Pediblah, the US government doesn't have a system for those in need of tire replacement.
Darth_Fleder, my proposal isn't me thinking of ways to spend other peoples' money, it's me thinking of ways to better allocate their money.
Nuka, the question arose within me whether or not people would be motivated to pursue careers in which the accruing of over 2 million was possible. So, in my P.S. statement, I made an ammendment identifying that upping the cap to 100 million could be a tad more reasonable. Who knows, maybe we should discuss what the cap should be then? 'Cause we all know Oprah and Billy would give us a hoot were such a "meager cap" to be initialized. BTW, entrepreneurship doesn't steer innovation.
(P.S. All those athletes will be so discouraged! Everyone is making such good sneakers because of their excellent work! What would we do if they didnt have that extra 4 million to encourage them to work?! WHAT WOULD WE DO?!?!?! [I realize that athletes are the entrepreneurs you referenec when you say that innovation will be squelched, the precluding comment is just a poke at the majority of big-buck makers.])
Last edited by Xietsu (18 years, 8 months ago)