+66|7154|Missoula, MT
This is just a personal pet peeve of mine: grammatical errors. 

Now I know I'm not perfect at it, I make typos just like everyone else.  I just think that simply taking time to proofread once should be sufficient.  In my opinion, what you put out there is a reflection of your intelligence.  Or lack of...sometimes.  It's all about how you represent yourself! 

Is it that people today just don't care?  Or is it the public education system?  Or a combination of both?  I don't know.  I do know it was taught when I went to school and I actually learned it.  Maybe kids today are being taught, but just not learning?  I honestly don't know.  But it bugs the "you-know-what" out of me sometimes to see what people write anymore. 

I'm not just talking about the forums either.  I'm amazed sometimes at what I see on the bulletin board here at work!  Society in general seems to be suffering from the bad grammar disease.  When words like "ain't", which previously wasn't a real word, becomes a real word just because people refuse to stop using it instead of the word "isn't", it really disturbs me.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not slamming the people who don't use English as a primary written language.  I find the fact that they even try to be very admirable.  If you studied English at the bloody University of Cairo, you're forgiven.    I'd say my rant is mostly directed at everyone else. 

Sure, we all do get in our hurries these days.  But come on, take time to check yourself and your grammar.  It'll make your point that much more effective if you've spelled everything correctly.  Maybe Chuy should add a spellchecker? 

After writing this little rant, I'm sure now that it will be met with some agreement and some disagreement.  Probably some sarcasm too.  And that's ok.  It is a free forum!  No grammatization without representation!

Peace, out! 

(yeah, I know grammatization ain't a word, but it added feeling to my statement! )
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Finally someone else with the brains and 'giveadamn' to write properly.  I don't proofread most of my writing on forums, emails, etc... but atleast I use the proper "they're their there".
just nothing

beeng wrote:

"they're their there".
That would be "they're, their, or there".
Get C4, here!

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

beeng wrote:

"they're their there".
That would be "they're, their, or there".
Quiet you.  [grabs the grammer giblet of glorious gloom]
I already said I'm not perfect when writing in the forums.
+0|7107|Radcliff, KY
Destroy Noob Cannons
Though I'm not perfect, I try to atleast use correct spelling and capitalization.
I also have a bad habit of using ellipsis, But I'm trying to overcome it!
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

I guess for me it's ok as long as I can understand what the person is talking about.

furthermore, as a non-native speaker of english, it is always funny and interesting to me to learn about various slang expressions and see how young folks in the US talk and / or write.
Radioactive Glo
+130|7151|A Small Isle in the Tropics

blame it on the text messaging generation. i have seen business emails written a-la-text-messaging style .. It was really painful to read. the message ended with a "thx U"

a good foundation in English is absolutely essential in any education system where English is the primary language of instruction. if that foundation is weak, well, you pay for it in the latter years. i grew up in a household where the entire family speaks English (we are chinese), and my dad would have a go at me for poor English grammar, and frankly, i still make those mistakes to this very day.

i will agree that if one graduates from University of Timbuktu, and english is not the lingua franca, perfectly excusable.

and it also boils down to exercising discipline when writing.
+66|7154|Missoula, MT
Well said mikeshw...  Thanks to all for the nice feedback.  It's nice to know I'm not alone here. 
Get C4, here!

mikeshw wrote:

blame it on the text messaging generation. i have seen business emails written a-la-text-messaging style .. It was really painful to read. the message ended with a "thx U"
YES.  It's not so bad here in Canada, but I found the UK -horrible- for 'kthxbi' language.  Emails, messages, text messages.. you name it I couldn't read it.  I was able to decode most of it, but I wasted so much time doing so.

Yeah grammer is good.

There are, however, times where those people who couldn't write a proper sentance if their life depended on it make up some rather hilariously nonsensical sentances.

