that was just to be a dick but sure go ahead and take it seriously
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
Obviously I was speaking directly to the stabbing comment.Poseidon wrote:
Poseidon wrote:
There was a rumor she'd been stabbed or hurt and he was comforting her waiting for an ambulance. Hard to believe but there's other stories out there I guess.
Poseidon wrote:
Forgot exactly where I saw it. It was that photo captioned somewhere. I couldn't really believe it when I read it tbh.Kmar wrote:
Where did you see that?
Why the fuck would somebody stab.... never mind
Ireland in the 1920's? Ireland, tonight, right now in East Belfast !!- Journalist shot, load of Catholic workers marched out of a shopping centre, shit is going sour real quick..Doctor Strangelove wrote:
Ireland in the 1920s begs to differ.
Oh wait I forgot, you don't consider Catholics to be real Christians do you. .
Last edited by IG-Calibre (13 years, 7 months ago)
FatherTed wrote:
fuck vancouver because it's a brown and yellow shithole
Last edited by oug (13 years, 6 months ago)