Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5532|London, England

Shocking wrote:

BALTINS wrote:

Weird isn't it, for the first time in centuries is Europe war free for such a long time.
If you look at the history it does seem very strange, before WW1&2 came about every decade there would always be some countries kicking eachother's teeth in. It was the 'war to end all wars' on the continent so to speak, so massive it changed everything.
I think that has less to do with being all friendly and stuff and more to do with having the looming threat of USSR vs USA on the plains of Europe for so many decades. Guess we'll see going forward. As long as you keep nationalists like le pen in line you should be A-OK
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

You kinda forgot the Cold War in that analysis. Sure you guys never did anything but everything west of Germany was ready to kill everything east of Germany for 50 years.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5532|London, England

Macbeth wrote:

You kinda forgot the Cold War in that analysis. Sure you guys never did anything but everything west of Germany was ready to kill everything east of Germany for 50 years.
Son, I know you ain't talkin' to me.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
The loyalty to the Soviets in Eastern Europe wasn't exactly high, it'd come down to NATO versus Russia.
sorry you feel that way

Jay wrote:

I think that has less to do with being all friendly and stuff and more to do with having the looming threat of USSR vs USA on the plains of Europe for so many decades. Guess we'll see going forward. As long as you keep nationalists like le pen in line you should be A-OK
Being stuck inbetween two superpowers definitely helped in shaping the mindset that's around today, yeah. Suddenly it wasn't all about Europe anymore, either - quite a lot of wake up calls in a short time I'd say.

His type of nationalist, I feel, are actually very dangerous. Their prime objective seems to be destroy all the progress that's been made in the past 70 years, on top of that they're getting an awful lot of votes due to the incompetence of most of the ruling parties . Most of these parties just pass themselves off as being single-issue, any debate with the leading figure will always be diverted towards immigration and integration, which they use to pull in voters.

Good thing these parties are usually staffed by people who have no experience and are generally incompetent, having them end up as the majority in parlement does a good job at showing that, so, thankfully they're self destructive.

Still annoying.

Last edited by Shocking (2011-03-24 18:25:32)

inane little opines
eleven bravo
+1,399|5433|foggy bottom
Tu Stultus Es
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5532|London, England

eleven bravo wrote:

Fuck you, now I don't feel special.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

eleven bravo wrote:

Standard response to insults and accusations...Can't control how ya feel, and can't be bothered to try so all I can do is feel sorry ya feel that way. I hope my genuine concern for my popularity here shows

Last edited by lowing (2011-03-24 18:40:41)

11 Bravo
+965|5411|Cleveland, Ohio

11 Bravo wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

11 Bravo wrote:

They weren't rebels to begin with, if you followed this earlier as soon as it started. They were just protesting like they did in Egypt, except the violence that hit them back was like never seen before. They had to become rebels/armed militia, or die.

When it comes to real dictators and people like Gaddafi, it's hard to not sympathise with those who want him gone.

He keeps saying the same shit, bringing up irrelevant crap about Sandanistas and things as if it correlates with this shit. He doesn't even know what he's talking about, it seems like he's barely bothered to see what the situation is and is instead using history to jump to silly conclusions in order to justify whatever opinions he holds.
was like never seen before?

ok now you need to show me some proof.  have had about enough of this crap being tossed around with no solid proof.
sorry you feel that way
You won't get it because there is none
inane little opines
There are videos of Libyan soldiers being executed (for not following orders to kill protesters).
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Dilbert_X wrote:

As I said already, if you're enforcing a ceasefire, or a safe-zone, wouldn't it be a good idea to take out all the tanks and artillery?  Good idea for them to be taking potshots at you?

This logic only applies to air wars apparently.
Your logic is infallible, Dilbert.

Until you apply it to the real world.

Let's do that, shall we?

Don't touch the air defenses, radars, or C2. Put up your Tornados, Typhoons, Rafales, etc. within the threat range of those SA-5s, SA-6s, SA-8s, and the like. They've got their ATC and long-range civilian radars linked in to their military air defenses (radar's radar, right?). The fighters' RWR keeps going off, but they can't do anything, because Dilbert said it would be stupid to respond. Suddenly, there's telephone poles with rocket motors on one end and explosives on the other end heading their way, cued by the radars that have been painting them right and left. Too late to do anything...they're totally defensive, and dead shortly. Because it's "stupid" to do anything about the threats.

