Enjoy it Euro's

http://www.space.com/11941-extra-long-t … esday.html
Countries in prime viewing position
According to NASA's eclipse website, Wednesday's total lunar eclipse will be visible during its peak to skywatchers throughout Europe, with the exception of Scotland and northern Scandinavia.
In eastern South America, Western Europe and the west coast of Africa, the eclipse will occur Wednesday evening, according to Rao. Skywatchers in eastern Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina have a chance to see the lunar eclipse during its total stage, NASA officials said.
But for some countries, the event will be visible in the wee hours of Thursday (June 16) because the eclipse's region of visibility crosses the International Date Line. The early Thursday viewing times apply to observers in central Siberia, eastern Mongolia, northeast China, and most of Japan, Korea, New Guinea, eastern Australia and New Zealand, Rao explained.
"Eastern Asia, eastern Australia, and New Zealand will miss the last stages of eclipse because they occur after moonset," the NASA Eclipse Website advisory stated.

http://www.space.com/11941-extra-long-t … esday.html
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