Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6746|132 and Bush

"This is absolute proof that I am correct," said Camping. "The rapture definitely took place, but there just wasn't a soul worth saving so it went unnoticed. The world will still end in October, as planned."

When asked why he, as a good Christian, hadn't ascended at 6PM California time, Mr. Camping offered little explanation, simply saying, "Why I am still here is irrelevant; all I can do now is take the 80 million dollar surplus my organization has collected from religious donors to the Cayman Islands where I intend to work tirelessly spreading the word of God before the End of Days in October." … 65156.html
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

Cayman Islands! 80 million! LOL
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Wow, that's a nice con job he got away with.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
So fucking classic.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6746|132 and Bush

Kmar wrote:

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

how the fuck can they afford all this advertising? They have a ton of ads on the Metrobuses and in Metro stations. That's not chump change I think.
i guess
Allen, however, had concerns about donors. In the weeks leading up to the predicted rapture, one longtime donor stopped her monthly contributions and sent a note to the station that she wanted to send a bulk payment of $10,000 instead, Allen said. … ck_check=1
that's the way most evangelical leaders operate.

I mean, what makes this interesting, is that it's seemingly so transparent and yet people still eat it up.
May 21 End of the World: Harold Camping's $72M business.. … /index.htm
PT Barnum would be proud.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
I don't know the law here but I'm guessing the answer is no: is anything he did here illegal?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6746|132 and Bush

On the surface no. But if you looked at the donations on a case by case basis there could be legal action. The law varies by state.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Mass Media Casualty

I'm surprised no-one has sued Family Radio for false advertising.
[Blinking eyes thing]
+93|6818|Alaska, mother fucker.
Thanks for the idea Ty, gonna go get me some of the cash crop... People are just plain idiots.
Mass Media Casualty

I'm serious too, Camping and his group should be punished for this whole thing. It's all very easy to laugh at the idiocy of it all but the bullshit he spouted had serious implications for many people - granted many of these people are gullible idiots who were caught up in it but that's far from the point. Camping was allowed to advertise to a massive degree and there should be a burden of proof on him. If fraudsters and scammers are held accountable for conning people out of money then so should Camping.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
If camping gets sued so should every religious institution that excepts donations.
11 Bravo
+965|5382|Cleveland, Ohio

Ty wrote:

I'm serious too, Camping and his group should be punished for this whole thing. It's all very easy to laugh at the idiocy of it all but the bullshit he spouted had serious implications for many people - granted many of these people are gullible idiots who were caught up in it but that's far from the point. Camping was allowed to advertise to a massive degree and there should be a burden of proof on him. If fraudsters and scammers are held accountable for conning people out of money then so should Camping.
i do not agree one bit.  if people dont know religion is bullshit by now then fuck em.
Busy doing highfalutin adminy stuff ...
+1,335|6794|Washington DC

Ty wrote:

I'm serious too, Camping and his group should be punished for this whole thing ....  If fraudsters and scammers are held accountable for conning people out of money then so should Camping.
The Bible that Camping uses for his messages also says that he should be put to death for speaking false prophecies
But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded him to say, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, must be put to death. (Deut 18:20)
Of course, people don't do that ... instead they just keep giving him another chance to mislead them.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5847|College Park, MD

11 Bravo wrote:

Ty wrote:

I'm serious too, Camping and his group should be punished for this whole thing. It's all very easy to laugh at the idiocy of it all but the bullshit he spouted had serious implications for many people - granted many of these people are gullible idiots who were caught up in it but that's far from the point. Camping was allowed to advertise to a massive degree and there should be a burden of proof on him. If fraudsters and scammers are held accountable for conning people out of money then so should Camping.
i do not agree one bit.  if people dont know religion is bullshit by now then fuck em.
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5534|Fuck this.

