lowing wrote:
Jay wrote:
lowing wrote:
Ya really feel your life is in danger? Really? While you are at it, you might wanna quit driving to rule out any possibility of you getting killed in a car accident. There are a hellova lot more CRIMINALS shot by cops...I have no problem with it.
Of course you don't. You don't believe in the justice system. You believe in the vigilante system. I bet you like to think that you'd enjoy pulling the trigger if given the job of rounding up a posse and chasing after a criminal.
There's a reason that posses and vigilante justice is a myth and not reality. Sorry lowing.
Oh I believe in the justice system as it is supposed to be, and it is not supposed to be where the criminal outguns the law. I do not believe in vigilante justice. I do believe in the right to defend yourself with deadly force. Been down this road before Jay, I own guns yes, I like to go shooting yes. I have no desire to kill anyone, not even in self defense. I do have a desire to ensure the protection of my family and my possessions.
In one thread the argument is, it is the cops job to protect us, not our own, and in this thread you don't even want the cops to have the ability to effectively protect themselves, let alone us. What is it you expect from s police force exactly?
I expect violence to be the absolute last resort. I expect cops to announce themselves before busting down a door. I expect them to be wearing uniforms as they enter. I expect them to show restraint.
I want SWAT teams abolished. Every podunk municipality seems to have one now and they all have to justify their budget in some way. So, instead of sending a patrol car to serve a warrant, they instead load up the van, send in the gung ho motherfuckers with automatic weapons to serve the warrant and then say 'oops' when it goes wrong. How hard is it to announce POLICE!? If that's not enough, toss a flash bang in. Use rubber bullets. Tazers. Do you know how fucking easy it is to take someone down with non-lethal force? Ridiculous.