Sure...you can respond later. Once you generate the additional sorties and figure out how to replace the planes and aircrew you just lost because of your brilliant planning.

You get to write all the letters and explain to the public why you told them to do nothing.

Fucking brilliant.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
11 Bravo
+965|5411|Cleveland, Ohio

BALTINS wrote:

There are videos of Libyan soldiers being executed (for not following orders to kill protesters).
do share

11 Bravo wrote:

BALTINS wrote:

There are videos of Libyan soldiers being executed (for not following orders to kill protesters).
do share

i guess being executed was the wrong wording.
11 Bravo
+965|5411|Cleveland, Ohio

BALTINS wrote:

11 Bravo wrote:

BALTINS wrote:

There are videos of Libyan soldiers being executed (for not following orders to kill protesters).
do share

i guess being executed was the wrong wording.
thats not proof at all.  sorry but please verify that vid.

11 Bravo wrote:

BALTINS wrote:

11 Bravo wrote:

do share

i guess being executed was the wrong wording.
thats not proof at all.  sorry but please verify that vid.
there are a bunch of videos on youtube about snipers,police so on shooting at protesters, it's just too vague as proof really. I guess the proof will come out afterwards depending on the outcome of the whole mess.
sorry you feel that way
least the talibs tape their executions

I don't doubt it could be true, but this is still not a 'gadaffi vs civillians' thing, straight from wiki;

The uprising began on 15 February 2011. Gaddafi soon struggled to retain control[33] so responded with military force. Parts of the Libyan military in the east defected and Gaddafi recruited foreign volunteers. From a diplomatic angle, Gaddafi offered talks with opposition leaders through a representative but the rebels rejected this and attacked pro-Gaddafi civilians by their own admission.[60]
inane little opines
11 Bravo
+965|5411|Cleveland, Ohio

BALTINS wrote:

11 Bravo wrote:

thats not proof at all.  sorry but please verify that vid.
there are a bunch of videos on youtube about snipers,police so on shooting at protesters, it's just too vague as proof really. I guess the proof will come out afterwards depending on the outcome of the whole mess.
seen them.  aint proof.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Shocking wrote:

Most of the work? Hey now...

Anyway I understand your point, if the news is right though the plan was for the US to concede leadership of the operation to EU forces as quick as possible and then play a minor supporting role.
Most of the shootin' work, at least. The majority of the non-US force is performing CAP and support roles, from what I've seen. The bulk of the cruise missiles (all but ~12, about 20% of the UK inventory) have been US.

Not e-penis waving. It's just a fact. Unfortunately...preponderance of forces and all.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
at this point it's too late for proof anyways, sides have been taken. all thats left is whether the opposition leaders are worth a damn.
sorry you feel that way

FEOS wrote:

Most of the shootin' work, at least. The majority of the non-US force is performing CAP and support roles, from what I've seen. The bulk of the cruise missiles (all but ~12, about 20% of the UK inventory) have been US.

Not e-penis waving. It's just a fact. Unfortunately...preponderance of forces and all.
And now the immense problems they're having with figuring out who's going to take over leadership on the operation, honestly...

They should really just start shaping the EU military staff into taking this role, there's no way any of the countries here are going to engage in a conflict without the involvement of others anyway, that we can't figure out a chain of command really highlights the glaringly obvious weakness and external dependance of the EU forces.

Does it actually work getting all those different nationalities to conduct missions? I would think that each of them having slightly different doctrines and entirely different languages affects the overall effectiveness of the fighting force dramatically.
inane little opines
eleven bravo
+1,399|5433|foggy bottom

lowing wrote:

Standard response to insults and accusations...Can't control how ya feel, and can't be bothered to try so all I can do is feel sorry ya feel that way. I hope my genuine concern for my popularity here shows
sorry you feel that way, lowing
Tu Stultus Es
sorry you feel that way, eleven bravo

eleven bravo wrote:

lowing wrote:

Standard response to insults and accusations...Can't control how ya feel, and can't be bothered to try so all I can do is feel sorry ya feel that way. I hope my genuine concern for my popularity here shows
sorry you feel that way, lowing
Neh, no worries.

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