Superior Mind wrote:

If camping gets sued so should every religious institution that excepts donations.
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

accepts donations?
Mass Media Casualty

11 Bravo wrote:

Ty wrote:

I'm serious too, Camping and his group should be punished for this whole thing. It's all very easy to laugh at the idiocy of it all but the bullshit he spouted had serious implications for many people - granted many of these people are gullible idiots who were caught up in it but that's far from the point. Camping was allowed to advertise to a massive degree and there should be a burden of proof on him. If fraudsters and scammers are held accountable for conning people out of money then so should Camping.
i do not agree one bit.  if people dont know religion is bullshit by now then fuck em.
See I agree with this. People who believe in religion and believe people like Harold Camping are scraping the bottom of the intelligence barrel so much that they're bringing up splinters. But while I am inclined to agree with the "fuck 'em" sentiment I also don't like to see fuckheads like Camping get away with their bullshit. This goes for all those Televangelist types who con old ladies out of their retirement fund as well.

Hell it might just be professional jealousy, I know that I could never manage to con so many out of so much and get away with it.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Busy doing highfalutin adminy stuff ...
+1,335|6794|Washington DC

Ty, in a world that allows freedom of choice, the possibility of poor decisions will always be an option.  You can't protect everyone from everything, and there are plenty of opportunities in this world that take people's money based on poor discipline and ignorance.
  • I see banks taking sometimes hundreds of dollars a month from people as a "convenience" to let them temporarily overdraw their account.
  • I see payday loan businesses charging 800% interest rates.
  • I see potato chip companies charging $4 for a bag of 90% air.
  • I see colleges and universities raising tuition for no economic reason, except people are willing to keep paying.
  • I see cell phone companies charge $20 a month to allow users to send out a few kb's of text messages.

The point is that people and their money are soon parted ... there will always be a person willing to take your money for whatever you want.  If they want to give it to a hope and a dream, then they have that option.  Dreams and hopes have value to some people just as much as a potato chip bag full of mostly air has to other people.

OrangeHound wrote:

Dreams and hopes have value to some people just as much as a potato chip bag full of mostly air has to other people.
when someone takes your money, and promises an outcome that can't be met, that is fraud. in any industry outside of religion, it is actionable fraud.
11 Bravo
+965|5382|Cleveland, Ohio

Ty wrote:

I also don't like to see fuckheads like Camping get away with their bullshit.
go arrest the pope then i will agree

Last edited by 11 Bravo (2011-05-24 07:28:38)


Preacher says world will actually end in October … e_saturday

Keep sending in those contributions! They're only wrong until their right!
eleven bravo
+1,399|5404|foggy bottom

Superior Mind wrote:

If camping gets sued so should every religious institution that excepts donations.
no acceptions?
Tu Stultus Es
eleven bravo
+1,399|5404|foggy bottom

Kmar wrote:

"This is absolute proof that I am correct," said Camping. "The rapture definitely took place, but there just wasn't a soul worth saving so it went unnoticed. The world will still end in October, as planned."

When asked why he, as a good Christian, hadn't ascended at 6PM California time, Mr. Camping offered little explanation, simply saying, "Why I am still here is irrelevant; all I can do now is take the 80 million dollar surplus my organization has collected from religious donors to the Cayman Islands where I intend to work tirelessly spreading the word of God before the End of Days in October." … 65156.html
Macho Man was raptured
Tu Stultus Es
Busy doing highfalutin adminy stuff ...
+1,335|6794|Washington DC

burnzz wrote:

OrangeHound wrote:

Dreams and hopes have value to some people just as much as a potato chip bag full of mostly air has to other people.
when someone takes your money, and promises an outcome that can't be met, that is fraud. in any industry outside of religion, it is actionable fraud.
Neither is fraud ... just clever marketing that is commonplace in America.

(1)  The potato chip package "looks" like it has lots of chips, but the fine print clearly states how many chips are there.
(2)  The preacher goes to the Bible and concocts lots of things that "look" to be true, but the Bible also says in its "fine print" two things:
  • There will be men who will tell people anything and whatever they want to hear (2 Timothy 4:3)
  • There is no way to know the day or time of any end of the world scenario (Matthew 24:36).

Caveat emptor is the American way ... and so long as all the information is available to the consumer, why should he complain?  The consumer is just being lazy ... and most people who pursue religion are just simply too lazy to really understand all that is going on.  Thus, they are easily fooled.
11 Bravo
+965|5382|Cleveland, Ohio

OrangeHound wrote:

most people who pursue religion are just simply too lazy to really understand all that is going on.  Thus, they are easily fooled.

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