The vast majority of android users I know are perfectly happy with their android phones. It just appears you (un)lucked out with a lemon. Shit, my brother inlaw is still rockin the original droid (which came out around the same time as the hero) with no "lagg" or market issues. Is it the fastest phone available? No. Does it do everything it was marketed to do? Yes. I'm sorry, and my point isn't to bruise your ego, but you just bought a sucky phone. I'd say luck of the draw, but with a thousand and one technology review sites out I can't imagine anyone doing there homework and still claiming ignorance. Some, including myself, are ex-iphone users. .. why would someone go back to a mobile os that offered less in the way of devices and customization? Don't get me wrong, the iphone is a perfectly capable device. In fact I still suggest it to some people.. people who aren't tech-savvy. It's perfect for them.
Xbone Stormsurgezz