The biggest problem I have is when people are in such a rush that they make errors that are just beyond the borders of retardation. Those people are almost always asking for help too, which makes it nearly impossible to help them because they're already frustrated, and now they're just angry because no one knows how to help them because they can't actually expalin themselves (or take the time to do so.) (haha, check out that awesome run on!)
Radioactive Glo
+130|7151|A Small Isle in the Tropics

@chuy... were there intentional Freudian slips in your writeup.. j/k

we live in too fast moving a time to pause and think, well, most times. everything is fast, fast, fast. lag is no good.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland

mikeshw wrote:

@chuy... were there intentional Freudian slips in your writeup.. j/k

we live in too fast moving a time to pause and think, well, most times. everything is fast, fast, fast. lag is no good.
Lagg no good indeed. I'd like to see Capital Letters and full-stops aswell .
Radioactive Glo
+130|7151|A Small Isle in the Tropics

Sgt.Gh0st wrote:

Lagg no good indeed. I'd like to see Capital Letters and full-stops aswell .
I did think about that when I first started posting on the forums. Its a carry over from Internet habits of mine. Caps always means shouting, so to avoid any misunderstandings, I go with lower caps most times.

How is that for sentence case? Better?
just nothing

beeng wrote:

mikeshw wrote:

How is that for sentence case? Better?
[starts a 'didn't anyone learn spelling in school?' topic]
SENTENCE is spelled with an E.
Get C4, here!

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

beeng wrote:

mikeshw wrote:

How is that for sentence case? Better?
[starts a 'didn't anyone learn spelling in school?' topic]
SENTENCE is spelled with an E.

Seriously though, I think i got it mixed up with the name Sentance... Blagh!
I was thinking "pfff, thats one of them canadian/american language differences, like favourite and flavour"... nope, just me screwin' up muh' wordz.

MS word, fo' makin' lettaz and shit
"It's Recharging!"
Get C4, here!

Word ryan, word.
Pew Pew!
+216|7161|San Francisco

I ditto everything thusfar discussed in this thread.

"Grammar still cool, you pay later!" (obscure simpsons reference...)
Having just finished 11 years of teaching 'life skills', I found the sorry side effect to be quite disturbing, street wise yes, but the obvious decline in standards all too apparent.

"Yo my man waaaaasuuuuuuup". Thank you Budweiser .
Personally I think peolple just don't care anymore, and it's hard not to fall into what's become the norm. I try to post 'grammatically' correct posts, but then some may see that as a little 'high brow'. As mentioned above, 'text speak', yes it might be easier quicker and simpler, but each time you use it, it takes away several thousand brain cells, (figuratively speaking).

So in ending my post on what I think is a great thread, get daaahn widdit, gr8 m8 i fink we shud al geddit ohhhn wi wat is goin on... So to speak
Radioactive Glo
+130|7151|A Small Isle in the Tropics

thinner44 wrote:

So in ending my post on what I think is a great thread, get daaahn widdit, gr8 m8 i fink we shud al geddit ohhhn wi wat is goin on... So to speak
Ah, Thinner..Queen's English eh.. j/k

mikeshw wrote:

thinner44 wrote:

So in ending my post on what I think is a great thread, get daaahn widdit, gr8 m8 i fink we shud al geddit ohhhn wi wat is goin on... So to speak
Ah, Thinner..Queen's English eh.. j/k
Hell yeah ... erm, I mean, quite

I love the lighter side of life
Lol I could spot grammatical errors in the original post

For example, one should never begin a sentence with 'Or'.

Last edited by BladeRunner (2005-11-05 04:00:54)

The Forum Alien
+89|7119|The planet Tophet
ok so we are gramer nazi? gosh people make mistakes
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland
0mg n0 n33d n00b gr4mm3r. !'m s0 1337 ! us3 ub3r ch4t sk!llzz n00bi3s.

ppftz0rs wh0 n33ds gr4mm3r roflol omgz0r.

Ph3r3 |v|y |_|b3r 5k!||z

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