First off sorry for the big ol long post... lots of catching up to do...
Sgt.Gh0st wrote:
I'd never do such a lame thing as locking a squad for a girl or anything like that. I'd be friggin honourd if a girl would join my squad since I didnt see 1 girl on entire BF2 yet . But I'd like to play vs you Just to point out wich of us would be the best . (plz dont take any of my reply's as an insult or something:P)
none taken. i enjoy a friendly challenge.
en gardeMattCicioni wrote:
Shifty forgot to mention I taught her everything she knows about BF2. ;-)
Just kidding.
But she is quite an asset to any squad. Always spawns on squad leader, follows orders, very good gunner in both chopper and bomber., and chooses kits that the squad needs filled. I highly recommend her if you are leading a squad. Don't let her get on the other team or she'll kick your ass, "mayne".
aww! teh much thanks!
meesta cicioni is an awesome squadleader, so yeah... we make teh formidible team.
Minnesoter wrote:
Indeed. I find I have been kicked quite a few times once it's discovered that I'm female. Definitely a blow to their fragile egos. Granted, I do talk too much shit in a game, so perhaps the kicks are warranted. Although, it's quite humorous to hear the screams of disbelief when I use VOIP to my Squad Members at the end of an exceptionally well played round.
i love VOIP for the sole purpose of this line, "OH MY GOD she's REALLY a girl. and she knifed that guy in the face!" ahee... have you been asked by one of your squad mates to marry you, before? the count for me is 5 so far... haha...
MattCicioni wrote:
Perhaps you could sell some merchandise on this site, like a BF2S glow in the dark thong with the words "Owned" on them.
What? Stop looking at me like that! It made sense before I typed and my "backspace" key is missing.
you are teh crazy... oy... but i would totally buy those. it would be the gaming outfit.. hahaa...
Last edited by shiftygirl (2005-10-27 00:51:53)