Also remember Jack LaLanne ate only two meals a day and he is like the Godfather of modern fitness.
I think ive found part of my problem.
When doing OHP youre supposed to have your elbows at the same level or between your hands, but i when i did it i pointed my elbows out.

Heres a very crude drawing made in paint to illustarte what i mean (if it wanst clear yet) The black line is the way i have my arms when the bar is down, and the red line is sort of the way its supoosed to be (you could see this clearer from the side, but i cba to make a 2nd drawing)
Still have to go to the doctor and i'll probably get redirected to a specialist.
Thing is, ive had this problem for months now, even though it has been manageble for a long time, its never recovered 100%, even after short breaks when it flared up real bad.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
This might help, though it makes no mention of elbows being forward, which it does in the book: http://startingstrength.wikia.com/wiki/ … #The_Press
yeah i started to read up on SS form.
I already read all there was on the squat, so theres no form issues there (although i go parallel and not atg) and my DL was okey (it needed some work), same with bench press, but i never checked anything on ohp so i guess that was my first big mistake towards my injury.
Cant do it standing, even though rippetoe says so. Ceiling is too low

Last edited by Kampframmer (2011-07-16 04:28:24)

I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Posting from my gym on my phone
+786|6281|Ontario | Canada
go squat fgt
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
I already did
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6820|The darkside of Denver

Went to the Colorado State NPC Championship this weekend.  My sister was doing the open figure comp.  Wifey didn't compete this time either.

Fucking heavyweight class was unbelievable!
+786|6281|Ontario | Canada
I wonder what the steroid/growth hormone usage rate is with those guys
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6820|The darkside of Denver

Stimey wrote:

I wonder what the steroid/growth hormone usage rate is with those guys
You dont wanna know.
squatted for the first time almost 2 weeks today. in Fact, first workout of any sort.
Stairs will be the death of me.
Whoever karma's me, it was n't an exercise, it was getting to me room after squatting

talking to you..taiwan?

Last edited by PrivateVendetta (2011-07-22 13:51:08)

11 Bravo
+965|5398|Cleveland, Ohio
i never really liked protein powder because it never worked for me......until now.  dunno why but this stuff is really working for me.


Go Cougs!
+691|6451|Washington St.

11 Bravo wrote:

i never really liked protein powder because it never worked for me......until now.  dunno why but this stuff is really working for me.


hmmm. I never really saw much help from Protein Powder but I continued to take it because it seemed like I should. I'll look into this thanks.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
probably you're overly dependent on it.  Its a supplement nothing more, your protein intake should first and foremost be derived from whole foods. 

twice a day max for me 1 after workout and 1 wherever i can fit it (if i can be arsed).
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
11 Bravo
+965|5398|Cleveland, Ohio
Ya I only have one scoop before the workout and two scoop afterwards.
Go Cougs!
+691|6451|Washington St.
Damn! I was taking 2 scoops every other day after my workouts! Maybe not enough then?
Yo BF2s fitness gurus, I want some abs, I mean it's fairly solid right there, no spare tyre or anything, but I would like some definition....Gimme some exercises to do (daily) apart from crunches. I don't really work out on a regular basis, but I do run 5 miles every morning on very difficult terrain, so aerobically I'm all good.
I know fucking karate
11 Bravo
+965|5398|Cleveland, Ohio
Captains chair
11 Bravo
+965|5398|Cleveland, Ohio
Captains chair is hands down the best ab exercise

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