
As far as MMO's went, I really liked how Age of Conan handled combat. I did want to try DCU Online. Tried Champions instead because it was free.
DCU is going to be f2p soon

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

As far as MMO's went, I really liked how Age of Conan handled combat. I did want to try DCU Online. Tried Champions instead because it was free.
age of conan's combat was fun for the first 10 levels. but it was horrific in the later levels, sucked ass for PvP (especially serious endgame play) and was a tedious nightmare for the grind-fest of a game that they implemented it in. do you have any idea how many combos and finishing animations i had to sit through whilst grinding through the completely content-less middle-game? the novelty of cutting some stupid little monster's head off gets old when it chews up 10 seconds of your time, every time, and the game's treadmill requires you to spend about 20 hours per level doing said thing over and over and over...

not to mention the impossibility of landing one of those intricate dance-mat type moves on a HUMAN enemy in PvP, who is constantly moving and darting around... landing that last, all-important keypress in the 5-6 key-long combo was a nightmare and worked maybe - what? - 10% of the time? and then, even if it did work, you and your enemy were 'locked' to one another as some animation played out. wow, such dynamic and real-time PvP! it was rightfully a fucking failure of a game.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
and fwiw all these new comic book MMO's suck fucking terribly. they throw all concept of balance and refinement out of the game just to immediately satisfy comic geek's lifelong uber-fantasies in the short-term. the entire concept is flawed: in an MMO not EVERYONE CAN BE THE HERO. the fact they're inviting you to come and make some individual, personal avatar and to somehow then be arbitrarily restricted by class archetypes and a hokey attempt at establishing faction-lines... it's just another joke-excuse of a game. the only good thing, as i see it, about this latest shit-storm of MMO's is that they're fantastically good at (finally) cashing in on some age-old franchises. who wouldn't want to launch an MMO for their comicbook series, children's cartoon or fishing channel nowadays? they make loads of money in 3 months as all the jaded ex-WoW morons eagerly sign up for something 'new', then they go F2P and have zero-updates and zero-maintenance for the rest of their sorry little lifespans, and everything made after that is a bonus.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
A painful truth about the MMO industry

e: a genre that has spewed out nothing but shit in the last few years.

Last edited by Kampframmer (2011-07-06 10:22:12)

Is the killing floor any good? Looks fun and its on sale atm on steam

e: nvm, seems to be shitty

Last edited by Kampframmer (2011-07-06 10:26:20)

it's a marmite game imo. love it or hate it. i never got into it, never appealed.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
grandmaster league revivalist
66 hours say its good. It´s one of those games I never played for a long consecutive time, but dive in every few weeks having a blast. Thoroughly enjoy it, well worth the money.
It has a brilliant art style, even thouh the animations are a bit clunky. I found it to be the better L4D.
Yeah I think Killing Floor was a great purchase. I've gotten good enjoyment out of it over the years. You know, gone back to it every now and then and it's still fun to play.
+354|6161|Vortex Ring State
KF is nice

a bit grindy at times


but yeah animations are nice, interesting gameplay (manual infinite regenerating health), nice zombie variety

zombie balance is top-notch imo.

Last edited by Trotskygrad (2011-07-06 15:38:20)


Uzique wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

As far as MMO's went, I really liked how Age of Conan handled combat. I did want to try DCU Online. Tried Champions instead because it was free.
age of conan's combat was fun for the first 10 levels. but it was horrific in the later levels, sucked ass for PvP (especially serious endgame play) and was a tedious nightmare for the grind-fest of a game that they implemented it in. do you have any idea how many combos and finishing animations i had to sit through whilst grinding through the completely content-less middle-game? the novelty of cutting some stupid little monster's head off gets old when it chews up 10 seconds of your time, every time, and the game's treadmill requires you to spend about 20 hours per level doing said thing over and over and over...

not to mention the impossibility of landing one of those intricate dance-mat type moves on a HUMAN enemy in PvP, who is constantly moving and darting around... landing that last, all-important keypress in the 5-6 key-long combo was a nightmare and worked maybe - what? - 10% of the time? and then, even if it did work, you and your enemy were 'locked' to one another as some animation played out. wow, such dynamic and real-time PvP! it was rightfully a fucking failure of a game.
I have to agree to a certain extent. PVP in AoC was more annoying than it was engaging. In fact, when I cash in on my remaining two months, I'll probably stick to PVM. It was nice being able to successfully ambush and kill someone of a ridiculously higher level, but it wasn't fun sitting in the bushes for an hour waiting for your opportunity to strike. The fact that they flushed my archer because I was inactive for so long hasn't helped, either. I can see where the same combo animation playing over and over again would get old after awhile, but it was a good thought to do something other than have people standing on one spot hacking again and again with identical rhythmic swings.

I'd be playing WoW now, but I'd rather start it when I'm absolutely bored with everything else, or when I replace this crash-happy laptop. I don't feel like having the thing reboot on me all the time while I'm trying to get somewhere.

Uzique wrote:

and fwiw all these new comic book MMO's suck fucking terribly. they throw all concept of balance and refinement out of the game just to immediately satisfy comic geek's lifelong uber-fantasies in the short-term. the entire concept is flawed: in an MMO not EVERYONE CAN BE THE HERO.
And this. Champions starts you in the middle of defending Millennium City against an alien invasion along with twenty or so other noobs stuck in your realm #. So after some of that coop effort, it seems kind of phony when you walk down the stairs alone while being saluted by the military and police to receive your key to the city. Sure, I'll take credit for all that, I guess...

It seemed a bit too soon for that. You don't have to work hard at all to gain NPC recognition. In a world full of superheroes, it would have felt more 'realistic' starting off as a nobody and staying that way for awhile until you do something really difficult and important for the game's universe. I'd rather climb my way up the recognition curve than just have it given to me like a cheat code.

It's a pretty good game for F2P (liking it FAR more than STO's phony land combat in arenas the size of and Unreal Tournament map), but many of its elements feel contrived. And unlike Freedom Force, it's taking itself seriously.
+3,936|6662|so randum
just completed the soviet campaign on RA3
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

Steam really needs to add more mod, patch, and expansion options.

Macbeth wrote:

Steam really needs to add more mod, patch, and expansion options.
I agree with you Macbeth
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

grandmaster league revivalist
Can´t wait till this tech is ready for home use.
11 Bravo
+965|5399|Cleveland, Ohio
bought ncaa12.  like ncaa12.
+786|6282|Ontario | Canada

Stimey wrote:

I like.
That Guy
+236|5198|Massachusetts, USA
PC owners would rape 360 owners online.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
+786|6282|Ontario | Canada
inb4 all the ReachAround and BLOPS players start using M+K
That Guy
+236|5198|Massachusetts, USA
Most 360 blops/reach  players probably couldn't afford a proper computer to use a M&K.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
+786|6282|Ontario | Canada
all the progamers*

who would get their computers from sponsors.
or if the old teams are too stubborn to switch watch them get raped by a bunch of amateurs with M+K
That Guy
+236|5198|Massachusetts, USA
Thankfully most of the progamers who play 360 don't play pubs.

Although, it would be a nice challenge every so often.

Last edited by UnkleRukus (2011-07-12 20:08:54)

If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
+786|6282|Ontario | Canada
They'll split the playlist for computer/xbox after about 3 months cause the console kiddies will get too mad

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